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  1. G

    See These Cheap T5 Tubes

    I got this link from somewhere on this forum and have just got an arcadia ibar for my juwel 300 to replace one of my ballasts and need to buy some T5's ..................are these two tubes from this site any good do you think ?
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    Aquaessentials 4dkh Water

    great, I emailed Richard today so hopefully will get a replacement when he has them.............Im glad my test kit wasnt that unreliable otherwise I may as well throw them all away
  3. G

    Aquaessentials 4dkh Water

    my result was the same Test kit - Nutrafin Result - 1 drop to turn water yellow KH reading - 1dKH I havent used mine in the tank yet as Im still waiting for my bromos blue reagent to arrive in the post
  4. G

    How Best To Change To T5

    thats not good.............the only other option then would be to buy some arcadia I bars to replace the juwel batons I have and use the existing flaps for my tank. With 4 T8 tubes already I dont have the room to add any more tubes alongside the ones I have
  5. G

    How Best To Change To T5

    Ive just got a bargain of a Juwel 300 (used to have a 240) is deeper so my 4 x T8 tubes arent cutting the mustard and I want to upgrade to T5 before any algae gets a hold. I like the flat fitting of the juwel hoods so dont really want a luminaire...............Im thinking of using my...
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    Advice On Setting Up A Breeding Tank Please

    Hi, Ive had a 240l planted tank for some time but have just bought a small 40l tank that I'd like to set up as low tech (normal lights and plants etc)....................I thought I might combine it as a breeding tank for galaxies and would like to know before I start how to set up the tank...
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    4 Dkh Solution

    thats great thank you
  8. G

    4 Dkh Solution

    I bought some of this solution from Aqua Essentials. I put some solution and reagent in the nice new glass indicator, it was orange from the start and has remained so. Ive checked the CO2 by doing a kh/ph test and it came back very high, 50.......still the indicator showed orange so I test the...
  9. G

    When You Up Co2 What Parametres Change

    well Ive used the JBL reagent, dosed the KH4 solution and 5 drops of reagent but it stayed orange. Ive still got my 'normal' jbl permanent test still running and am fairly confident that with that and the KH/PH testing Im doing that Im dosing about 25ppm of CO2 at the moment. So it doesnt look...
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    When You Up Co2 What Parametres Change

    I used the reagent that came with the boyu glass tester from AE, I have been using the JBL tester so have the reagent for that if you think that will be better ?
  11. G

    When You Up Co2 What Parametres Change

    thanks, Ive bought some KH4 solution from AE and used it in my also purchased glass tank test. I put in some KH4 solution and 5 drops of solution and it was orangey, still orangey some hours something is not right. Do I have to add a specific amount of reagent ? does it...
  12. G

    Co2 - 600g Refills

    thanks, Ive managed to find a local extinguisher company that would refill my 500g bottles but theyve closed down so I need to find something else. I really want to use a cylinder that fits inside my cabinet so cant have anything too big, but thanks for your reply. I dont mind paying for a new...
  13. G

    Flying Fox With Red Tail Shark?

    they are both from the shark family thats why they fight..............I had the same problem with mine until the RTBS died. I have 6 siamese algae eaters now who are very sociable together, RTBS are very solitary though and dont socialise the same.-they are however very entertaining
  14. G

    Co2 - 600g Refills

    Ive seen alot about machine mart and found them on the web, I have a JBL system with a solenoid, will my current fittings fit on one bought from machine mart ?
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    Tank Temperature

    ive reduced mine from 27 to 24 just a couple of days ago to see if this medium range suits more of my plants
  16. G

    When You Up Co2 What Parametres Change

    just to bump this thread..... :blush: would using this manufactured KH4 solution be similar to you technical guys making your own ?
  17. G

    When You Up Co2 What Parametres Change

    sorry to highjack this but Im trying to get the right level of CO2 as well, im also testing with nutrafin. Ive been reading with interest the KH4 and permanent CO2 tank testers. Ive seen some ready made KH4 solution being sold on aquaessentials for use with PH probes.................would this...
  18. G

    What Difference Sunlight ?

    i love my planted tank, its in my front room that is triple aspect. Great for us but is is great for algae too ? The only place I can have it in the room is opposite a south facing wall that has two full length windows, the room is narrow and the tank does get natural light most of the...
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    Lots Of Pics (you've Been Warned! Lol)

    I agree, great clear algae either, lucky you !
  20. G

    Sophos9 - Planted Tank Journal

    Riccia anyone? Just bailed like 1/4 of a 16ltr bucket out! DOH! sophos I suggest to earn a few pennies you sell this on ebay..............I do this every now and then when I need to cut back on it and I sell a tangerine size for £4 easy............good way to recoup some money for maintenance...
  21. G

    Best Heating For Plants ?

    thanks Sam, it wont take much to persuade me to get rid of the cable..................I have a fluval external filter and was looking to replace it with an eheim.................I had my eye on a 2128 thermo freshwater, it has an element in the bottom of the cannister and heats the water as it...
  22. G

    Best Heating For Plants ?

    Hi, Im thinking of replacing my external filter with an eheim........I see that you can now buy ones that heat the water and one of my bugbears with my heating cable is that when I move plants etc the cable keeps coming off of the suction pads and I end up tyring to push bits of cable back down...
  23. G

    Sophos9 - Planted Tank Journal

    I had to overdose with flourish excel some time ago and it killed off some of my plants and I think thats what killed your shrimp off too..........the bottom line is you're overdosing the tank with co2 with excel as well as upping the co2 bpm Algae, the bane of my life :shout:
  24. G

    Where Do You Get Your Co2 Bottels Refilled?

    I went through my local yellow pages and phoned all the fire extinguishers places and eventually found one locally that would do it. £5 per bottle while I wait, so not bad
  25. G

    Jbl Co2

    thats right, I found a local firm that dealt with fire extinguishers and I took my cylinders along and they refilled them for me while I waited.........cost me £10 for two 500g cylinders..............half the price of my lfs.....brill
  26. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Zig, will do, my test kit has 3 separate bottles and says to shake the 3 bottle for at least 5 seconds which I do, I will shake it for longer as you suggest. I did a 50% change last Wednesday so I'll see how the fish are and aim to leave the next one on Wed as planned. Im really happy...
  27. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Zig, well you're right again it would seem , the test has shown 2pmm again, god knows how much nitrate Ive got in my tank !! the fish look okay but I'll have to buy another test tomorrow (annoyed as the Hagen one cost me £9 and the end date isnt until 2007) and if necessary do a water...
  28. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Zig, Ive got a 240l tank (I rounded down to 60 US gallons equivalent) I initially mixed up 98g KNO3 to 250 ml distilled water which didnt saturate so I mixed the solution with another 250 ml water, which I calculated should give .5ppm / 1ml. I've just dosed the tank with 15ml so I'll give it...
  29. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Zig, yes thats right I did have problems with it saturating............I added the solution I had made up (250ml worth) to another 250ml of water so that each ml would be .5ppm......yesterday I had a reading of 2ppm of NO3 and dosed 15ml (which should be 7.5ppm) making a total of 9.5ppm?) and...
  30. G

    All Sorts Of Algae ..... Journal

    Hi well the green spot algae has gone and the bba looks as though its gone, so thats good news. Ive starting dosing using my dry fert solution. Ive got the PO4 up to1-1.5pmm and fairly stable however Im having problems with dosing the I started with nil readings Ive been...
  31. G

    Online Plants Shop (uk)

    Ive used greenline a couple of times and the plants have arrived promptly, well packed and nice and healthy
  32. G

    Cheaper Refills For My Co2 Cannisters

    Im really chuffed with myself today.....................instead of paying £10 per 500g cannister from my lfs, I rang around this week and found a firm that deal with fire extinguishers in the yellow pages who refill CO2 cannisters. I took both my cannisters yesterday and had them refilled while...
  33. G

    Dry Fert Wont Dissolve !

    hi folks, I did use the calculator but it only warns of solubility probs with pottasium which is why I was slightly puzzled...............lets hope the supplier hasnt wrongly labelled the bag and given me K marked up as KNO3 !!!!! wouldnt that cause problems !!
  34. G

    Dry Fert Wont Dissolve !

    thats done the job, mixed it with another 500ml and its fine...............thanks !!
  35. G

    Dry Fert Wont Dissolve !

    thanks, I'll try that then.........even bigger bottles to store .....aaggh
  36. G

    Dry Fert Wont Dissolve !

    Ive bought some dry ferts from aqua essentials and the KNO3 wont dissolve, used the calculator to get 98g to 250ml of distilled water to dose 1ppm/ml for my 240 litre tank and the powder just sits in the bottom. Surely its not supposed to do this as dosing will be hit & miss as to how well you...
  37. G

    Can You Recommend A Good Black Gravel ?

    Hi thanks for that............Ive looked at the photos, it does look good....
  38. G

    Can You Recommend A Good Black Gravel ?

    Hi Im going to be setting up a new tank soon, Ive got a plain black background and want to use low light plants to be planted in the substrate. Can anyone recommend and suggest where I can get black gravel online......and a suitable fertiliser to mix with it for the plants ? thanks, Terri
  39. G

    How Hard Is Your Water ?

    Ive literally just started trying IE from PO4 and NO3 of at the moment Im raising it slowly and now it is PO4 1.5 and NO3 2.5.........CO2 Ive upped to 35ppm to try and knock out some algae Ive been breeding Ive got run of the mill community fish, rasboras, shark, corys, barbs adn...
  40. G

    Jbl Co2 Refills

    Ive been ringing around about seems that if you look in the yellow pages under fire extinguishers you will find (hopefully) local firms that will refill CO2 cannisters on site......this is another option which Im sure will be cheaper.....