Tank Temperature


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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I have a Juwel Vision 180 with all the filter/heater ripped out, 75w of lighting and an inline 300w heater. My tank temperature is always around 27-28c, the heater never comes on!

I've increased circulation and will see if that has any effect - anyone else in the UK have this problem?
the averge is 20- 25 but i think it shouldn't be at 20 but 21-25 no lower or higher
Increasing circulation has dropped mine to 26.9c, guess it must be the lighting cooking it up....
yer my light heats it up then my heater will which off until it goes under 21

I have a Juwel Vision 180 with all the filter/heater ripped out, 75w of lighting and an inline 300w heater. My tank temperature is always around 27-28c, the heater never comes on!

I've increased circulation and will see if that has any effect - anyone else in the UK have this problem?

I have noticed when I changed my lighting in my tank, the heat varies, my heater does not come on as well, so I changed my lighting system to a more common flurecent type tube, and now my heater seems to be doing its job. I hope this helps at all.
I dont know what mine are in celcius/centigrade, but they're roughly 81F permanently. And we've not even had the heaters on since the summer ;) Cant lower them at all, and as they're both 6ft tanks, daily water changes aren't an option (unless someone wants to come do it for me? lol). We do twice weekly 30-40% changes anyway, so twice a week the fish all get a cold shower. Works well for some reason, they've all started breeding (angels, parrots, cories) lol.
I've got one of those thermometers with the 'safe' range in green - I've only had this tank since the start of summer and mine always sits right at the top of this range (26-27) - with no help from the heater, haven't needed to turn it on at all! And the tank is in the coolest part of the house! :lol: That's hot Australian summers for you...

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