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  1. Silvani

    New Type Of Parrot

    I love love love love that parrot fish. The beautiful FH pattern with the super cute parrot face. Oh I’d buy one of those in a moments notice! That’s just adorable! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  2. Silvani

    First Quality Fh

    I personally think the bumps on their heads are ugly. I think that’s one of the prettiest FH I’ve seen. FH’s have some of the most beautiful patterns on them, they are just lovely. The bumps on their heads though… it just reminds me of a giant pimple that needs to be popped or...
  3. Silvani

    Oscar Tank Mates

    I totally understand that your Uncle breeds Oscars. And that’s really wonderful to have someone in the family that is so involved with fish. I have been searching all over the web lately about Oscars myself. And the one fact that I’ve found is that you need 55 gallons for an Oscar by...
  4. Silvani

    Parrot Fish

    Are you talking about blood parrots? If so you should head over to the Hybrid section. I had the exact same questions as you, and got answers here:
  5. Silvani

    Really Hoping It's Not Gonna Happen To Me!

    It’s truly a shame to have to lose one of your two favorite fish. The only two things I can think of is adding more décor to provide a lot of hiding places. Polly is smaller than the Oscar, so if you could provide some places that only Polly could fit it may provide enough escape and cool...
  6. Silvani

    Howdy, Its Been A While

    Oh Ulysses is super cute!! Congrats on you new baby. :) Is he a baby tiger oscar that doesn’t have his red yet, or a wild type?
  7. Silvani

    Help Identifying My Fish

    While they aren’t livebearers it really sounds like you’re describing convicts. Look here and let us know. If so you should head over to the cichlid section. :) I can’t think of any livebearers that are really protective of their fry...
  8. Silvani

    My Gupps And Platy Wont Eat

    Could you at perhaps buy another divider? That way they would be in a filtered tank instead of a bowl. Bettas will be fine in a gallon each. Being a betta lover I think it’s wonderful that they each have 5 gallons, however I don’t think it’s worth the suffering of your other fish...
  9. Silvani

    Breeding Plan

    I caution you against the Oto / Mollie mix. Mollies do like a bit of salt, and it will burn the Oto’s skin. :(
  10. Silvani

    Oddballs & Predators

    Those are just wonderful puffers!! I have to ask, if you were to choose just one type, what would be your favorite and why? :)
  11. Silvani

    Planted Tank, Rams, More..

    Wow that tank is just gorgeous! The plants are just so healthy looking, and what cute rams!! They have such a beautiful home.
  12. Silvani

    And Then There Was Only 1!

    It depends on the shop. A lot of shops will take fish back, many will exchange fish for store credit. Some however will not, you’ll need to call them and see their policy. As for what to do with it, out of all the fish that you have, bettas are one of the easiest to re-home. You can buy...
  13. Silvani

    Blood Parrot Facts?

    Yikes okie. I’ll have to be very careful then. I’m just in the planning stages right now. I’m trying to make sure to research my fish before I buy them. Thank you both for all the information! I really appreciate it! :)
  14. Silvani

    And Then There Was Only 1!

    I’m very sorry to cut in on this, but I just want to warn you for the sake of your fish. You can not keep a male betta with a female betta unless you’re planning on breeding them. They will eventually kill each other. If they do mate, the male will become extremely territorial, and...
  15. Silvani

    Blood Parrot Facts?

    I was wondering if I could get some info about blood parrots. I can't find any pinned topics about these guys, so I'm having to ask. Questions: What is the minimum tank size for one? Do they do well on their own or do they need to be kept with others of their own kind? Would they do well...
  16. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    It’s really hard to describe them since they are so small. They are white, and round. They look like they have a hard shell on them. Picture a bowl turned upside down that swims around. I can’t count the legs since they are so small, but more than 4, I’d say. I can’t even see their...
  17. Silvani

    Morality Question

    It happens with all animals. Dogs, they take pure breed dogs and selectively breed them with other pure breeds to get the ideal look. They do it with horses, they take the fastest race horses and bread them with other fast horses to try and get new winners. It’s even with plants. Apples...
  18. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    Well it seems we have an answer. :nod: I got a little puffer today, and after acclimating her/him the first thing it did was go for some snails. After that I saw it picking at some of the little bugs. Boy oh boy is that little tummy bulging now. It was a puffer buffet laid out for the little...
  19. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    One other question, somewhat along the same lines so I’m tacking on to my old topic. Will a dwarf puffer attempt to eat a 2 inch apple snail? Or will that be safe to keep in the tank. If no I can move him to another. :) He’s a HUGE snail, so I wonder if they could even attempt it. Or...
  20. Silvani

    Betta Getting Extremely Fat..

    That was smart thinking of you. I didn't even jump to that thought. I really hope its just too much food though. :nod: Here are some pictures of scales sticking out as an example:
  21. Silvani

    What Would You Add With A Betta In A 7 Gallon?

    I’ve heard that before! Ghost shrimp are commonly sold as feeder food, and are quite tasty to fish. I’ve always tried to get the biggest ones I could, but when they molt (shed their skin) they are very soft and vulnerable. A nice little treat waiting to happen. Hehe :lol: I guess...
  22. Silvani

    What Does A Betta Ned To Survive?

    My gut instinct is to tell you no. :( But it all depends on the personality for the betta and what fish you have in there. A male betta will destroy fancy guppys or anything that has a long tail that they may feel looks like another betta. Some other types of fish will destroy the...
  23. Silvani

    What Would You Add With A Betta In A 7 Gallon?

    Ghost shrimp are wonderful since they cause very little bioload. :D I have bettas with ghost shrimp, apple snails, and ottos. All in separate tanks of course. Be wary that apple snails are quite messy, but as far as snails go they are pretty nifty. If you only have one they will not have...
  24. Silvani

    Betta Getting Extremely Fat..

    Perhaps a fasting day is in order for this little guy. Let him go for a day without food about once a week. How much are you feeding him? It may help us gage why he’s becoming so round. :)
  25. Silvani

    Some Advice Please

    Yes female bettas flare just like males. The ones that I’ve had don’t really have large “hoodsâ€￾ as you put it. But they do extend their gills and “displayâ€￾. They are most likely just establishing who the dominate female is. But please keep an eye on them, things can still go wrong...
  26. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    Oh no! Don’t even think it! Your thoughts and comments were wonderful. I’d much rather people ask than not ask. I want to know I’m prepared. So really and truly thank you! I’ll head to the pet store this weekend, and let you guys know how the bug eating goes. :) Thanks again!! :D
  27. Silvani

    What Does A Betta Ned To Survive?

    Sure 50% water changes twice a week will be fine. As it equals 100% changes once a week. 100% water changes are just a bit safer since you’re sure you are removing all the ammonia. The undergravel filter will help. If you leave it alone it may build up beneficial bacteria with time. But...
  28. Silvani

    Another Food Topic

    I didn’t say it was guaranteed. I said it was more likely. You can also help this by feeding them peas. If you research it you will see that I’m not just making these things up. :) You can eat hamburgers everyday and not get high blood pressure; it doesn’t mean there isn’t an...
  29. Silvani

    How Do You Keep Your Betta Fish Entertained?

    They are just getting old. It doesn’t mean they are bored. It just means it’s a bit more taxing for them to move around with those long heavy tails. As bettas get older they slow down a bit, just like all animals. An old dog will lay around a lot more than a young puppy. But if you feel...
  30. Silvani

    What Does A Betta Ned To Survive?

    1 gallon tanks are fine. I’m not sure where people are getting the 2.5 gallon minimum now. Yes more is always better, I agree with that. And personally my smallest tank is 2 gallons currently. However for many years the going size around here was 1 gallon per betta. As long as you do 100%...
  31. Silvani

    Another Food Topic

    You are more likely to see constipation in bettas which will lead to swim bladder with freeze dried food. Because it contains very little moisture it stops up their digestion. Frozen contains all the water with it that live would have. While it will pollute your water more, it is also better...
  32. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    It’s a 10 gallon tank that is very very heavily planted. I can’t even see the gravel any longer the java moss has grown so thick. That along with 10+ java ferns on some wood, and 2 large anubus nana (not sure that’s spelled right) plants. The tank has both an under gravel filter and a...
  33. Silvani

    My Boys

    I am 99.9% sure that Billy is a girl. In each of those pictures you can see the ovipositor (the little white dot on her tummy) clearly. She looks to be a crowntail female. And as stated above her tummy is full of eggs. You don’t need to worry about that though, they will be absorbed back...
  34. Silvani

    Dwarf Puffers And Little Bugs.

    I’ve read up about dwarf puffers a lot, and know they are wonderful little snail killers if kept on their own or with a few ottos. My question is will they eat “other†little bugs in the tank as well? I’ve recently run out of algae in my tank for the ottos, and have been dropping algae...
  35. Silvani


    I’m having the exact same issue. And I *know* it is from the food on the bottom. The problem is I have otto’s and the have pretty much cleared all of the algae from the tank. So I’ve been dropping in an algae pellet every other day. Well the snails are always the first to those...
  36. Silvani

    Light Bulbs

    Can you grow plants with Incandescent bulbs? Or do you have to have Fluorescents? What about things like java ferns that need low light? I have a 10 gallon tank that has 2 25 watt incandescent bulbs, will that be enough to grow low light plants?
  37. Silvani

    Mini Cycle? Medicine Question... Which One?

    Please take what I say with a grain of salt, since I am no livebearer expert. I’ve been dealing with mainly bettas for the last year, and have just started myself with Platys. However you mentioned mouth fungus. Most of the time this is a bacterial infection that is misdiagnosed. I have...
  38. Silvani

    Belly Sliders?

    I just recently branched off from my year of betta keeping. After a great deal of reading I bought 3 little girl platys. One did indeed come pregnant, and just recently delivered 3 little fry. If there are more, I can’t find them, but anyways, the three fry have been moved to a separate...
  39. Silvani

    Floating Betta?

    Hi all :) Its been quite a long time since I’ve posted here, but one of my babies is acting quite strange and I thought I would stop on by to see if any of you fine betta lovers had any thoughts or ideas on it. This betta is about a year and a half old, I personally have had him for a...
  40. Silvani

    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    Oh my gosh has it been 5 weeks already? It seems like you were spawning these guys just last week. They have grown so much!! I :wub: the little copper! My brain is messed up, I think Gypsy is just the cutest! But the first thing I thought when I saw her was “Wow I hope she spawns that...