What Would You Add With A Betta In A 7 Gallon?


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan - The Great Lake State
I have a male betta in a 7 (US) gallon tank with a 50 watt heater and an AquaClear mini power filter. I'm thinking of adding a snail. What would you add? :)
I'm thinking about adding 1 or 2 ADFs to my 6 gallon, but I'm not sure how much waste that would add to the tank. I guess I'm becoming a lazy fishkeeper. :X
If I had a 7/6/10 gallon, I would put a couple/trio of shrimp and little shoal of white clouds in there. Provided the shoal didn't end up overstocking the tank. :p Then it'd just be a trio of shrimp and a trio of corys (those guys are so adorable you just want to squeeze them! :p) or some other type of bottom-feeding fish.
Ghost shrimp are wonderful since they cause very little bioload. :D
I have bettas with ghost shrimp, apple snails, and ottos. All in separate tanks of course.

Be wary that apple snails are quite messy, but as far as snails go they are pretty nifty. If you only have one they will not have a population explosion. They are one of the few types of snails that can’t breed by themselves. They require a male and female snail. :)

African dwarf frogs were mentioned above as well, and I’ve heard they make good tank mates but I can’t speak from experience.
I tried ghost shrimp with my betta, but then he tried them and now they're all gone and eaten. :look:
I tried ghost shrimp with my betta, but then he tried them and now they're all gone and eaten. :look:

I’ve heard that before! Ghost shrimp are commonly sold as feeder food, and are quite tasty to fish. I’ve always tried to get the biggest ones I could, but when they molt (shed their skin) they are very soft and vulnerable. A nice little treat waiting to happen. Hehe :lol:

I guess your betta got a nice little live food snack. ;)
i have otos in my two 7.5 gallons, it does look a little cosy, but they seem to be fine for now! as long as it's well planted (fake silk or real, they prefer real) and algae-laden they'll be happy.
I have my red male betta in a ten gallon. Well planted,with
2 Corys,1 african dwarf frog,1 ivory snail,1 brown striped
snail,and 4 ghost shrimp. My betta pays no attention whatsoever
to the Ghost shrimp who have lived in there for over 6 months.

But I also feed my betta bloodworms and hakari betta pellets.
So he doesnt need to eat the ghost shrimp..lol
I have a divided 10 gal w/a betta, 3 ghost shrimp, and an apple snail on each side. Yes the apple snails are pretty messy, but as long as you vacuum every water change, you should be fine. And as long as you have some places for the ghost shrimp to hide while molting, they should be fine. Mine have learned pretty quick to get out of betta's way, even though they do occasionally lose an attennae (spelling?). They've even started breeding. With any betta it's really trial-and-error; so as long as you have a back-up plan for whatever you add, go for it.

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