And Then There Was Only 1!

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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My two silver molly's gave birth to 6 fry 5 days ago, i have watched them diminish and now there is only 1 left :/

In my tank apart from them i have.

1 Male and 1 Female Siamese Fighter

3 clown loach

2 corydorus catfish

4 guppy's

2 sword tails

2 dwarf gormens

5 silver tips

I have been none would eat the fry apart from possibly the parents themselves.
Could they be the culprits do you think?
The swordtails will eat the fry. Guppy eat their own fry sometimes, so they could be guilty as well. Fry survival is normally just dependent on enough hiding places.
you have a controversial mix of fish there.
bettas (the siamese fighters) and the gouramis would probably have seen little tiny swimming things a tasty snack.
what are the "silver tips"?
how large is the tank and as theotheragentm said, do you have hiding places?
....why do you have a male and female betta in your tank? I really suggest you take them out before something bad happens. Just a precaution

I now no what appened. They where sucked up the filter :/

so i have put as was given as a tip to me a foot end of some ladies tights around it.
The 1 is still going about 1 week now.

The fighters will not harm the fish , they might nip the odd guppy fin but unless there is another male in there it should be OK.

And yes any of them can eat fry. But i know they went up the pipe as i found one but it was dead.

Its a fine balance in a new tank as you do not want to feed too much because of nitrate levels.

But thanks for your inputs.
Okay. Its not that the fighters won't harm the fish, its just that the male and female will attack each other. bottom line:



My two silver molly's gave birth to 6 fry 5 days ago, i have watched them diminish and now there is only 1 left :/

In my tank apart from them i have.

1 Male and 1 Female Siamese Fighter

3 clown loach

2 corydorus catfish

4 guppy's

2 sword tails

2 dwarf gormens

5 silver tips

I have been none would eat the fry apart from possibly the parents themselves.
Could they be the culprits do you think?

i'd say all these fish are capable of eating the fry, so in the future i would suggest buying either a small tak for the fry or a breeder trap to keep them from being eaten by the fish or sucked up the filter. thats if you want to keep them
The fighters will not harm the fish , they might nip the odd guppy fin but unless there is another male in there it should be OK.

The fact that the fighters are already showing signs of aggression seems inevitable that there is going to be problems. The Betta is not likely to leave the guppies alone and may end up killing them, the same could be said of the female fighter. A male and female should only be put together for breeding and even then only for a short period.
If your guppies are having their fins nipped it's only a matter of time before they start to suffer from finrot. My Betta was kept in a tank with Danios at the lfs where they nipped him quite badly and as a result he had terrible finrot. It was hit or miss whether he would survive as he was in a really bad way. Luckily he did pull through but it took weeks before his fins grew back.
I really don't want to tell you what to do but please, please consider moving the Bettas. :/
I’m very sorry to cut in on this, but I just want to warn you for the sake of your fish.

You can not keep a male betta with a female betta unless you’re planning on breeding them. They will eventually kill each other.

If they do mate, the male will become extremely territorial, and will kill anything that is around the bubble nest, including the female betta. Males are the ones that raise the fry, and will become extremely aggressive. Females must be removed immediately after… and your other fish would not be safe either.

I highly advise you to NOT have a male and female betta in the same tank. While they may get a long for now that’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

I do wish you the best of luck with your little fry though! He is quite the little survivor. :)
We first need to determine the size of the tank. How many gallons? Becuase she could be over populated and not need the fry anyway. We need to get down to the bottom of this. Read all the information posted and make the neccesary changes, such as moving fish into their own tanks (bettas) and making sure all your fish you have in there are compatible by seeing where they are in your pet store becuase i know mine have them classified by semi-aggressive, community, those types of things.

Let us know what goes on. I am not trying to sund mean but i feel like i am coming across mean, if so i apoligize.

Thanks again. Please keep us updated!
Thanks for your replies.

The Siamese Male seems quite passive , just chases the dwarf goriami around sometimes. But it has never even gone near other fish including the Female in two weeks.

If i take them to a shop will i get an exchange?
If not where do the hell do i put them?
It depends on the shop. A lot of shops will take fish back, many will exchange fish for store credit. Some however will not, you’ll need to call them and see their policy.

As for what to do with it, out of all the fish that you have, bettas are one of the easiest to re-home. You can buy a 1 gallon – 2 gallon tank / bowl and keep him there. The majority of the bettas I have are in their own individual 2 gallon tanks. They are quite happy being solitary fish, and always wiggle happily in front of their tanks when they see me.

Please do not put him in anything less than a gallon though. Bettas like a bit of wiggle room, regardless of the tiny tiny little bowls stores will sell for them. :)

You can get a 2 gallon tank fairly inexpensively too. And their small so fit right on a desk or table. You’ll have a very happy betta, and a safe tank! Feel free to check over in the betta section of the forums to get a bit more friendly advice if you decide to keep the little guy.

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