Fish Crazy
guys i have a serious problem. My 2 female guppies and a platy are kept, IM SO GOING TO HELL, in a 1/2 gallon bowl Plz dont ridicule. I know it's small but I can't buy bigger and I have no room for them. But anyways, I put a bit of flakes everyday (twice a day) but they seem do just watch them sink and it's always accumulating . Guys I don't want my gups to die, or my platy. B4 i had put them in there, they were i na 10g tank and were happy as heck. But the bettas I had in there weren't. So i made the choice, probably a bad one but I love bettas more than any other fish so i chose the betta over them. so here we are and I need help. It has a small plant in the center. They usually swim around normally. The temperatures are room (high 60's to low 70's) and there's no filtration but a good water change every 3-4 day. PLZ HELP