Really Hoping It's Not Gonna Happen To Me!

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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god you know when you've posted something so many times you'd think i'd have considered myself in it all.

i've got an oscar who for a couple of years now has been happy with his companions, just recently he's started to get a bit more agressive. i've posted so many times telling people when they want to know tankmates for O's that as the O gets older he may just turn on his friends.

now it's nothing serious for now, a little bit more chasing than usual, he's tried to eat polly a few times (not chasing her taking chunks out or anything, just opening up his mouth and going up to her and then she swims off) and i've seen him chasing her away form him sometimes. they've always been best friends i never thought he'd turn on her.

I am preparing myself for re-homing one of them if worst case scenario things don't settle down. Really don't know who would go though, i'd probably make Ian choose and re-home them cos they're my 2 favourite fish, i'd be absolutely gutted.

So what can I do to try and nip things in the bud now, would re-arranging the tank help, or maybe a change of routine??

Really not sure what if anything I can do, do I just have to sit it out and see how things develop?
I don't know what to suggest, but i can see it would be a hard decision. I like the look of Polly, if that's her in your avatar pic. And I'm really beginning to like the look of Oscars as a fish to keep in the future. Not helped by seeing a beautiful breeding pair at one of my LFS's!

I guess a change of scenery might disrupt things for a while, but perhaps the Oscar is just becoming a grumpy old git :sly: ! (In the nicest possible sense!)

Do you have a tank that Polly would go in, like another community tank, or would she just eat anything small enough to fit in her mouth?! :crazy:
I don't know what to suggest, but i can see it would be a hard decision. I like the look of Polly, if that's her in your avatar pic. And I'm really beginning to like the look of Oscars as a fish to keep in the future. Not helped by seeing a beautiful breeding pair at one of my LFS's!

I guess a change of scenery might disrupt things for a while, but perhaps the Oscar is just becoming a grumpy old git :sly: ! (In the nicest possible sense!)

Do you have a tank that Polly would go in, like another community tank, or would she just eat anything small enough to fit in her mouth?! :crazy:

yeah thats her in my avatar.

nope nowhere else for her to go, she'd eat the community fish in Ian's tank which is the only other one big enough for her. then there's just the marine tank and 2 small betta tanks so no other options. :-( :-( :-(

aye i suspect a change of scenery would only prolong things rather than resolve anything, dunno maybe he's just going through a phase.

if it doesnt get any worse than it is now then it's fine, polly is showing no signs of distress at all and isn't bothered, was just trying to be prepared in case things get worse.
I had oscars some years back and love them to bits and what you are experiencing is not unusual. I don't think re-arranging the tank will help in my opinion, but so long as one is not taking chunks out of the other i personally wouldn't worry too much, he's just saying that he's the guvner really. I would just monitor the situation and see how it goes. I take it the tank is big eneough for 2 adult oscars isn't it?
oh no!!!!!I wouldnt want to have to make that decision :unsure: I hope everything works out for you and your fishies
I had oscars some years back and love them to bits and what you are experiencing is not unusual. I don't think re-arranging the tank will help in my opinion, but so long as one is not taking chunks out of the other i personally wouldn't worry too much, he's just saying that he's the guvner really. I would just monitor the situation and see how it goes. I take it the tank is big eneough for 2 adult oscars isn't it?

it's not 2 oscars, it's an oscar and a parrot fish, and yes it's big enough for them, around 80 us gallons.
Oh, that must be a nightmare.
I'm no expert but would expect that your oscar is growing up and therefore has the dreaded hormones - so is becoming more aggressive /territorial. Therefore, may well get worse, as to him/her Polly is still a threat to his/ her territory as she/he is still within sight.
Would hate to have to make the rehoming decision. But IMO if you don't it will end up with an even more upsetting outcome.
hercules is starting to display the same tendancies.

he drifts up to my chalceus with his mouth open and if they dont move he trys to bite them.

there bigger than him so hes not been succesful so far but even now i can see him looking at everyone and saying "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tastey".

and hes in a 180g so its definately not a space issue lol.

if you figure out something to stop him then let me kno!
It’s truly a shame to have to lose one of your two favorite fish. The only two things I can think of is adding more décor to provide a lot of hiding places. Polly is smaller than the Oscar, so if you could provide some places that only Polly could fit it may provide enough escape and cool down time.

The other thing, which I’m not sure would work due to the shape of your tank is add a divider. Each fish would have about 40 gallons to swim, while still having the 80 gallons of water for the bioload. Just make sure the water can flow through. :)
It’s truly a shame to have to lose one of your two favorite fish. The only two things I can think of is adding more décor to provide a lot of hiding places. Polly is smaller than the Oscar, so if you could provide some places that only Polly could fit it may provide enough escape and cool down time.

The other thing, which I’m not sure would work due to the shape of your tank is add a divider. Each fish would have about 40 gallons to swim, while still having the 80 gallons of water for the bioload. Just make sure the water can flow through. :)

i don't think 40g swimming space is enough for an Oscar tbh.

glad it's not a space thing though, if it's happening to you too Sam then it can't be cos your tanks massive! I was a little concerned it was my fault cos the tank was too small. I knwo it's big enough for those two, but it's not exactly roomy.

Ian's doing water changes tonight I'll ask him to re-arrange things and see what happens.

Thanks for the help and support though i'll let you know what happens.
I was just looking at your pics and was thinking maybe your oscar is becoming aggressive because it wants the whole tank to itself..

There isn't really anything in the tank that distinguishes territories, which might be why the oscar is trying to rule the tank.

Maybe if you were to put a big piece of driftood or 2 on each side of the tank each fish could have their own territory.
I was just looking at your pics and was thinking maybe your oscar is becoming aggressive because it wants the whole tank to itself..

There isn't really anything in the tank that distinguishes territories, which might be why the oscar is trying to rule the tank.

Maybe if you were to put a big piece of driftood or 2 on each side of the tank each fish could have their own territory.

this is what i thought about re-arranging things, if I give them a chance to restablish they're territories then maybe it'll level off the playing field so to speak......

or maybe as Oscar is getting territorial if I re-arrange things it'll just take away what Polly already has and he won't let her have a chance to claim any new ones!?!?!
well they've been scrapping again tonight, been watching them most of the evening, it's pretty equal and they're not dong each other any harm, no injuries, however it's not exactly a stress free environment for them and i wouldn't want this to continue.

just going to monitor the situation very closely for the next few weeks to see how things progress. maybe it's just a lovers tiff and they'll sort things out..... unlikely i know but you have to hope!!

just trying to prepare myself roa horrible descision, was crying about it earlier just thinking through the options, i really don't know how I'd ever make a descision
may have a solution, will give it time but it appears to be working

added 5 danio's to the tank, oscar is half heartedly chasing them, they're way too quick for him, and he's completely leaving polly alone....... keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks!!
may have a solution, will give it time but it appears to be working

added 5 danio's to the tank, oscar is half heartedly chasing them, they're way too quick for him, and he's completely leaving polly alone....... keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks!!

Might work till the danio's are sleeping and end up as food :lol:

Good Luck, hope you do find a solution that's good for all!

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