Search results

  1. I

    Angel With Bad Fins.

    a 36gal is not large enough to house 5 angels
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    Strange & Unusual (cruel) Tanks?

    that first car is in the melbourne aquarium it's a great place
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    Betta Imbellis

    yeah maybe 2 pairs
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    Strange Fin Shape

    my betta has a strange pectoral fin (think that the right word).It has what is best decribed as a sword similar to that of a male swordie but less impressive does any elses betta have something like this?
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    What Strain?

    you need to post smaller pics it takes to long to load
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    Do You Think It Would Be Overstocked?

    you should get rid of the angels as you ned to have at least three and you don't have the space so I would recommed that you get rid of the angels and then get some nice top dwelling fish
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    Betta Imbellis

    what if I wanted to keep say about 3-4
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    New Stock Coming From Tailand Take A Look

    if it is imbellis (which it could well be) I would imagine it is a cross breed which is too bad as imbellis are still woderful fish
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    Guppy Tankmates

    heres an explaination: he asked for tank mates that don't eat fry and I said not to bother because if the fry are all surviving the tank will fill up quicker.So basicly I said don't bother with tank mates that don't eat fry
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    Should I Set The Tank Up This Way Or The Other Way

    you should not try to breed angels 25gal is way to small now let me explain. First of all there is no way to sex angels despite what some people will tell you so the only way to get angels to breed is to buy a group of six juvies and let them grow up together and pair off when they mature and to...
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    New Stock Coming From Tailand Take A Look

    I don't think the Half Moon(Green Mask Imbellis) is a imbellis because betta imbellis have short tails
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    Betta Imbellis

    how much space would one require? are they like splendens in the way thet they can live in only 1gal or do they need more
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    Betta Imbellis

    how much space do betta imbellis require?
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    When Will My Endlers Give Birth?

    you should have 2-3 females per male not one as she will become stressed and die
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    Are Bettass

    oh god another philip thread well I'm telling (not suggesting) you buy a new tank for your betta with a tight fitting lid as most people know on this forum you neglect the fact(and your betta) that you can't keep your poor betta with your poor fish
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    Here Is 1 Of My Platys

    is it just me or does it seem strange that in about ten days phillip has over 100 posts
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    Here Is 1 Of My Platys

    ohh I understand about trollie troll wtf do you even listen in every thread we have told that you can't get more fish and you need to buy a seperate tank for your betta and you need to let your tank cycle.Also I don't want to see your fish because then I'll be sadder whan you kill it because of...
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    Guppy Tankmates

    I wouldn't bother with tank mates because if your fish don't eat the fry the tank will fill quickly
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    Fish In The Dog!

    what I mean't to say was they need 10gal of space to themselves in a larger tank .They should be getting along fine in your tank but they would kill each other for space if there wasn't enough
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    Pictures Of My Betta's And Tank

    good to hear :)
  21. I

    Look What The Local Betta Importer Brought In...

    I'll get some anyway they're still cool fish, hope my lfs still has them
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    Betta Color/pattern Naming Conventions

    can't help you with snake face and monster but I'm kinda sure that the black names are the same thing but people seem to use whatever name they feel like despite the fact a melano is a animal that has such a high number of pigments that it is completly black not half black or with a black tail
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    Pictures Of My Betta's And Tank

    you shouldn't put bettas with guppies no matter how well it seems to work they will eventually turn on each other
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    Im In Trouble (help Asap)

    does she have an ovipositor? female bettas can be just as aggressive as males and should never be kept with fish like guppies (don't need to explain why I'm sure you all ready know)
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    Look What The Local Betta Importer Brought In...

    are imbellis hard to get? I was under influence that they weren't that uncommon.If they are I'll get some to breed
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    Didn't Get A Betta :(

    complete betta tank setup
  27. I

    Fish In The Dog!

    no apperently adults complete B.S the smallest angel needs 10gal at least or they will kill each other
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    Just Got 2 Beautifull

  29. I

    What Cant Bettas Go With

    Is that all you care about saving money phillip if you ever start another thread where you don't listen to anyone except the people with what you want to hear I will make sure it gets closed no matter what it takes
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    Aq. Salt Or Instant Ocean?

    they are used for the same thing which is making salt water or brackish aquariums and sometimes for treating diseases.Goldfish should never be put in salt or brackishwater as it will kill them
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    Is It Normal For Bettas To Be Rather Lethargic?

    NEVER TAP ON THE GLASS EVER It stresses and scares the fish thats why they move not because they're okay or happy.How would you like it if someone made your entire house shake for no good reason
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    I would lower the water level so he doesn't have to swim so far
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    Bala Sharks..

    thats as long as they don't eat them lol.A mated pair takes up at least 20gal also if they do hatch you will need lots and lots of space
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    Bala Sharks..

    don't get excited it is practically impossible to breed them and I seriously doubt you anyone on this forum would be able to (no offence intended) because you would need to simulate their natural conditions perfectly and even then they might not breed beacause the simple fact is they just don't...
  35. I

    Long Finned White Cloud Minnows Aka Meteor Minnow

    I live in australia,they have a few names the most common being meteor or red rocket minnows and they where only $2 more than regular and the same price as the gold variety
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    Newest Guppy Fry!

    yeah it seem a bit wierd are you sure it's a third eye post a pic
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    The Female Molly "reject"

    can you please explain how it was in trouble?
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    Bala Sharks..

    this sound a bit like mating behavior or atleast what I've read is mating behavior I'can't find the page I want to show you right now but maybe I'll find it later
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    Crossbreeding Livebearers

    the chances are still very very slim so I wouldn't get to excited
  40. I

    Long Finned White Cloud Minnows Aka Meteor Minnow

    are long finned WCMM really that hard to get and does anyone apart from me on this forum have them?