Should I Set The Tank Up This Way Or The Other Way


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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Ok I am going to do something new with my 25 gallon tank I was thinking of either dividing it up into 4 parts and put a male betta in each section if I do it this way can someone tell me how to set it up this way, the next set up is just a community tank for a few female bettas, and the last is a spawning tank for angelfish
There are some nice dividers on this well know website, its slipping from my mind. Its like DF fosters or something...
yeah I think I know what website your talking about. So you think I should make a tank with male bettas
I think you should go for very nice male bettas. Not just your average Vt, but like, DT, CT, Wild bettas, you know, expansive impressive bettas.
Or you could do a female community, which I've never owned or had in real life.
And if you would like little baby angel fish, and angelfish breeding tank. Whichever you want more.
im not an expert but why dont you even have a female community of bettas and have 1 male so they can breed? i have no clue ghow this works but w/e
Sounds good in writing, but a bad idea.
I'm no professional in breeding, and I dont claim to be.
Its just best to keep males and females apart.
I think you breed them by having the male build a nest, take him out and put the female in, have her lay eggs, take her out and put the male back in, untill the fry are big enough to eat on their own/survive.
Also I was thinking of breeding bristlenose plecos, my lfs just got some, but they are babies that are about a little bigger than a half of an inch. Do you think I should get a couple? Or no? The good thing is if I start a female betta community the plecos can go in with them
Screw the bettas, go with the angels! :)

You could have the bristlenose with either, if you plan on buying the little plecs, try to get 1 of the largest & 1 of the smallest they have that are the same age. You will almost certainly end up with 1 male & 1 female that way.

but how long would it take them to grow? And if the angels are between halfdollar size and silverdollar size how can I tell if they are male or female and is that the size they spawn at?

also to all of you that think I should go with the female bettas, at one of the lfs they have some really nice females for 3.99 and they have the bristle nose plecos for 5.99. The other lfs has some really nice female bettas too for only 1.99 but don't sell bristle nose plecos, but do have really nice young males. Which do you think I should go with?
you should not try to breed angels 25gal is way to small now let me explain. First of all there is no way to sex angels despite what some people will tell you so the only way to get angels to breed is to buy a group of six juvies and let them grow up together and pair off when they mature and to house six adult angels you need at least 60gal and to house the fry you would need lots and lots of space sooo really tying to breed angels in a 25gal is a very bad idea. I say buy some female bettas then if you really want to breed setup a separate tank for breeding

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