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I don't think the Half Moon(Green Mask Imbellis) is a imbellis because betta imbellis have short tails
How much do you charge for the crowntails and halfmoons, you didn't put down a price? Do you ship to the US?
I would not say definitively that is is not an Imebellis simply because it has long fins. After all, all the different fin types of the splendens were derived from the short finned splendens we now refer to as the "plakat" (actually all splendes are plakats, some are just long finned plakats while others are short finned plakats... but that is for another post).

Although I do suspect that to fast track the process some longfin blad was inserted into the Imbellis line... but Imbellis and Smaragdina blood have long been crossed with splendens anyway.
Wow! ral. So much for the debate over my "yellow long fin plakat", HA! Really informative !
Actuallly is possible to create long tail imbless

Ok heres my take at it (forgive my genetics, Im useing comon sense)

You mate a female Imbellis to a Male HM............You take a F1 male and mate it to a HM female......than you take a F2 Male and mate it with a imbelliss then you take a F3 male and F2 female and mate then u take F4 and take all the HM Imbellis u see and mate them then take a F5 and mate it to a imbellis and then WHA LA you have Imbellis HMs X)

I doubt im right...........LOL
if it is imbellis (which it could well be) I would imagine it is a cross breed which is too bad as imbellis are still woderful fish
On no! Sorry to hear that :-(

DaSauce89 -- I think that was just a complicated way to make hybrids :lol:. Once you breed splendens into an imbellis line it's practically impossible to completely get rid of, since the genetic info from splendens would decrease by 50% each time you mated it back to imbellis... In other words, F1 splendens x imbellis = %50 splendens, 50% imbellis; F2 = 25% splendens, 75% imbellis; F3 = 12.5% splendens, 87.5% imbellis, and so on. You get smaller and smaller reductions in splendens genetic info as you go along, but would never completely get get of it until possibly hundreds of generations down the line... which is why it's not a good idea to breed hybrids and introduce them into other breeding lines. You can almost never get them pure again :X

Anyway, i doubt that fish has any imbellis in him, judging by the body shape, but I suppose it's possible.
That would be funny, a long, skinny HM b. imbellis! It would take a lot of patience for a line like that, but what for? The imbellis are beautiful in their own way, but the same could be said for wild splendens and look where we are! A bazillion (nice number huh) different color and fin combinations in only perhaps 100 years or so?

I'm sorry to hear about your loss of stock Willtang, hope you're able to get more soon. I actually took a look at the page before your update, and you had some nice fish.

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