What Cant Bettas Go With

ok but why cant he go with neons

will he be ok with
if i get color glass fish
runnymose tetra
female guppies
sucking fish
and a few other things

in the aqurium he was with loads of male guppies

If I remember rightly, the tank isn't even cycled. I was holding this back in a safe place, but I'm not in a good mood :grr:
I don't know how everyone else is feeling, but I am absolutely FED UP with you asking for 'advice', then completely ignoring whatever anybody says and making new topics purposley to get the answer you want. You have been reminded in the nicest way possible that you need to cycle the tank before you even think about getting fish. What do you do? Start a thread asking whether the fish you picked out (probably because they are 'pretty', especially when you picked out dyed fish AFTER everyone told you how awful they are and how weak their immune system is) are fine together, without telling anyone the tank size or anything. You didn't like the advice in one thread, you made another purposely to get the answer you wanted. The key word here is R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H, a very handy little word that it would be nice if you added to your (seemingly small) repetoire. You have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about. You waltz down to the fish shop, say 'oh looky, pretty fishies' then with total disregard for the lives you have just been put in charge of. In all honesty I'm amazed everyone is being so nice and patient with you, because I'm not. What should you do now? STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. I highly suggest you pay a visit to www.deathbydyeing.org first off, get the betta his own 2.5g tank and heater, then take a little look around www.fishforums.net. Look familiar? Then using the mouse, click on the link saying 'FAQ Topics'. Have a look in the beginners section. In all likelyhood the guppies are all going to die. Since you seem to care very little, if at all, I would suggest a very low stocked low (ish) maintenence tank. Something like (assuming the guppies survive)
However many guppies you got
3 bronze cories
6 harlequin rasboras

Plant it up, and lucky you, you should be able to get away with one weekly water change of 20%, or maybe even a fortnightly water change if you have lots and lots of plants, don't overfeed and the tank has cycled.
there all ok i hope they will be fine with the fish i choose to get
well, if you listened to the wise and experienced words of people trying to help you create a successful tank and happy fishies, then NONE of them would die.

*le sigh*
my betta is actually doing ok with my neon tetras so far. i've never seen them pay any attention to each other. my betta is more interested in his reflection in the tank, and the neon tetras are more interested in nipping at each other. however, i'm ready and willing to move him if things go downhill.
lol my betta looks at himself in da reflection
what is the neons like towards him
what else do you have in your tank
lol my betta looks at himself in da reflection
what is the neons like towards him
what else do you have in your tank

i just have five neons and a male betta. they both leave each other alone, but i've heard things can change quickly, in which case i'm ready to move the betta if such happens.
do u have another tropical tank to move him to

i would like some runymose tetras would they be good with him
you know if i went to my lfs and said my fish have died would they give me my money back

Is that all you care about saving money

phillip if you ever start another thread where you don't listen to anyone except the people with what you want to hear I will make sure it gets closed no matter what it takes
You mentioned something about a "colored glass fish," and if you are talking about a painted glass fish, I strongly suggest that you do not buy one of these. These fish are injected with a dye after a painful process that kills many of the fish involved. If it does not die shortly after you buy it from the stress of the ordeal or a secondary infection, you can expect the color to also fade with time until you have a regular 'ol glassfish, after you spent extra money AND supported a horrible industry.

Might I ask why you are hellbent on keeping your betta with incompatible species? Being with ANY other fish is very stressful on male bettas, or on the other inhabitant, since bettas are agressive fish who prefer to be kept singly. Some can handle it, most probably would prefer not to. So long as you as are going to keep your male betta in such a stressful situation, could you at LEAST have the common decency to put him into a situation where he won't be hassled and get his fins ripped at, or where he won't to the opposite to your current fish? It really bothers me that you've had the effrontery to come on here, ask for advice, completely ignore it, then just say "Oh well, hope he'll be ok." If you have no intention of following the advice you are being given, don't ask; it is a waste of board space, and frankly it bothers people like those who have responded here who actually care about the wellbeing of fish :grr:

If you want an animal, but have no intention of caring for it properly, don't get it. It'll save you all of that precious money you keep complaining about. Animals cost money. If you can't handle that, you are not a fit pet owner. Oh, and I also do not believe you one iota; you can buy a see-through, wide, long, shallow 5-10 gallon food storage bin for under five dollars. Not only is the depth and length perfect for bettas, but it provides plenty of space and fits in places aquariums can not for a fraction of the price. But I'm sure you wouldn't spend a penny to keep your animals well cared for; as long as the aquarium looks nice, I'm sure you'd let every one of your bettas or guppies have thier fins chewed to nubs.
Just trying to help, so don't freak out about the money part. At PetsMart the other day, I saw a betta bowl, or tank, or what ever you call it. It's a 2g tank, it comes with gravel, a plant, and an tank seperater and some betta food. It only cost $10. So if you have a PetsMart around you, why don't you just do that? It's not a lot of money. And it would save you a lot of trouble later. Please just take it into consideration.
They nip at the betta tail, or the betta eats them, the betta and guppys won't get on well either.

In my experience Bettas go fine with Guppies and Neons... my betta's are housed with 5 neons and they get along perfectly well.

In my other tank I have a male betta with guppies and they don't bother each other at all.... definately don't put a betta in with gouramis though, they don't get along.

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