Here Is 1 Of My Platys

Don't feed the troll

This wasen't a very trolling thread, but it would be better if you posted this in members pics or in liverbearers.
You'd get better responses.
I think alot of people may thing OHH Fishy, is over reacting. But if you had been following Phillips posts like I have, then you will understand the frustation of members, with this user.
I think alot of people may thing OHH Fishy, is over reacting. But if you had been following Phillips posts like I have, then you will understand the frustation of members, with this user.

I have been following the threads as well, but honestly ... if you're gonna post a picture and say ' don't feed the troll ' on every thread he makes ... isn't that exactly what you're doing? If you get annoyed with him, don't respond, it's as simple as that. There was and is absolutely nothing wrong with this thread ... you might not like this person, you might not agree with the way he keeps fish and doesn't seem to listen ... but that does not mean he's not allowed to try and post a picture of his fish. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what he did in this thread, and nothing here that deserved the type of responds he got of most people on this thread.

As to Phillip, the picture still isn't working for me :) Have you got it hosted somewhere? It looks like you're directing to your yahoo email account. Try hosting it on Photobucket or opening a thread in the picture section (can be found here) and you can upload it right there by using the File Attachments option when posting. I personally would like to see the platy :)
Erised has the right Idea.
I too, would like to see your platie.
I think alot of people may thing OHH Fishy, is over reacting. But if you had been following Phillips posts like I have, then you will understand the frustation of members, with this user.

I have been following the threads as well, but honestly ... if you're gonna post a picture and say ' don't feed the troll ' on every thread he makes ... isn't that exactly what you're doing? If you get annoyed with him, don't respond, it's as simple as that. There was and is absolutely nothing wrong with this thread ...

Not really, no. He makes threads for attention, by posting not to feed the troll you are telling everyone else not to feed the troll. The only way to stop a serial troll is not to reply at all until he grows up, at this point in time that is not what he is doing.
for goodness sake anyway i may aswell not show u you will just say something abusive
i am going to get more fish soon
I think alot of people may thing OHH Fishy, is over reacting. But if you had been following Phillips posts like I have, then you will understand the frustation of members, with this user.

ohh I understand about trollie troll

for goodness sake anyway i may aswell not show u you will just say something abusive
i am going to get more fish soon
wtf do you even listen in every thread we have told that you can't get more fish and you need to buy a seperate tank for your betta and you need to let your tank cycle.Also I don't want to see your fish because then I'll be sadder whan you kill it because of your neglect

I.M.F signing out
for goodness sake anyway i may aswell not show u you will just say something abusive
i am going to get more fish soon

Why are you getting more fish when you been told NOT to.

What do you exspect you post for advice and then do take it.

Oh whats the point go on get more fish, murder the poor little soles. Just DON't come crying to us when they all die a slow painful death.
is it just me or does it seem strange that in about ten days phillip has over 100 posts

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