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  1. J

    Help - Fish Died

    sorry he was just a high hat then.
  2. J

    Help - Fish Died

    We have a 33 gallon tank and have had for 2 months, I have been pestering my husband now for the last 5 weeks to do a water change and he has never 'got round to it'. We have 2 clwon fish, one high hat sweet lips, 7 turbos snails a shrimp and 5 hermit crabs. Over the last few days I have...
  3. J


    Dori (thats the regal tang right?) in a 10g! Thats like putting a 7ft man in a phone box! :X
  4. J

    My Tank Small Update

    Looks like a RIO 125 (33 Gal) - (Can tell by the cabinet doors)... Probably shouldn't have more than 5 or 6 fish in there, especially with a small amount of LR (IMHO). I would advise splashing (scuse the pun) out on some more LR and clean-up crew rather than fish. Probably not what you want to...
  5. J

    Need Help Starting Up New Tank

    If you are using the rock as your primary filtration then I would advise about 60lbs of it. If you aquascape it so there are plent of little caves or tunnels so that your inhabitants have somewhere to hide or shelter or whatever they want to do. I would advise using regular sand or aragonite...
  6. J

    Lightning, Fish Only Tank

    I got 2 'zoomed' T8 tubes to fit my tank. They do a white and a Actinic for about £30 pair. These are great for FOWLR
  7. J

    I Have A 30g Tank

    From what I understand, in a small tank, it is best to only keep a pair of clown fish, as they are known for being hostile to others (clown fish that is). There are plenty of other smaller fish you can keep. Probably no more than 5 though in a 30gal. Something like: Royal Gramma Six-Line...
  8. J

    Need Help Starting Up New Tank

    Hi ANIM4L, Filter wise, I would use Live Rock. You will need quite a bit though (at least 60lbs). This is the best way to filter a marine tank (I believe!). Substrate wise, I would use sand, or aragonite. You probably want 1 inch or less. I think live sand would be excessive if you are going...
  9. J

    I Have A 30g Tank

    Hi Keesh121, I think the first thing most people would do is suggest reading, reading and more reading. There are some really good stickies at the top of this forum for beginners. I have just set up my first marine tank which is 33 gallons, and although it is daunting, as long as you do alot...
  10. J

    Concerns About New Tank Additions

    Thanks for the reassurance (my favourite word)! The clowns seem to have settled quite well, and are adventuring a bit more toward the front of the tank. They do some really odd things when I turn out the lights though. They almost play dead, as if they think someones coming to get them! The...
  11. J

    Concerns About New Tank Additions

    Hi All, I expect you are all used to my posts filled with 'newb' questions by now, so heres another one! My tank just finished cycling (all parameters are fine), so I thought I'd treat myself to some new inmates. I bought 5 blue legged hermits, 2 turbo snails, 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 percula...
  12. J

    Howdy =)

    No prblem Nav. Better late than never :D I've go to wait til the weekend b4 I can get to the LFS anyway...
  13. J

    Cleanup Crew Aclimatisation

    Ok, Thanks all. I'll make sure I do it properly. Still not sure about the drip method. Once you come to transfer the fish/invert/coral how do you remove them from the bag and get them to the tank without a net? Or can you use a net?
  14. J

    Cleanup Crew Aclimatisation

    Just as an additional question, is it necessary to acclimatise inverts (hermits, snails etc...) in the same way as fish, or is it safe to just transfer them from the bag to the tank (after matching temp)?
  15. J

    Howdy =)

    I have a RIO 125 and mine has definately got a brace bar. Sits just over the top of the water.
  16. J

    Small White Creatures On Glass

    Ok thx. Hopefully be able to add some cleanup crew soon :D :D
  17. J

    Small White Creatures On Glass

    Think they may be copepods??? Is that likely. Found the link here... I assume they aren't a bad thing?? Is this a good sign?
  18. J

    Small White Creatures On Glass

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that these are good things, and a sign of a healthy tank, but I just wanted to check. I set the tank up 3 days ago, with LR and LS. LR is fully cured. The 'things' on the glass are tiny (about 1mm) white crawly things. Theres quite a few of them. I'm sure...
  19. J

    Please Answer Someone Purple Tonga ?

    Well I'm by no means an expert (fairly new to this myself), but I think you should be paying around $45 for a large piece. I'm sorry I'm not sure what the definition of 'large' is in this instance. The forums are quite quiet this time of the day so I'm sure someone more experienced will be of...
  20. J

    Please Answer Someone Purple Tonga ?

    Hi Lynn, How much did you pay for it, and what quantity/size? Jodie
  21. J

    Howdy =)

    Nav, I have just set up my 30gal (27 imp gal) with 34lbs (just over 15KGs) of fully cured live rock (non-eggy ;0)) as well as 20lbs of LS. So are you saying it is OK to add fish straightaway or would it have to be more LR?
  22. J

    Cleanup Crew Aclimatisation

    Ok, so I'll test my levels every other day this week, then by saturday if they've reduced alot I'll add a couple, then do a couple more the next weekend etc... until they reach zero. Then I can get a couple of shrimps??
  23. J

    Cleanup Crew Aclimatisation

    Hi Again, Having now got my tank set up (everything is working), live rock and live sand added etc... I just wanted advice on the best time to start adding the cleanup crew. Is it essential to wait for the tank to fully cycle (is this process speeded up by the LR, LS?), or is it something...
  24. J

    Settling Sand, Live Rock And Skimmer

    Thanks Navarre, it really helps to have some reassurance. It is quite a fine grain of sand (aragonite). There is plenty of flow with both powerheads and the skimmer switched on, so I might turn one of the powerheads off for tonight.... Also, just a quick question. Is it possible to turn the...
  25. J

    Settling Sand, Live Rock And Skimmer

    Hi All (again), Following on from my last post, I have added the sand, but came a cropper really. I didn't realise how long it would take to settle, and my live rock was shipped today so I needed to get it in the tank asap. Unfortunately I couldn't see anything so wasn't sure it was a good...
  26. J

    Salt Mixing For First Time

    Thanks Princess, Yes I have 2 powerheads, both running and I have also turned the heater on. Everything seems to have settled down now, and I don't know if it was begginers luck, but 18 hours later and the salinity is sitting at 1.024 Going to add my Live Sand and Live Rock tonight. :D :D
  27. J

    Salt Mixing For First Time

    Thanks Chac, Appreciate the reassurance. Bit daunting first time round. Is it ok to add sand and live rock or should I wait a while? Cheers.
  28. J

    Salt Mixing For First Time

    Hi All, Just setting up my first tank. I have filled it with RO water (nothing else in tank at the moment). As I am putting in salt for the first time, I just want some reassurance that I'm doing it right (I know puur salt in the water)... Seems that it really is alot of salt and turns the...
  29. J

    Tank Clean-up Crew

    Ok, so how about: 12 Blue Hermits 6 Turbo Snails 2 Percula Clowns 1 Lemon Goby 1 Royal Gramma Does that sound about right?
  30. J

    Tank Clean-up Crew

    In addition to my recent thread on which order to set up the tank in, I am now pondering the question of the 'Clean Up Crew'. Can anyone advise what would be best for my tank. Its 35g FOWLR (currently not set up yet). Just want a rough idea as to how many of what I should have - just for the...
  31. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    thanks crazyelece. Its a good job it took the advice given and bought one then. It pays to ask...
  32. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Thanks for all your help everyone. I've just bought an RO unit online. I think in the long run, it is going to be more beneficial. I will probably do as was advised, and add the RO water, then the salt, and then the sand once I've got the salinity perfect. Hopefully this will make the water...
  33. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Thanks Drumms, Thats really helpful. I was also planning on buying live sand. How much (depth) did you buy?? Have you added dechorlinator to the water also? Thanks
  34. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Its just the mixing of the salt water for the first time, in a sensible timeframe, in a suitable sized container. It makes sense to me, to mix all the water at the same time in the tank, but I'm not sure how long it will take using an RO unit. Its just over 30 gallons, and I'd ideally like to...
  35. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Thanks Dan, But with my tropical tank I just dechlorinated the water, then put it in when doing water changes. Is it not possible to do this with SW? The RO sounds great, and will be for water changes, its just the first fill up which worries me slightly....
  36. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Although it fits in my budget, I was hoping to do without the RO unit. Is this ok? I understand what RO is, but am not sure how I would use it, as I still wouldn't have a container big enough to hold the water needed for my tank. So would I have to do it in stages? Or, do you just attch it to...
  37. J

    What Order To Set Up The Tank?

    Hi All, I've been planning my SW tank for several months now and have all the equipment in place for running the 'berlin method' (no sump). However, I've now got to the stage where I'm ready to get started and realised I don't know the best way to do it... Heres what I thought: 1. Add the...
  38. J

    Advice For A Begginer

    Hi All, I am thinking of setting up my 30g tank using the berlin method. However, in some places I see that you need a sump, and other you just need the skimmer. Can someone clarify for me please? Thanks
  39. J

    Angel Fish 'eggs'????

    Anus does not look inflamed and her appitite has dropped. Will the other fish try to eat the spawn? The Angels are being VERY protective, bordering aggresive? HELP!
  40. J

    Angel Fish 'eggs'????

    Tank is 125l,the fish are as above. The bloated gourami has clear, very long poo and is almost floating on her side. We treated the water with an internal anti-bac and have been givinh daphnia. No other signs of illness on other fish (well I say that, our rainbows are dropping off, but...