Salt Mixing For First Time


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, UK
Hi All,

Just setting up my first tank.

I have filled it with RO water (nothing else in tank at the moment).

As I am putting in salt for the first time, I just want some reassurance that I'm doing it right (I know puur salt in the water)...

Seems that it really is alot of salt and turns the water completely opaque (although it has now cleared somewhat).

To get the perfect salinity is it a case of adding salt by the teaspoon to get it right or can you get away with say a cup full to only change it slightly.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Also seeing alot of air bubbles in the tank. I assume these wll disperse??
I used a cup - would take a lifetime using a spoon

You can always fine tune it when it settles down & is up to temp

I wouldnt worry about the water colour & the bubble at the mo - that will settle

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Thanks Chac,

Appreciate the reassurance. Bit daunting first time round.

Is it ok to add sand and live rock or should I wait a while?

as long as your SG is where you want it you can go ahead and put your sand and LR in there and start cycling your tank :hey:
I use scales to weigh out the amount of salt needed or just under then using a cap to bring it up to the correct SG
Thanks Princess, Yes I have 2 powerheads, both running and I have also turned the heater on. Everything seems to have settled down now, and I don't know if it was begginers luck, but 18 hours later and the salinity is sitting at 1.024

Going to add my Live Sand and Live Rock tonight.

:D :D
O would bei inclined to nudge it up to 1.026
\ :D
Just a tip for your first water change...........................

Take your time to measure exactly how much salt it takes to get the mix correct for your preferred container. Then for every subsequent water change you can weight out the correct amount of salt and just chuck it in the container. This will save yourself a hell of a lot of time in the future :fun:
Just a tip for your first water change...........................

Take your time to measure exactly how much salt it takes to get the mix correct for your preferred container. Then for every subsequent water change you can weight out the correct amount of salt and just chuck it in the container. This will save yourself a hell of a lot of time in the future :fun:

I second that!
Just being picky....1.024 is your specific gravity, NOT your salinity. Salinity is measured in percentage. In the future, I've found about 1 cup mixed with 1 gallon will bring you into the 1.024-1.025 range. Obviously, this can very between salt mixes. SH
I've found about 1 cup mixed with 1 gallon will bring you into the 1.024-1.025 range.

Coffee cup? Tea cup? Doll's cup? Bone China cup? How about a Mug? UK gallon or US gallon?

Only joking :p

Good point by SH, either way just remeber what you did so that you can do it again next time.

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