What Order To Set Up The Tank?

I just want to add one thing here for any newbies starting out in the hobby. An RO/DI unit is essential as it takes out everything from the water. This includes, but not limited to: nitrates, phosphates, copper, zinc, lead, other heavy metals, flouride (we need it fish don't), sediment, ect. Salt water aquariums differ from FW because we use a salt mix to get everything our tanks need. This mix adds everything to the water to create a marine environment including calcium, magnesium, iodine, etc. Salt mix is designed to be mixed with pure water, using anything else adds extra nutrients that can cause algea blooms, copper poisoning, etc. Some tap water is safer to use as its source is more pure but just the act of running through a copper pipe network adds copper to the system and all inverts are poisoned with copper. Copper and other heavy metals never leave a system so continuos use of tap water can kill cleaners and corals. While there are some out there using tap water with no apparent problems they are both an exception and a rarity. For the cost of the unit there is no excuse not to get one. If you can't pony up for a RO/DI unit you can't afford to get into the hobby. IMO its not worth risking $1000+ in livestock for a $100 piece of equipment.
thanks crazyelece.

Its a good job it took the advice given and bought one then. It pays to ask...

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