Cleanup Crew Aclimatisation


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, UK
Hi Again,

Having now got my tank set up (everything is working), live rock and live sand added etc... I just wanted advice on the best time to start adding the cleanup crew.

Is it essential to wait for the tank to fully cycle (is this process speeded up by the LR, LS?), or is it something which can/should be done while the tank is cycling?

Thanks for your help in advance.

There is great difference in opinion on this, personally I would add your cleanup crew when you have started to have your algae bloom. Your ammonia and nitrites should be low but your nitrate will be going up. As long as it doesnt go through the roof inverts such as red hermits and turbo snails should happily survive.

Just don't add any more delecate cleaners until the levels are reading 0 and nitrate is as low as you can get it, test your levels as much as you can.

Ok, so I'll test my levels every other day this week, then by saturday if they've reduced alot I'll add a couple, then do a couple more the next weekend etc... until they reach zero. Then I can get a couple of shrimps??
Just as an additional question, is it necessary to acclimatise inverts (hermits, snails etc...) in the same way as fish, or is it safe to just transfer them from the bag to the tank (after matching temp)?
Just as an additional question, is it necessary to acclimatise inverts (hermits, snails etc...) in the same way as fish, or is it safe to just transfer them from the bag to the tank (after matching temp)?
You should acclimate them for around a half an hour, as they are inverts, and are sensitive to changes.
I've read that some snails can be even more fussy than fish so they need a long careful acclimatisation just incase.

I added some hermits yesterday but the bag sunk and they got let out straight away....They seem fine now though and are munching away all over the rock. Probably best to do it properly though :)

Persoannly I always acclimitise Inverts as I would fish

On average I float the bag for around 25 mins then using the drip method I transfer tank water to the bag for about 2 - 3 hours

Remember that certain inverts expecially Seastars need longer acclimitisations than others
Persoannly I always acclimitise Inverts as I would fish

On average I float the bag for around 25 mins then using the drip method I transfer tank water to the bag for about 2 - 3 hours

Remember that certain inverts expecially Seastars need longer acclimitisations than others
Yeah sometimes, especially with linckias, they will "mysteriously" die after a few weeks, and it's all because they were acclimated wrong.
Ok, Thanks all.

I'll make sure I do it properly.

Still not sure about the drip method. Once you come to transfer the fish/invert/coral how do you remove them from the bag and get them to the tank without a net? Or can you use a net?
DONT get a starfish until your tank is at least 6 months old, ideally a year old. You need to give plenty of time for detrius, algae and micro organisms to build up for the starfish to eat.


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