What Order To Set Up The Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, UK
Hi All,

I've been planning my SW tank for several months now and have all the equipment in place for running the 'berlin method' (no sump).

However, I've now got to the stage where I'm ready to get started and realised I don't know the best way to do it...

Heres what I thought:

1. Add the substrate to the tank (between 1 and 4 inches). I will be using sand (probably some argonite).
2. Add the tap water to the tank - turn on heaters
3. Add the dechrolinater.
4. Add the salt - turn on powerheads
5. Turn on protein skimmer.
6. Ensure specific gravity is correct.
7. Test water for the basics - PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia
8. Add the live rock
9. Wait................
10. Add fish (or clean up crew?)

Can anyone tell me if this seems a good idea. Only thing that worries me is mixing the salt the first time. I have a large container to do water changes, just not big enough for the whole tank...

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

I've been planning my SW tank for several months now and have all the equipment in place for running the 'berlin method' (no sump).

However, I've now got to the stage where I'm ready to get started and realised I don't know the best way to do it...

Heres what I thought:

1. Add the substrate to the tank (between 1 and 4 inches). I will be using sand (probably some argonite).
2. Add the tap water to the tank - turn on heaters
3. Add the dechrolinater.
4. Add the salt - turn on powerheads
5. Turn on protein skimmer.
6. Ensure specific gravity is correct.
7. Test water for the basics - PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia
8. Add the live rock
9. Wait................
10. Add fish (or clean up crew?)

Can anyone tell me if this seems a good idea. Only thing that worries me is mixing the salt the first time. I have a large container to do water changes, just not big enough for the whole tank...

Thanks in advance.

I would wait until you get an RO/DI water purification system. Good ones can be had for about $100. This will take a lot of the headaches out of things, since you won't start out with some nasty stuff already in the water.
i agree you'd want to wait till after you got the R/O system. Other than that i think you'd want to put the water in the tank first and mix the salt in it. Measure the SG and such. Some people then put the substrate in, some put the LR in first...I put the substrate in first then the LR. Turn the powerheads on. I wouldn't turn the skimmer on during the cycling, you really want/need the ish it takes out to help cycle the tank. With the LR in there you should be able to cycle the tank pretty quick. Good luck :fun:
Although it fits in my budget, I was hoping to do without the RO unit. Is this ok?

I understand what RO is, but am not sure how I would use it, as I still wouldn't have a container big enough to hold the water needed for my tank. So would I have to do it in stages?

Or, do you just attch it to a tap and then it has a hose which you put directly in the tank. Sorry for my ignorance, but would like to know before purchasing something I may not be able to use.

Thanks in advance
Hey :)

You can buy water 5gal containers from your LFS for dirt cheap :)

RO unit's can be attached to the tap via hosepipe fittings or plumbed into the pipes.
You should test what the water is like out of your taps. Most of the time it's useless and will cause undesireable algae in you tank :(

Thanks Dan,

But with my tropical tank I just dechlorinated the water, then put it in when doing water changes. Is it not possible to do this with SW?

The RO sounds great, and will be for water changes, its just the first fill up which worries me slightly....
Hey Jodie :)

The amount of light normally used in a marine tank is far beyond even a heavily planted FW tank. This is why algae seems to grow so fast. It has lots of light and then all the nutrients and phosphates that the tap water supplies. An RO unit will remove most of these so you won't see a bad algae bloom.

Why are you worried about filling the tank up?

Why are you worried about filling the tank up?

Its just the mixing of the salt water for the first time, in a sensible timeframe, in a suitable sized container.

It makes sense to me, to mix all the water at the same time in the tank, but I'm not sure how long it will take using an RO unit. Its just over 30 gallons, and I'd ideally like to get it done in a couple of hours tops, but from the sounds of it, it takes a day to purify 50 gallons.....

Just wanted to know really if I could put the tap water in the tank then add the dechorlinator and salt?

I do want to do it properly, so I'm happy to invest in an RO unit, just want to be sure I understand how its supposed to be set up, in terms of, does the water go stright into the tank? Do you have to leave the tap running the best part of a day? Just silly questions really.

Any advice gratefully received.
I have just filled up my new saltwater tank (fish only to begin with) for the first time. I have bought live sand so the lfs told me to mix my water & salt in the tank without the sand. Once I have got the salinty to the right level I will add the sand. I am just using tap water at the moment.
Thanks Drumms,

Thats really helpful. I was also planning on buying live sand. How much (depth) did you buy??

Have you added dechorlinator to the water also?

I have a R/O unit that i hook up to the faucet when i need it, then can put away in a closet when i'm not using it. I also bought a big rubbermaid bin on wheels that i ONLY use for my saltwater tank so I know it's clean. I fill it up as high as i need for water changes and mix the salt in there. And to fill up your tank, if your powerhead is strong enough you can hook up some airline tubing or something to the output of the powerhead and drop it into the bin, put the end of the tubing in the tank and it'll pump the water in for you, otherwise you can do like I did and do it 1 cup at a time :X :sick: :X
Hi Jodie

I'm not sure how deep it will be. My tank is 120 x 40cm and I have bought 3 20lb bags. I was guided by the shop. I will let you know how deep it is. I'm hoping to put it in tonight.

Wish me luck!
I would only use R/O water to fill your tank(you can buy them very cheap now) Dechorlinator wont remove phosphate, nitrate etc from your tap water.
Once full turn on the powerheads and then slowly add the salt, then turn on your heater. After your tank is up to the right temp and SG add your sand, dont waste your money on live-sand (the stuff you buy in a bag in the UK is not live) i would put a thin layer of Carib-sea Aragamax sand. One the sandstorm has cleared add your liverock then start testing the water.

Thanks for all your help everyone.

I've just bought an RO unit online. I think in the long run, it is going to be more beneficial.

I will probably do as was advised, and add the RO water, then the salt, and then the sand once I've got the salinity perfect.

Hopefully this will make the water alot purer (and cost me less on dechorlinator in the long term).

Thanks again.

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