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  1. D

    that is weird wonder why this site hasn't gotten around to more people
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    :o :o :o ??? ??? ??? ???
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    Baby mollies

    i could easily get another 10g tank, but i kinda live across the ocean, so no fish for me 8)
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    did you notice?

    not many people want to let people know where they live, but telling your state to people isn't enough info to do anything
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    i never got to say hi to everyone when i first started this forum to say i was new :sad: people just say something like "WELCOME" and ill feel happy
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    i just bought some anacharis at the pet store today and i think it works a lot better
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    did you notice?

    would be cool if we could find at least one person in each state and/or country
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    did you notice?

    dont see to many people from new jersey on here though
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    why the heck would you want to breed snails anyway? the mess up your tank water and they look like crap
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    How long...?

    can other fish get this disease?
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    air effects???

    what does a air pump do to live plants? I have both and would like to know if its harmfull or not to plants
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    i had hornwort and thought it was very messy the leaves break off and get everywhere, even stuck in the filter i wanted to keep it down in the gravel, but could never keep it from floating back to the top let me know if you have better luck
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    Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

    what about aragonite?
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    AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH! scum mark still there!

    hey, this pic of the mark is better, u can actually see it. brillo pad doesn't work either?
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    14 Days Later

    when its set up, post some pics
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    Back to the Drawing Board

    exactly how aggressive are the fish towards eachother?
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    ok...just wasn't sure if his calc. for the fish growth were right
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    it might be ok, but i would actually drop one of the danio species
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    hold on
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    Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids

    or any kind of danios
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    first of all, what size tank?
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    Pregnant or just fat???

    :crazy: forgot about that but fish with dropsy usually are so fat to the point that your surprised its still alive
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    Pregnant or just fat???

    shes definitly gonna have "children"
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    How do I clean this??!

    oooh, i see it now. but wont all this dish soap and cleaners kill the fish when you put water in the tank?
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    coolness. you should really try out some live plants theres a lot of low maintenance ones now, too
  26. D

    How do I clean this??!

    i know everyone is going thru all the trouble for ideas, but........ ............ ............ ...i still dont see the scum mark. Am i blind or something?
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    Fish for 30 gallon tank

    i actually think another few rosy barbs might be a good idea 1 might be a little lonely in there by itself
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    did you notice?

    thought so myself
  29. D

    Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids

    tiger barbs maybe?.... they might get a little big though
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    java moss

    i cant stand ebay
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    did you notice?

    does anyone notice that all the people who have a TON of posts are from england? its like the english are like fish geniuses why cant i live in england?? :huh:
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    5 month young tank

    nice tank the plants are awesome
  33. D

    My fish and tanks

    i have the same problem with live plants - i get them not knowing what they are, and never figure it out!
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    Why my serpae tetra and tiger barb turn pale??

    yeah... i might get one now, cause i can never tell if im overfeeding or not
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    Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids

    maybe rosy barbs they're extremely hardy and very colorful when in good cycled water
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    free platys!! awesome!!!
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    tiger barb

    that actually could have happened *GASP* :crazy:
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    Why my serpae tetra and tiger barb turn pale??

    oh, cool never worked with an auto feeder, so i wouldn't know
  39. D

    hi folks

    most commercial tanks dont have gravel. it doesn't hurt the fish or anything
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    i'm new here

    cool, everyone dreams of a bigger tank(the coolest thing ever) i just thought that i freakishly retarded