Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, a friend of mine (single dad w/5 y.o. girl) has decided to get his daughter a 10 gallon tank for her birthday. I tried to talk him out of it, but what's done is done, he's already told her about it and bought the tank.

He has actually done his research and learned about things like cycling, etc. BUT... he's come to me for advice (he sees how well I treat Amos the betta) and wants me to help him pick out the stock for his 10 gallon.

I want you all to suggest some hearty (but MUST be pretty) fishes that will work well together.

I will suggest a regime for them to go thru (as far as gravel vacuuming, water changes, etc) and they live not far from work, so I'm going to tell them that I'll be popping in for a wellness check every now and then.

So, anyhow - I was thinking a little collection of neons would satisfy the "pretty glowing fishes" part. What else? He's got a bio-wheel filter and a heater.

thanks for ya help.
Neons need a mature tank of 6 months, I would go for a shoal of harlequins they will amuse her as they shoal most of the time where neons tend not to once they feel safe,you can't add harlequins till the tank has cycled.
What about some male guppies? Very pretty!!!! I love my guppy boys! And fairly hardy. And no babies if boys only.

I'm thinking she'll be a fan of the cardinals.
We have almost 40 days til her birthday so let the cycling begin!

I will be reading up on fishless cycles, but does anyone have any good sound pointers on that for me quickly? I would really rather do a fishless than w/fish, cuz this IS a 5 year old, and won't tolerate a fishy death very well right off the bat..

Thanks :)
Guppys and Mollys. It'd be impossable for them to be killed off. Get 2 female and 3 male of each. Maybe a small catfish for cleaning dutys that you know will be neglected eventually. Mollys are atom bomb proof, Guppy males (as already said) are pretty and the two will live together very happily.
The best thing about the Molly/Guppy combo' is the 99% chance of them breeding. A perfect way for kids to learn the facts of life and to see the most exciting (in my opinion) part of the hobby!
If the tank over-populates tell the dad to put in a lone Bala Shark to eat up any fry.

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