Search results

  1. Fizzy77

    How Do I Bread Siamese Fighter..   Just google it :D
  2. Fizzy77

    Are My Gouramis Male Or Female?

    Yes you have a male (top) & female (bottom), males are brighter colored and have longer dorsal (top fins) , females are generally a duller colour (not bright) and will usually have a more rounded appearance and shorter/smaller dorsal fins :)
  3. Fizzy77

    Small Has Dissapeared!

    Hi   So I have a pair of Julidochromis marlieri (M&F) and last night about an hour after I did my weekly water change Small (that's the male) had disappeared, didn't think much of it as they are always hiding up.   I turned the tank light off for a few hours while we watched a movie, after the...
  4. Fizzy77

    Best/cheapest Way To Make A Background?

    To be honest I don't know, a craft store like HobbyCraft or Baker Ross or maybe diy places B&Q, Homebase etc might be worth a try. If you have a decent lfs you could ask there :)
  5. Fizzy77

    Makes Me Sad To See These

    oh dear! poor fishies in that hideous tank!
  6. Fizzy77

    Shrimp Safe List

    Thanks for this I've been looking for this kind of list :D
  7. Fizzy77

    Best/cheapest Way To Make A Background?   Just google diy rock background fish tank
  8. Fizzy77

    What Sand/base For Cichlids?

    I just used play sand from my local garden centre in my 4ft tank, it does get into my filters but it doesn't block thm up, I used Swell Aquarium Sand  ( in my little tank and that doesn't seem to...
  9. Fizzy77

    Guppy With Torn Fins

    Hi, you said you don't have a test kit because they don't sell them there?Your profile says your in the UK so I am quite surprised you can't get one, if your lfs doesn't sell them you can buy them easily online from amazon, eBay or places like (<-- they do free delivery on...
  10. Fizzy77

    $10 Black Ghost Knife, Free Mollies And Cherry Barbs, San Jose Ca

    I think you need to use this when you make a sales thread
  11. Fizzy77

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Pandas are so cute, I have bronze corys and 1 little albino, buying 6-12 pygmy/dainty corys for my shrimp tank in a few weeks
  12. Fizzy77

    My Paddlefish

    Absolutely stunning! How big is she?
  13. Fizzy77

    Are My Guppies Pregnant?

    If they aren't they will be soon, if you don't want your guppies to breed you should keep only males (cuts out the worry of buying pregnant females!!) They do look pregnant
  14. Fizzy77

    Shrimp And Baby Tank

    Lovely tank, great shot of the shrimp makes me more excited about getting mine in a few weeks :D
  15. Fizzy77

    Cycling Using Interpet New Aquarium Start Up Kit

    I would have a read through the threads here:
  16. Fizzy77

    Yet Another Community Fish Recommendation Thread...

    You need to bump up the amount of danios ,Tetras and  Glass Catfish you have as they all need a shoal of 6 or more, I would research the others as you may need to bump those up aswell.   If you have 2 x common plecs then they can get up to and over 1 foot in length and Bala/Silver Sharks get...
  17. Fizzy77

    Gold Gourami Breeding Urgent Help

    first is male second is female imo. Dorsal fins are generally shorter and a more rounded shape on females, males are longer and a more pointed shape.
  18. Fizzy77

    Buying Online?

     I have used a few different retailers for bog wood/plants/food/filters, all these I have been happy with.   For live fish/invertebrates always make sure you check their policies for dead on arrival and how they will package and deliver the fish/invertebrates.   eBay is a good place to look for...
  19. Fizzy77

    Will A Bigger Tank Stop My Gouramis From Fighting

    7g is definitely to small for them, changing to a 20g+ would probably help, make sure you have plants and hidey holes for them aswell, things like terracotta pots or coconut shells etc are great
  20. Fizzy77

    Driftwood,cave,tree Trunk & Gravel For Sale

    Think this thread should be here
  21. Fizzy77

    Tropical Shrimp

    Check out Kesgrave Aquatics on eBay they are based in Ipswich and come highly recommended from my fish buddies :D They have quite a good selection of invertebrates and you only pay one delivery cost for whatever you buy (I'm stocking my 60ltre with shrimp and pygmy cories from them at the end of...
  22. Fizzy77

    Hi All!

    Hi & Welcome   You may want to check this out:   You really need to cycle your tank before adding fish, I would also do some research on what fish you have as I would imagine they all need to be in a much bigger tank...
  23. Fizzy77

    How Long To Soak?

    Hi   So I got my two pieces of Jati wood from SwellUK today (1 small bit & 1 medium bit) Really pleased with it as it was a bargain price and both bits are a gorgeous colour and bigger than I expected   Just wondered how long is best to soak it for? I have it in a a big tub covered with tank...
  24. Fizzy77


    Hi :) Wow 7 tanks ! Wish I had the space for 7 :D
  25. Fizzy77

    Bronze Catfish Ill

    Try turning your lights off (but leave the tank lights on) and sit quietly near the tank and wait for 5 or so minutes with the camera near the glass and hopefully the cory will forget about you and your camera and come out, try moving slowly towards him/her if they do appear. If you camera has a...
  26. Fizzy77

    So I Rescued This Fish...

    defrost and de-shell frozen ones, I always break mine into little pieces
  27. Fizzy77

    Hi, Im New

    Hi & Welcome :)
  28. Fizzy77

    Couple Of Questions On Adding First Variatus Platies

    I don't know much about platy's so I can't help, but I just wanted so say I love your tank!It's so cute ! My daughter likes to help out with our fish aswell, shes like an alarm clock for feeding them and using the glass cleaner :)
  29. Fizzy77

    Help If You Can

    Try looking on eBay or in your local classified ads (online or newspaper, make a wanted ad and explain your situation)  look up your local freegle/freecycle group and ask for one on there, you may need your parents help with those.   Most supermarkets/pet stores etc have classifiied ad boards so...
  30. Fizzy77

    Are My Fish Struggling To Breathe?

    I may be wrong but I think 25L is to small, is the Betta aggressive? Have you cycled your tank/tested the water/whats the temp./filtration etc..?
  31. Fizzy77

    Gradually Losing Female Guppy's

    Personally I would rehome/return the weather loaches as they can get up to 9in-10in which is nearly as long as your tank, I also thought they were coldwater? Glass Cats need a bigger tank aswell, ~ Says Flying Fox needs an aquarium...
  32. Fizzy77

    Clown Loach

    Theres a good page here~
  33. Fizzy77

    What Do You Feed Your Fish On?

    Feed mine once a day, in the evening~   Half to 1 cube of Interpet Freeze Dried Tubifex soaked and squashed up in some tank water first 1-2 pinches of King British Tropical Flake and 3-4 Hikari Mini Algae Flakes