Hi All!


New Member
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Albany, NY
Hi everyone,
I found this site and thought it was a perfect way to learn about a new hobby the family and I have taken up. We just got a 10 gallon tank to start out with. We have 3 fish in it. A Angel fish, red tail shark, and a loach. I do not know what kind of loach, all I know is it's a loach. The tank is new and I was told as long as I treated it with a declorinator that I could add my fish right away, which I did. I have two non living plants in the tank and the shark is hiding upright in one of them. The loach sticks to the heater. The Angel fish will swim around but will spend most of it's time near the heater. The tank is at 75-78 degrees.
Not sure what else to post at the moment, just wanted to introduce myself.
Hi & Welcome

You may want to check this out: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/277264-beginners-resource-center/
You really need to cycle your tank before adding fish, I would also do some research on what fish you have as I would imagine they all need to be in a much bigger tank

Red Tailed Sharks need a min of 20g+ , I would imagine Angels need a bigger tank and depending on what loach it is then they may well need more space
Hi Fizzy, thank you for the advice.
We wanted to start out small (the 10 gallon tank) since this is our first time with fish. We figure if the 3 fish we have live and start to out grow the tank we will upgrade. My oldest daughter is already pestering for more fish (she wants some neon tetras) but I told her we have to wait a little while. I plan to add a pleco as soon as I see some algue start to form. I had a 55 gallon tank several years ago but it has been so long I have forgotten all the basics.
I was told the fish we picked would not get any bigger than 6" max. But since we want to add more fish, we will end up upgrading to a bigger tank at some point.

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