My Paddlefish


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Manila, Philippines
Isn't she lovely?



Must be expensive to feed eh? Btw great fish!
Thanks! She's 7 inches long, paddle included. My trusted importer says she eats tubifex and blood worms... Its her 2nd day in my tank. I haven't seen her take anything yet but she seems to enjoy tailing and "sniffing" a feeder livebearer.
Ranchu said:
Thanks! She's 7 inches long, paddle included. My trusted importer says she eats tubifex and blood worms... Its her 2nd day in my tank. I haven't seen her take anything yet but she seems to enjoy tailing and "sniffing" a feeder livebearer.
What feeder livebearer?
Amazing fish! I can't seem to find much info on them. Mind sharing how big these guys get? :) Such a cool animal.
To my knowledge they're a very specialised fish! What kind of set up is it!? Size? Filtration etc etc I'd love to know!

What species? The American one I assume? They're a filter feeder I believe.

Details please! What a beautiful and exciting fish to see in the hobby!!!! :D :D
The National Mississippi River Museum in Dubuque Iowa has a tank full of these guys(at least the local species) The local species of Paddle Fish (looks exactly like yours ) live in the Mississippi. They run local undammed Rivers in the spring (the Cedar River and Iowa Rivers) probably are in other rivers which branch off the MMississippi River. Might look at the Iowa Department of Natural resources as well as other bordering states departments as well. Not all of them are called the department of natural resources though. Us fish and game might have info too. This will give you leads at least to be able to simulate the environment. I have seen wild ones on the Cedar River. Its a swift sandy river and there were ones that was 5 feet and greater as I recall.I know they are filter feeders and watching them they take a lot of space to swim around even when they are at a dam outflow they don't just sit with their mouths open they swim. They do not take a hook on purpose so I am surprised yours is actually eating frozen. Most people fishing for these for food snag then because of this reason. It would be really cool if this is a species that stays small.
The only hands on interaction I had with wild ones was when I worked for the DNR and got to go with fisheries to electroshock the cedar river for a study. All species of fish act different to the electric current and the paddle fish were very sensitive leaping out of the water around our boat like dolphins. Uy was very hard to catch them to tag them.
I would suggest you quickly get some flow going. As well as some open swimming space. I re looked at your pictures and from seeing these guys in their native habitat as well as the museum tank I can tell you they are almost constantly filtering. They have their "gill basket" and mouths completely open and spread out. They are also very actively cruising and feeding constantly.
Yup she';s in a big pond now... and she is camera shy.. After 6 months, she has grown to about 9 inches now (guesstimate). She seems healthy and happy but to this date, I haven't seen her eat anything... 

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