Help If You Can


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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I feal so stupid for asking this but i need the help if you can 
I Have a fluval edge 23l and i have in it 5 corys 1 plec 8 neons and 7 harlequins and i now no that my tank is 204% over stocked and this is the bit where you will all laugh i need a tank that can accommodate all these for £50 i am only 15 and have no way of making money please if any one can help i hate the feeling that my fish a suffering all because of me my fish are the pride and joy of my life   
keep your eyes peeled on gumtree is my advice: my mother-in-law got herself a 150L tank for just £50 including lighting & filter but no heater (you will need £10 for that.)
you may find you need to take yourself in a couple of expensive stages, getting a 90L 24" wide tank for about that price, then again in the future doing another upgrade. Some of that can be offset by selling your mid-tank.
I'd also say that a fluval edge 23L? there might be a missing zero on your overstock there at 2040%
your plec alone could pollute a tank that size to its detriment and you really need to establish what kind of plec you have.
Try looking on eBay or in your local classified ads (online or newspaper, make a wanted ad and explain your situation)  look up your local freegle/freecycle group and ask for one on there, you may need your parents help with those.
Most supermarkets/pet stores etc have classifiied ad boards so try putting a wanted ad on there (again explain your situation)
Ask on freecycle... I know it varies per area but fish tanks go often in my area.
ebay is a great place too, bought my 20 gallon for £20 including, hood, light fixture (which I've never used as it wasn't adequate, heater, filter gravel and decorations.  I freecycled the gravel.  It had superficial chips on the edge and I only had to go to homebase and get some black wall edging and glued it on with aquarium sealant to cover the imperfections.  Good deals if you can wait...
If you can't wait.... Wilkinson's sells huge 80litre tubs... you could always get one of those and add a heater and filter for a temporary holding tank.
matthewkeogh50 said:
my plec is a sailfin 
I recommend taking this to a local fish store and asking if you could maybe get some store credit for it. You don't want to turn 18 in debt and unable to afford a drink because you are spending all your money on a 600L+ tank. these guys dont just get big, they get very big.
are your "friends" here, you could get easily get a tank that could keep most of them for life for £50 (a 120x30x30cm 140l would be great), if you were lucky one that could also house the ~30-60cm plec depending upon species for life too (150x60cm footprint minimum IMO, ideally longer and wider).
Most of my 8 tanks are from these places, including 3 tanks 280-540l (4/5/6 feet) that cost me £62 or less. ;)
N0body Of The Goat said:
are your "friends" here, you could get easily get a tank that could keep most of them for life for £50 (a 120x30x30cm 140l would be great), if you were lucky one that could also house the ~30-60cm plec depending upon species for life too (150x60cm footprint minimum IMO, ideally longer and wider).
Most of my 8 tanks are from these places, including 3 tanks 280-540l (4/5/6 feet) that cost me £62 or less.
Thanks i will take a look
Best of luck!
I would also second the advice to rehome the sailfin plec ASAP; these guys can grow to nearly two feet long!
And PrairieSunflower's plastic storage tub is a great interim measure. Your fish won't look so good to you (most fish, even neons, just look sort of brown from above!), but they won't mind, and the extra space would be great.
Whereabouts are you?
I have a 160 litre tank that has sprung a leak on a corner seam - it needs proper fixing (I sealed over the leak but it's gone through again) but you can have it for free if you're near Surrey and your parents can drive you over?
I've also got various spare bits including filters that I could throw in for a small amount of £
matthewkeogh50 said:
I feal so stupid for asking this but i need the help if you can 
I Have a fluval edge 23l and i have in it 5 corys 1 plec 8 neons and 7 harlequins and i now no that my tank is 204% over stocked and this is the bit where you will all laugh i need a tank that can accommodate all these for £50 i am only 15 and have no way of making money please if any one can help i hate the feeling that my fish a suffering all because of me my fish are the pride and joy of my life   
matthew to the TFF...good on you for wanting to do what is right by your fish.
You have been pointed in the right direction by other members.  I managed to get £700 worth of gear for £100 from Gumtree and tend to find that is a good source, having bought most of my aquariums via it.
Corys are no good in an Edge (even though I was told they would be) as they need to get to the surface to breathe.  So if you have it filled to the top, drop the level for them to get surface air.
Put your location in your profile, just needs to be town and county/country, then people are able to help you if they are local to you.
In terms of using plastic boxes for temporary accommodation, do not get the very cheap ones as these can leech into the water and kill the fish.
What heater do you have in your Edge at present, brand and wattage?
Good luck, keep us posted.  Once we all know where you are, we maybe able to assist further.
FYI for plastic boxes, I thoroughly recommend Really Useful Boxes (otherwise called RUBS) sold at most large B&Q but especially Staples. You get an 84L tub for about £20, really strong, wont leach, will survive a heater (keep out of direct contact to be safe but with suckers will be good - we apply direct heat for our snakes with these).
Yes, plastic boxes are a good alternative, maybe temporary though as it's ugly but if you don't mind, it will do the job.
Keep checking for cheap 2nd hand fish tanks, try bargaining as people tend to overprice and are willing to sell for less eventually.

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