Tropical Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2012
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I'm looking for more types if shrimp, I've already got cherry shrimp and blue tiger shrimp. I want another type. Just throwing it out there to see if anyone has any different types going.....
theres tons of different shrimps out there, the cherry shimp has a tone of variations on it in colours ect, theres the bamboo shrimp and the amano have a look on here
there are more than that out there but that just gives you an idea 
and i dident see that this was in the sales form... please use the sale thread in the futrue :L
Thanks for that :) they look pretty cool but I've got some yellow cherry shrimp coming tomorrow so I will leave it for now but I might grab some off of you in the near future
Check out Kesgrave Aquatics on eBay they are based in Ipswich and come highly recommended from my fish buddies :D They have quite a good selection of invertebrates and you only pay one delivery cost for whatever you buy (I'm stocking my 60ltre with shrimp and pygmy cories from them at the end of the month)
I've been there before :) they have so many different types of everything....I don't dare go there again as i always come away from there with an empty purse! Ha ha

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