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  1. N

    Just Checking My Stocking

    Doesn't sound overstocked, but I'd keep a close eye on those barbs in regards to the gourami. Observe for signs of nipping on the gourami, as well as if she's being harassed during feeding. I'd personally get rid of the tiger barbs and replace them with pentazona, they're less agressive. I'd...
  2. N

    Stocking Question

    Depends on your maintenance schedule. That sounds light-moderately stocked for the size of the tank. If you do say, 30-35 gallons worth of water changes weekly, I'd say you could add a few more fish. I'd add 3-4 more Otos, a couple more denisons, and maybe some more corys. Some type of angel...
  3. N

    Fish To Put In My 20 Gallon

    Where I live all the lfs (and my own tank) sell 20 gallon standards, which measure 24". Cardinal tetras are one of the most beautiful fish IMO, and the ones I have ( half from liveaquaria) have adjusted well to the harder water in my area. Dwarf gouramis are also really colorful and fairly...
  4. N

    Yo Yo Loach Average Adult Size

    I've had three in a thirty gallon for about a year now, and they're 4-5" each. They were initially shy but now are out and swimming every time I pass the tank, so I'd say 3 is a fine number for them if provided with adequate tankmates and hiding places. I used to keep them with some Cardinal...
  5. N

    What Fish Would You Never Recommend To A Beginner?

    I did read what you wrote, and i still disagree in reference to this thread, which was started on the grounds of what's not recommended for beginners. And I didn't mean that buying a regular tank means it'll solve all your problems, just that you'll have less of them, and also a wider variety...
  6. N

    What Fish Would You Never Recommend To A Beginner?

    I disagree with beginners using bowls to house their fish as a good idea. It's extremely limiting to the types of fish you can house comfortably in a bowl, and I doubt most people have bowls bigger than 1-3 gallons.. If you're going to get a tank, get a tank. I wouldn't go out specifically...
  7. N

    New Solana Tank, Centerpiece Fish(Es)?

    Hey guys, just got in my new 34 solana barebones tank. Was originally planning on making this a reef tank but decided to instead start with a 20 for financial reasons. I may just keep this tank empty and turn it into a reef when I'm ready, if I can't think of any FW fish to stock it with...
  8. N

    What's Happening To My Shrimp?

    Hello, a few days ago I decided to buy another 10 gallon because my shrimp population is 100+ now in a 10 gallon. I put about 27-28 RCS to start in the new tank, which I put a already cycled sponge filter and HOB filter with part new/used media. Anyways I acclimatized them for an hour before...
  9. N

    Rabbit Snail In 2.5G

    Hello all, I recently added a poso orange rabbit snail to my 10g shrimp tank, about a month ago. Everything is fine with the snail itself, I'm just worried it might not be getting enough food as there's 80-100 RCS and hundreds of pest snails. The tank is heavely planted and I try not to...
  10. N

    Too Many Shrimp!

    What size is the tank, filtration, planting etc.
  11. N

    What To Do?

    so I ended up taking the loaches and neons, and I'm planning on finding a fish store that will take them. They seem to be doing fine and the gourami hasn't noticed them. They're actually smaller then I'd initially thought, maybe 2-3". They're great fun to watch and I might start up my 30g...
  12. N

    Sparkling Gourami With Shrimp?

    I'm aware that gouramis eat shrimp, but if I added a sparkling gourami to a 10g with say 20 RCS would it wipe them all out? Would it kill them just for fun or maybe one every couple of days? Thanks fast responses would be appreciated.
  13. N

    What To Do?

    Well my opaline is around 4" and I believe the largest loach is 3-4"..I really want to help these fish but if they're going to cause problems with my other fish I might not risk it. I know almost nothing about yoyos, will they be agressive towards my cardinals too? Is 6.3-6.6 ph and 78 degrees...
  14. N

    What To Do?

    Recently(ish) I shut down most of my tanks and only have a 20, 10, and 5. One of my friends who keeps fish is actually a former lfs employee, who invited me over to take a look at his tanks a few days ago, and I was quite appalled to say the least...a filthy 10 gallon with a huge pleco and...
  15. N

    Omega One Flakes - Getting Stuck In Mouths?

    Very good quality ingredients, try crushing the flakes a bit with your fingers if thypey seem to large.
  16. N

    Can I Keep Discus?

    Huh?  I have an adult pair in a heavily planted, warm, well filtered 55G, and they are huge, perfectly healthy, and lay eggs every week.  Where did you get that info from? i think what Noah meant was  that only experts should have dicus in smaller tanks, because begginers might mess it up in a...
  17. N

    Clogged Filter?

    Hey folks, haven't been on this forum much lately due to college, but thought I'd write a short topic on how to unclog your hang on back (hob) filter. If you're new to fish keeping, a lot of fish stores recommend to put a sponge, or pre filter around the intake of your filter. This is to...
  18. N

    Can I Keep Discus?

    Agreed...kind of like gbr, shortened life spans in harder water. To answer the first question realistically I'd say definetly no...a pair in a heavily planted, well filtered, warm 55 gallon could fall ill very easily. Plus, as said if you're looking at the smaller ones (and cheaper) you'd have...
  19. N

    What's Better Off In A 10 Gallon?

    I know that's what I was thinking...I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to switch over the corycats temporarily (acclimating right one) and then within the next few weeks try and find someone who can take him. It's really sad having to give my gourami away but it's for the best because...
  20. N

    What's Better Off In A 10 Gallon?

    I don't use the inch rule, and if I did the opaline would take up 6/10 of a ten gallon which is completely incorrect.. Like I said Im really not just going to give away all my corys that I've had for years just like that..they've all topped out at about 2".
  21. N

    What's Better Off In A 10 Gallon?

    Normally I'd just return the fish but my corys and the gourami were some of my very first fish and I've grown attatched to them both...I actually shut down 2 of my other tanks a couple months ago before a trip and decided to keep these as well as select few...I'd actually have no problem giving...
  22. N

    What's Better Off In A 10 Gallon?

    My opaline gourami has become more and more agressive....there's plenty of hiding spots and cover, a basically stress free environment. Hes very healthy but over the last couple weeks I sometimes see him chasing one of my sterbais. This morning I found one dead, one of my first that was 4...
  23. N

    Dwarf Puffer Questions

    Even though mines relatively young (8 months) the tank is relatively low maintenance. I have the fluval spec v and it seems there's plenty of room for swimming and exploring, with him being the only inhabitant. I also have 4 anubias just floating on the surface which he rests on at night...
  24. N

    Cherry Shrimp Without Heater.

    Alright thanks guys, powers on and they're all fine.
  25. N

    Cherry Shrimp Without Heater.

    My powers out and won't be on for at least another day. Luckily I have 2 filters and I'm able to use battery powered pumps to keep my sponge filters running..but, none of my tanks are heated. I'm not worried about the larger tanks, just my 2.5 gallon with 10ish cherry shrimp in it. It's been...
  26. N

    Sick Corydoras.

    Wooooow, ok, this tank went downhill very fast! I came home about 25 minutes ago and found lots of dead fish...the stocking was 6 harlequin rasboras 6 panda corydoras 1 dalmation Molly I do water changes every other day and vacuum substrate. Water sits at 77, lots of chemicals...
  27. N

    Sick Corydoras.

    I've noticed one of my 6 panda corydoras in a 20 gallon has what appears to be swim bladder disease..he can't keep from floating up. Is it a good idea to isolate him and treat him separately, and apart from peas and water changes, are there any other things that could help cure him? I moved...
  28. N

    Moving, So Downgrading :/

    Fluval spec v. I recently got it, nice design and easier to aquascape in. (kind of long though, so might not fit your room.)
  29. N

    Fish In Cycle

    Have you been testing the water?
  30. N

    Cheap Small Tank Lights

    Yeah, not bright enough to grow plants though....perhaps a few like anubias, java fern, and some mosses.
  31. N

    10 Gallon With Malaysia Driftwood

    Awesome scarlet badis :).
  32. N

    8.7 Gal Tank Stocking

    Celestial pearl danios. Or a dwarf puffer.
  33. N

    50 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Well if you're planning on gbr, why not some discus. X2 or 4 German blue ram X4 discus (possibly 5-6, if your tank is 48" that'd be better) X20 cardinal tetra X10-12 sterbai corydoras. Basically what I'm doing.
  34. N

    Massive Loss Of Fish

    He said 20 gallons.  I don't see why there would be 16 dead fish just from going away for 2 days..  Did someone massively overfeed them?  Any visible signs on dead fish?  You don't need a fish feeder for 2 days, it could've overfed.  Fish can easily go for a week without food.
  35. N

    Best 5 Gallon For My Plans?

    Just bought a fluval spec v on sale from amazon.
  36. N

    50 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Does his heater not go any higher?
  37. N

    Le Heavy Planted Shrimp Tank

    Woah, those first couple plants look unreal!!   Like really, unreal lol.  Looks like veryyyyyy bright green cabomba?
  38. N

    50 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    How about something like 25 cardinals or rummy noses, a couple pairs of german blue rams, and a GNP.  You could make a pretty sick tank if you set it up right, endless possibilities with a 55 gallon.