Too Many Shrimp!


New Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Hi, I have my new tank from May all going well. I got some neon tetras, otocinclus, guppies & wcmm's. I then decided to get four red cherry shrimp in July, a clear one also came along free. We all love the shrimp! Then one had a loads of eggs then another did, there always seems to be at least one pregnant! Anyway my daughter has just counted 27! I bet there is a few she missed also. The question is , what should I do with them all? Or will they be OK? I though the guppies may have enjoyed a few at first, but i guess they aren't getting many.
Where are you ?
I'm sure quite a lot of members will help you reduce your stock.
I have a Guppy and Cherry shrimp set up, the shrimps can be in the hundreds and then drop down to a few dozen and build up again in cycles !
I have seen on a couple of occasions one of the larger female Guppies grab a shrimp by one of its legs and try to pull it off at which point they all join in and devour it !!!
All of my cherrys got eaten :(

Pete, I now have your sig song in my head :/ David Bowie? Or have I completely got that mixed up?
Shelster said:
All of my cherrys got eaten

Pete, I now have your sig song in my head
David Bowie? Or have I completely got that mixed up?
Yep Shelster its Bowie, I'm a life long fan and 'Starman' is my desert island disc.
What ate yer Shrimps ?
My sparkling Gouramis when I had them in my 54litre, little tikes!!!

One of my favs is 'life on mars' not sure if that's the song title, but my hubby is a fan of him. :)
Shelster said:
My sparkling Gouramis when I had them in my 54litre, little tikes!!!

One of my favs is 'life on mars' not sure if that's the song title, but my hubby is a fan of him.
Oh right, glad you told me that, Sparklers have been on my want list for a while now, I thought they would be ok with fry and Cherries !!!
'Life on Mars' is a masterpiece', what good taste you and your hubby
:D I'm still singing!

Sparklers are lovely fish - although I never heard mine croak? If you have a spare tank to give them a chance do so, but yes they did have a tasty meal at my expense!
Shelster said:
I'm still singing!

Sparklers are lovely fish - although I never heard mine croak? If you have a spare tank to give them a chance do so, but yes they did have a tasty meal at my expense!
Funny you should say that, I just got a complete 3ft setup for a fiver from a charity shop !!! Stand and all !!!!!!
I'll start a journal here soon... anyways best not hijack TheJack's thread any longer !
'Let All The Children Boogie'..... :)

I don't want to get into an overstocking discussion, because I think I am a bit overstocked.
My tank is my first and it is 48L. I have an Interpet PF filter with two sponges in and no carbon. All my levels are fine. I did have high nitrates but they have dropped now as I think I ws overfeeding a bit. All my fish seem to be really healthy and I have only had two issues. One was white spot from some fish from Petsathome which cleared up quickly with treatment and one of my otocinclus died a couple of days after getting it. I have read that that can be normal after the conditions they are captured and transported in. I think they are my favorite fish atm, but I'm unsure about the market for them after seeing them being caught on youtube. It seems a bit stressful for them.
I don't have any live plants yet, well, a couple of moss balls. They are in the back corner so the little shrimp can hide in safety. What I do have is two lots of this and the shrimp love it. I also put cucumber in the tank for a few days in the week and now I have more shrimp I put in some King British algae wafers sometimes last thing at night when I turn the light off.

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