50 Gallon Stocking Ideas


Jul 4, 2013
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Im not really into chiclids or monsterfish and i was thinking smaller fish.
We need more info,
What temperature?
What ph and hardness?
Cycled it?

I think it would be interesting to have an all white tank. Maybe a shoal of albino cories on the bottom on a dark substrate, a moonlight gourami as a centerpiece, a school of gold widow tetras and a pair of albino BNs.
76 degres
6.8 ph
process of cycling
so tropical
like the idea of plecos
Yeah, one of the most beautiful plecos IMO, actually one of the most beautiful freshwater fish!
How about an asian-themed tank?
1m 3f pearl gourami
15 harlequin rasboras
18 kuhli loaches
12 cherry barbs
Obviously loads of hiding spots for the loaches, floating plants for the gouramis and a nice jungle of real plants will make all the fish really happy.
would that be overstocking? thats alot of loaches
It's overstocked only if you go for a tank with no plants.
The loaches LOVE being in large groups and are ever so funny to watch. Just make sure you have plenty of caves and hidey-holes. If they have plenty of hiding spots they feel more secure and will be out to play much more oftem.
If you feel it is overstocked change the harlequin rasboras to espei rasboras (which I do prefer of the two). They school more tightly, stay a bit smaller and are a bit more colourful than harlequins, although they look very much the same. They are not as easy to find, though.
How about something like 25 cardinals or rummy noses, a couple pairs of german blue rams, and a GNP.  You could make a pretty sick tank if you set it up right, endless possibilities with a 55 gallon.
GBRs are going to need water a lot warmer than that, I'd say around 82F. Also the ph would have to go down a bit. They can be quite picky...
yeah well i think im going to need to aquascape like a champ, btw whats the minimum for a cory cat shoal?

i was looking to put 2 of my remaining endler fry in the tank also
The minimum would be 8, but a herd of at least 15 is a sight for sore eyes. Not sure if 15 or more would fit in your tank though.
Zante said:
GBRs are going to need water a lot warmer than that, I'd say around 82F. Also the ph would have to go down a bit. They can be quite picky...
Does his heater not go any higher?

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