Dwarf Puffer Questions

Dwarf Puffers are completely freshwater, they can only tolerate low levels of salt and being in brackish lowers their lifespan greatly.
It’s important to realize that because the dwarf puffers are such a new fish, much of the information about them on the internet is inaccurate at best. No matter what you may read, dwarf puffers only thrive in freshwater, and under no circumstances should they be kept in brackish or salt water tank. Any attempt to keep a dwarf puffer in a brackish aquarium, will result in a severely shortened lifespan.
From  http://www.seymourfish.com/how-to-care-for-a-dwarf-puffer-fish/
draxis said:


Hi! I have a few questions about these as I'm going to be getting one for my boyfriend.
It will be going into a 5 gallon tank, and will have an Aqua-Tech 5-15 filter, and of course a heater just not sure what kind yet (leaning towards the unadjustable kind from Wal-Mart that I think stays at 78). 
I have plenty of snails in my 55 gallon tank, but not sure how many I will need to be feeding it or how long they will last. What other foods can I feed it? Is there something other than snails that can be used as it's main diet? Is there something other than snails that I can put in the tank to keep it's beak down? Are there any snails that could be safe as a tank mate for it? Like larger ones? Will the filter be sufficient enough? Any specific plants that might be good for this tank/the puffer? Do they bite?
I was sure I had more questions but have forgotten now. Also if anyone has any pics of their DP setups I would love to see. Thank you to anyone who responds!
Dwarf Puffers are aggressive and need brackish water when they mature.  They like snails (but will only eat them at night so its hard to tell), frozen or live bloodworms, and occasionally if hungry enough will venture into the shrimp business.  Mine really only eat bloodworms/snails but you can put 10-15 in and if you still see snails leave it alone until you are sure they are gone or being eaten.
I would recommend getting 'South American Puffer' over a Dwarf because they are community puffers and do not ever need brackish water.  If you take the risk with the dwarf just understand it is aggresive and can't help from noming on his friends.
They are aggressive, but it depends on each fish individually.
Mine will eat snails any time of day, and will splurge until they're gone!
I don't believe dwarf puffers ever need brackish water. They are freshwater fish.

They start freshwater and go brackish... They are not found in the same spot of the rivers as the South American Puffer, do some research please :D

Actually I believe you are mistaken, the "Pea puffer" or "dwarf puffer" Carinotetraodon travancoricus is a strictly freshwater fish. And I have done my research:)
Indeed it will be the only resident of the tank, apart from possible snails and shrimp. And most definitely freshwater :)
Need to fix up the 5g, we bought it from a friend to help them out, as we couldve just gotten a whole new one for 7$ more, went to take out the broken light and the whole light fixture thing broke :/ Sigh.
Keep any more info coming, I like reading it ^_^ And pics too if you have one and want to share!
Blondielovesfish said:
I will have pics soon...I'm buying a tank sometime this week
Won't you have to cycle it though? ;o Although I'd enjoy pics of just the tank, too. It's always good to see the different looks people go for. Hope you win your auction :D
Ninjouzata said:
I will have pics soon...I'm buying a tank sometime this week
Won't you have to cycle it though? ;o Although I'd enjoy pics of just the tank, too. It's always good to see the different looks people go for. Hope you win your auction

I think blondie will seed it? but just keep us updated
it would be stupid of her not to cycle it since shes always telling other s to cycle.
Haha, yeah I'm cycling it but it hopefully won't take too long as I have lots of mature media. I'll also heavily plant it with quite a few fast growing plants so it should be ready soon :D
I figured but just wanted to make sure, I know you know your stuff :p Looking forward to pics!
Even though mines relatively young (8 months) the tank is relatively low maintenance. I have the fluval spec v and it seems there's plenty of room for swimming and exploring, with him being the only inhabitant. I also have 4 anubias just floating on the surface which he rests on at night. Like said I'd use a sand substrate. A sponge filter works nicely for a filter.
Noahsfish said:
Even though mines relatively young (8 months) the tank is relatively low maintenance. I have the fluval spec v and it seems there's plenty of room for swimming and exploring, with him being the only inhabitant. I also have 4 anubias just floating on the surface which he rests on at night. Like said I'd use a sand substrate. A sponge filter works nicely for a filter.
That's good to hear, will definitely be using sand. The secondhand tank we got already came with a filter, I hope it's not too strong for the little guy. Do you have any pics you'd feel like sharing? :D
I've just got myself a 5gal, trying to decide whether to use it for a betta or dwarf puffer.

Are you saying the puffer will be ok with a sponge filter, do they not like too much current or produce enough waste to render a sponge filter not strong enough?

Sorry if I've hijacked, all useful question though I hope!
Sponge is ok. They dont like too much flow. it will easily sweep them away
Make sure you do 3 puffers they like friends but need extra room. Double their max size to gauge their waste and size correctly.

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