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  1. Mikey1

    Killing Good Bacteria

    if the filter media is well established then i wouldnt worry about it too much,   that is assuming the filter media was always wet and you didnt let it dry out during this process
  2. Mikey1

    Drip Leak

    a picture would probably help, im a bit confused about what you are saying
  3. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

      to make sales, sell inventory....   their job is not to turn customers away and talk them out of a sale, then the customer will just go elsewhere, to another store, i believe i have said that all along
  4. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

      if i have done enough research about the car in advance (like i should have) then i would know the salesman is lying to me you are not guaranteed that one of these will happen just because a potential customer enters your store,   neither of these would happen if a LFS employee talks somebody...
  5. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

      i don't agree with that at all,   its not a salesmans job to tell you what kind of car you need, thats the customers job,   if i buy a car and find out after a few days driving that i dont really like the car, and the car is missing some key features that i like, i wouldn't blame the salesman...
  6. Mikey1

    My Photography~

    after looking closer,   the pics would look alot better if she had longer and well manicured/painted fingernails   just an observation
  7. Mikey1

    What Are These Worms?

    read here...........
  8. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

      it doesn't matter, if they have bala sharks for sale in the store, they are there to be sold, thats why they have them in the store,   if i go into a grocery store and buy chicken, does the store make sure i know how to cook the chicken properly before i leave? no, they dont care, as soon as i...
  9. Mikey1

    Ermm... Hi There

    if one appears chances are there are many more to come,   brace yourself for a snail infestation in the near future
  10. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

      in the business world, the customer is always right, you give them what they want
  11. Mikey1

    Lfs Serious Problems Anyone?

    it is a business, a LFS is there to make sales and make money, just like any other business,   im not agreeing or disagreeing with you,   but you have to remember that the "fish scoopers" are there to do just that, bag fish for people,   i dont know about you, but if i owned a fish store and one...
  12. Mikey1

    How Much Food Do My Fish Need ?

      this is good advice, however, its much easier to just feed your fish the proper amount/not overfeed   this way no removal is nessessary,   put food in at small amounts, if all the food is gone in 30 seconds or a min, then you can give them a bit more,   its alot easier to add more food in...
  13. Mikey1

    How Much Food Do My Fish Need ?

    are you sure that measurment is correct?   a 5mm crisp/pellet is far too big for your fish,   i would highly recommend changing to a good quality flake food like tetra min, or omega one,   your fish should be consuming all of the food within 2-3 mins,   if there is still food in the tank after...
  14. Mikey1

    My Photography~

    cool....looks like she blows well....bubbles i mean
  15. Mikey1

    My Photography~

    cool....who is the hot chick?
  16. Mikey1

    Tank Cleaning

      thats fine, just dont overfeed and you will be okay   maybe up the waterchanges to 30-40% every week, just make sure to use dechlorinator
  17. Mikey1

    Tank Cleaning

      meh....if the tank is properly taken care of/maintained, i wouldnt say 19 small fish is overstocking a 34L
  18. Mikey1

    Tank Cleaning

    a tank without any substrate will stay alot cleaner,   i would do a 25% water change once a week,   clean filter media every 2-3 weeks,   clean glass as nessessary (every few weeks should do it)   although this can vary depending on what your feeding, how often, and how much your feeding
  19. Mikey1

    Diy Tank Overflow Without Drilling Your Tank

      you can have the water level as high as you want, the water level is determined by the length/height of the overflow pipe, he cut it short as an example, you could have that pipe within 1mm of the top of the tank, and thats where the water height/level would be   yes i agree, i would use...
  20. Mikey1

    Diy Tank Overflow Without Drilling Your Tank

      why?   that could happen with any sump/drip system
  21. Mikey1

    Diy Tank Overflow Without Drilling Your Tank

        yeah i have been thinking about doing a drip system on my 300 gallon, i might do it and use this as the overflow
  22. Mikey1

    Diy Tank Overflow Without Drilling Your Tank

    a good video i found for those who want an overflow on their tank for a sump or drip system, no need to drill the tank.....
  23. Mikey1

    Diy Sponge Filter

    an empty plastic pop bottle works well,   i have made one in the past just because i wanted to try it, it worked very well, however sponge filters are so cheap you dont end up saving much money, if anything, and the sponges that come with the filters pretty much last a lifetime, so no media to...
  24. Mikey1

    What Are You Cooking?

    pulled pork in the slow cooker, wont be ready for another 8 hours but smells great
  25. Mikey1

    Where Do You Stand?

      you arn't the only one,   that gave me flashbacks to high school math class
  26. Mikey1

    Where Do You Stand?

        i never knew there was such a thing
  27. Mikey1

    Bleach Cleaning

    never use bleach to clean anything thats going into an aquarium
  28. Mikey1

    Tinfoil Barbs,corys, And Synodontis Cats?

        i hope not....the tank in that video is way too small for tinfoil barbs
  29. Mikey1

    Cloudy Tank Water Any Ideas?

    cloudy water is somewhat normal at first for a newly setup tank, you need to let your tank/filters cycle....this could take 4-6 weeks, after the cycling period your water will clear up, then you can start adding fish
  30. Mikey1

    Filter Or Pump?

    if you want more flow buy yourself a powerhead, not another filter
  31. Mikey1

    Overly Aggressive Mollies

        fish are not children, you can not control their behavior,   if you recently purchased these fish i would recommend waiting at least a week to see if they calm down,   after that you can decide what you want to do with them
  32. Mikey1

    Tinfoil Barbs,corys, And Synodontis Cats?

    i wouldnt recommend keeping less than 6 tinfoils, they are alot happier in big groups,   a 110 gallon tank is borderline size for 6 tinfoils, they should have at least a 6 foot tank as they are active swimmers, most 110 gallon tanks are not that long,   i have kept many tinfoils and in my...
  33. Mikey1

    Do I Have The Wrong Filter / Pump On My 125L ?

    not powerful enough for a 125L in my opinion,   if you are happy with that filter i would suggest buying a second one,   put half the media from your old filter into the new filter, and put half new media in each filter
  34. Mikey1

    Would This Be Overstocked

      nothing you do will stop this,   they can become very aggressive once they mature, chances are its going to get worse, he will most likely start latching right onto the sides of your fish and suck the slime and scales right off them
  35. Mikey1


        most people do it for bottom dwellers like plecos
  36. Mikey1


    use an elastic band to tie it to a rock, that will keep it on the bottom of the tank,   you can do this with whatever you like, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, etc etc
  37. Mikey1

    Moving To A New Tank

      who cares?....make it fit   cut the foam if you have to and make it fit,   as long as water is flowing through the media it doesn't matter if it "fits" properly or not
  38. Mikey1

    600-700 Litre Stocking?

      i never suggested putting 30+cm adult bala sharks in your tank, where did you read that? they would never get that big in your tank   why not a school/shoal of 2-3 inchers?   they would live a much happier and healthier life in your 6 foot tank as opposed to a kid buying them for his 20 gallon...
  39. Mikey1

    Moving To A New Tank

    put the filter media from the old filter into the new filter