Killing Good Bacteria


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
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How easy is this to do?
I unplugged my external filter, removed 90% of the water to plant the tank, refilled and plugged the filter back in but forgot to add aquasafe until 30 mins later.  Would I have killed all the beneficial bacteria?
It's difficult to say. It depends on a few things, the major ones being
(A) What it is in your tap water that the Aqua Safe is dealing with - some water companies use chlorine, some use chloramine (a compound of chlorine and ammonia)
(B) How established your tank is.
If your tank was established then the bacteria in the filter should be ok. How long has the tank been set up and what did you do to get it set up? e.g. how was it cycled?
if the filter media is well established then i wouldnt worry about it too much,
that is assuming the filter media was always wet and you didnt let it dry out during this process

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