Filter Or Pump?

Jack sparrow

New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hello all, at the moment I'm running a fluvel 305 on my 190lt jewel corner tank, I'm going down the low tech plant approach just using ferts, I'm just thinking about upping my flow rate a bit as I'm not really getting much movement in my plants. Would it be worth adding a new filter to give me increased flow or would an aquarium pump like a hydro Koralio pump be upto the job?

Many thank
if you want more flow buy yourself a powerhead, not another filter
Just been researching seems the way to go, thanks for that mate. Now to decide which one

Have a look on eBay for the Hydor Koralia or visit for some value priced wavemakers. (I have an APS one and have no issues with it)
Thanks ian and Lunar Jetman, that one you have linked to looks just the job ian.

Just another question, would it be an idea to fit this under the outflow from my filter, so it compliments the filter not works against it, it just slightly harder with a corner tank, at the moment I have the filter set up so the flow goes from the back corner to the front bow of the tank, I get good surface movement using this method as it hits the front and spreads out left and right once it hits the front bow, it's just lower down I have flow issues.

You should be able to put it where you like, you just need to make sure that the direction you point it complements your filter, not works against it. I have my spray bar on the left and the wavemaker on the right but angled down so it points towards a dead spot.
Just thought I would update this thread, got a new powerhead which arrived today, got the one Ian linked to, got lovely movent all around my tank now, plants are gently swaying in the added flow. well pleased.
Kind Regards

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