Ermm... Hi There


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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So I found this thing in my tank, and at first I was like "the hell are you?" It turns out this is just a snail, though. A young snail. A snail I have never seen before. I only have two olive nerite snails, and I don't believe they can breed in freshwater, so I don't think it is from them. So, it has to be some sort of hitchhiker from my hornwort, which I think I hate now.

So, can you guys help me identify it? I've only seen one. Should I expect others? What do snail eggs look like?


I hope this is a good enough picture. Ignore the sand on my leaf please.
if one appears chances are there are many more to come,
brace yourself for a snail infestation in the near future
Hard to tell what type of snail that is from the photo.
Just pick him out of the tank and keep you eye out for any more.
mike455555 said:
tadpole snail?
That's what I thought; it's the little spots, isn't it?!
Whatever it is, if you don't want loads of snails (they can store sperm, like livebearers) get it out ASAP :)
Snail eggs look like lumps of jelly with tiny dots in; almost like tiny weeny frog spawn, but in one clump.
It's kind of cute. I think it's young because it has a clear sort of shell. I hadn't seen it until today, so it is probably an excellent hider. I don't really want to deal with an infestation as it is illegal to import Assassin snails to Mississippi, but the tank is not large enough for even a clown loach fry. Do I just pick it up and throw it away? How do I dispose of it without, you know, killing it?

mike455555 said:
tadpole snail?
I'm looking at images of these now, but it doesn't look quite like them. It has a clear-ish shell with brown spots. It moves fairly quickly. It's hard to tell.
If you don't want it, get an assassin snail cos as has been said before if there's one there're probably loads more! Don't expect a quick killing spree tho - these guys take their time but get the job done in the end!
Mamashack said:
If you don't want it, get an assassin snail cos as has been said before if there's one there're probably loads more! Don't expect a quick killing spree tho - these guys take their time but get the job done in the end!
Assassin snails are illegal where I live. We have a lot of snail restrictions here. It's ridiculous. The snails which eat "pest snails" are considered pest snails themselves here. :\ Either way, I'm still looking around in the tank and I don't think I'm seeing anymore snails. I am noticing however that dwarf hair grass and water wisteria (or water sprite?) are doing poorly. I'm about to pop into the planted section as well. I digress. I'm about to do a water change so maybe I'll be able to catch any other eggs or small snails while I do that.
Oh well if you can't get illegal snails have you heard about putting some lettuce in the tank overnight? Apparently any snails will be attracted to it and you can just lift them out on the lettuce in the morning. Don't know if it works but hopefully it won't be illegal where you are! lol
Okay, so right before I found my fish's dead body in the filter, I found about ten more snails. When I get home from class, I'll try the lettuce leaf solution. I wonder if they will take to spinach? I have spinach in the fridge.
Yes, they'll like spinach.
Rubber band it to a rock to hold it down, and in the morning, use something like a clean margarine tub to scoop it out; the snails tend to drop off as soon as they feel it move 

I should point out that if you're not overfeeding your tank, te snails shouldn't get out of control; they'll only breed if there's excess food for them.
I think there were eggs on my hornwort when I bought it, as there were none on my other plants (snail free guarantee!). I only fed Pistol three to four times a week. He ate just two pellets once a week and a small amount (like the very tip of a teaspoon) of brine shrimp or beef heart the other days. I only feed my betta fish every other day, as they are piggies. 
Tomorrow I am getting my tank back in order, so I'll try the spinach trick then. I've also recently had to start adding ammonia again to my tank to make up for the lack of occupants. Will this kill the pest snails? I've moved my nerite snail to a safe tank.

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