Search results

  1. N0body Of The Goat

    Kribensis Eggs At Worst Possible Time

    The Rummynose are almost certainly being picked off by the Kribensis, now they have eggs and so have changed into "psychotic parental care" mode, just like my Steatocranus (Blockhead Cichlids).   The only time I've not found a dead fish in a completely open community tank with my breeding...
  2. N0body Of The Goat

    African Butterfly Fish With Cichlids

    ABF have huge trapdoor mouths, my 3-year old even at ~6.5cm SL would have a go at try to swallow any fish that would fit in her close to 2cm wide mouth, so I if you ever get baby Cyprichromis that will be history if they venture near the ABF, possibly even your older specimens.   ABF do not like...
  3. N0body Of The Goat

    Anyone Have Experience W/ This Heater

    More than anything else, heater requirements depend upon what temp you are trying to maintain the water and the ambient temp of the room the tank is in, the bigger the difference the more watts of heater it is advisable to have.
  4. N0body Of The Goat

    Black Ghost Knife Fish Illness Advice

    Plec bite marks are good working theory for now.   I'm pretty confident that you have stunted this BGK, in suitable conditions they grow like stink, just like my Giraffe Catfish that has gone from a very skinny ~5cm SL to a chunky ~25cm SL since September 2012 (now longer than my Syndontis...
  5. N0body Of The Goat

    African Butterfly Fish With Cichlids

    It might work, but it would depend on factors including... Size of ABF Size of the cichlids Aggression level of the cichlids   ABF, like most of the "African oddball" setup fish, need chilled out tankmates that are also not pigs at food time. My 3-year old female now lives in my 6-footer along...
  6. N0body Of The Goat

    Association Of Aquarists Autumn Auction Sunday 10Th November 2013

    I'm bagging up at mo, hoping to bring along some of my Steatocranus casuarius youngsters for the auction, not sure I will bring any Ilyodon xantusi (despite having plenty to rehome) because last time I brought some they did not sell and there are some already listed as pre-booked.   I'm also...
  7. N0body Of The Goat

    Association Of Aquarists Autumn Auction Sunday 10Th November 2013

    Today's auction is going to be even bigger then the monster we had in March, the auctioneer (Chris Ralph) was telling me last night that ~760 entries were pre-booked, in March with the late entries we had ~700!   Should be something in the pre-booked list to cover most fishkeepers'...
  8. N0body Of The Goat

    Corys With Loaches (Kuhli/dojo)

    Mixing corydoras with loaches is a delicate balancing act, generally speaking the catfish will tend to be outcompeted for food by loaches. But there are exceptions, healthy Brochis spp. could compete with Weather Loaches, with "Kuhli" Loaches and similar there is more chance of the loaches not...
  9. N0body Of The Goat

    Golden Nugget Died. Could My Platy Have Killed Him?

    Temp and water flow requirements vary from species to species, PlanetCatfish is always a good reference point for catfish husbandry. ;)
  10. N0body Of The Goat

    Golden Nugget Died. Could My Platy Have Killed Him?

    My basic understanding of Golden Nuggets is that they need high end tropical temps, with lots of water movement to maximise the reduced oxygen potential of warm water, which conflicts badly with Betta splendens' and Guppies' requirements.   Ideally all newly purchased fish should be quarantined...
  11. N0body Of The Goat

    Possible Loaches For My 10 Gallon

    Too active, I have 6 in my large volume 4-footer and I'm picking up another 6 this weekend.   With very little if any other midwater or bottom dwellers, you could do a small group of ~6 in a 75x30x30cm, with a carefully chosen upper water singleton or small group that like a moderate-strong...
  12. N0body Of The Goat

    More Rummies Or Some Neons

    Who were the Kribs killing in the 110l?   Having a pair of Kribs with another cichlid (Apistogramma) in an 80cm tank is asking for trouble, especially when they are from different continents and their body language differs.   How many Kribs fry are with the parents in the 40l?   The male will...
  13. N0body Of The Goat

    Peaceful/happy Community Tank Fish

    I should be specific then, a striped pachax (aplocheilus lineatus) would be an exception   A. lineatus ARE Golden Wonder Panchax!   I've seen this first hand, I kept a quartet hareem of GWPs, they will even try to swallow large pieces of commercial food that is blatently too big for them...
  14. N0body Of The Goat

    Netting Platies

    Two nets of ~6x4 inches should work, use one as the sheep dog and one as the gate. ;)
  15. N0body Of The Goat

    Peaceful/happy Community Tank Fish

    What are the tank dimensions?   I'm afriad that already you may already have some conflicts in there... Otos are social and would do far better in a 10+ group Rubbernose Plecs are specialized fish that need cool (typically 20-23C for the common UK imports), fast flowing (10-20x real turnover)...
  16. N0body Of The Goat

    Syno. Eupterus Compatability

    How big are the Clown Loaches, star? If they are >5cm SL, they should be absolutely fine, I'd expect a Synodontis euptera to snack on small fish (Neon Tetra size) if it happened to come across one but.   If it was not for the Cyprichromis and Paracyprichromis you are getting with the African...
  17. N0body Of The Goat

    More Rummies Or Some Neons

    Kribensis have no place is a 40l tank after they are more than a few months old. They are cichlids and so are territorial, sometimes pairs have quarrels and such a small tanks leaves the weaker one virtually nowhere to escape. When the Kribs are getting on fine, other fish in a 40l have nowhere...
  18. N0body Of The Goat

    Tail Nipping Mystery

    Stocking with 5 different cichlid species in a (55 US gallon?) is pushing it, this will be a tank of stress the older they get, nipping you have now could just be the minor beginnings of trouble.   The skirt tetra could well be nippy in such low numbers, if you had stocking space I would be...
  19. N0body Of The Goat

    Possible Loaches For My 10 Gallon

    What are the dimensions of this 10US gallon, 38l tank?   Relatively few fish are suitable for such tiny tanks, before you start specifying fish types like loaches. Tank requirements are a combination of things including adult size; activity levels; minimum number levels; territorial aggression...
  20. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish That Like To Burrow Into Sand.

    My Weather Loach group hit at least 15cm in under a year, typically kept at ~22C.
  21. N0body Of The Goat

    Black Knifefish

    Not long term, no, as I said they need at least a 4-foot tank and carefully chosen tankmates (big enough not to be "live lunch", not too zippy to spook them, not greedy feeders to outcompete them at meal time).   I purchased my one back in March at ~12cm SL, it lived with my other African...
  22. N0body Of The Goat

    Black Knifefish

    Black Ghost Knife? Try 50cm guaranteed within two years, they are quick growers if given proper care.   They do not have flexible bodies to help turn corners, so you are looking at a 10x4x4 foot tank long term i.e. most people in the hobby should never keep these wonderful fish.   African Brown...
  23. N0body Of The Goat

    Ridiculously High Nitrates

    3a) The south coast water comes with ~40-50ppm nitrate as standard, some places up north (in UK) are lucky to have virtually nitrate-free tap water. 4) How much food you feed, number of times per day and its protein content (more protein= more eventual nitrate). Typical young fish bought at...
  24. N0body Of The Goat

    Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus Bicirrhis)

    A new species was officially classified (K.  vitreolus) earlier this year, which has been misidentified for years as K. minor. ;)
  25. N0body Of The Goat

    Help With Fish Identification Please

    There was a fishkeeper on here last year that managed to keep a Mbu Puffer in his 5/6-foot African Oddball community, whose name escapes me, but the puffer was only young/small when added and it was going to need a major upgrade even if it left the other fish alone. Mbus reach well over 50cm in...
  26. N0body Of The Goat

    Syno Id Help Please

    Synodontis sp. hybrid 3 looks likely...   Synos are not the easiest of fish to ID, you could post a thread with these photos at PC, where professional ichthyologists grace the forums.
  27. N0body Of The Goat

    Amazon Biotope?

    Your 40g may not be suitable for any Angelfish long term, a tank ~60cm tall and therefore >45cm of water depth after laying a substrate is needed, to prevent stunting and a loss of the classic triangle shape.
  28. N0body Of The Goat

    Predator For Culling

    As an owner of several predatory species (African Butterfly; Leopard Bushfish; Ornate Bagrid; Synodontis cf. budgetti), my understanding is that offering live fish to predatory fish is illegal in the UK. In addition, many predatory species are opportunist and will quickly adapt to suitable high...
  29. N0body Of The Goat

    Which Schooling Fish For My Tank?

    If you have a true blackwater tank (soft water with lots of tannins making the water tea coloured), Silver Tip Tetras would look stunning and 118cm long tank would give them space to swim.
  30. N0body Of The Goat

    Feather Fin Catfish Synodontis Eupterus

    You might be sorted by now, but just spotted this while "window shopping"
  31. N0body Of The Goat

    Community To Semi Aggressive

    The only fish from your list that are suitable are the Tiger Barbs, everything else needs more space (at least 120cm long) because of their adult size and activity levels.   Rubberlip Plec (Chaetostoma spp.) need specialized conditions far beyong the average hobby fish: 15-20x real water...
  32. N0body Of The Goat

    Freshwater Minis For Very Hard Water?

    pH is a poor indicator of what water suits any fish species, what you really need to know is your water's gH and kH hardness, or even better its TDS value.   Is you put some soft water fish in moderately hard (eg. gH 13) water at pH 8, but then bubbled enough carbon dioxide to drop the pH to...
  33. N0body Of The Goat

    Community To Semi Aggressive

    Tank volume does not dictate what fish suit a tank, its dimensions do, after all a 19"x19"x19" is far more limiting than a 48"x12"x12".
  34. N0body Of The Goat

    Disappearing Neons

    Corrected... Out by over a factor of 10.   These fish reach ~40cm, need a big group of 10+ to reduce skittishness are very active fish.   They have no place in a 4-foot tank, only a tiny percentage of fishkeepers have a tank suitable for these for life i.e. ~12x3x3.
  35. N0body Of The Goat

    Need Another External Filter Fast or
  36. N0body Of The Goat

    Adding Dechlorinator.

    Sorry to read of your misfortunes, star.   Seachem Safe might be worth looking at as an alternative dechlorinator, it is super concentrated Prime in powder form, 100mg treats 100l of chlorinated tap water (130mg? for chloramine treated water). I have a relatively modest 6 tanks in operation and...
  37. N0body Of The Goat

    Black Skirt Tetra -- Eye Popped .. Help Needed

    Double-eye Popeye is usually a bacterial infection, rather than single-eye which is usually an injury.   Isolate the fish in a quarantine tank Use a broad spectrum anti-bacterial medication, such as Esha2000 or Myxazin Buy some "Epsom Salts" from a chemist and add upto 0.25 grams per litre per...
  38. N0body Of The Goat

    Why Am I Losing Fish ?

    If your tap water comes with high nitrates like the ~40ppm down on the UK south coast, it becomes a lot more important to do frequent large (50% or more) to keep nitrates in check, even more so if you feed high protein content food.  ...
  39. N0body Of The Goat

    Trouble Feeding Black Ghost Knifefish... Need Suggestions/tips

    My concern is you providing respectable conditions for the fish, the number 10x4x4 tanks here in the UK will be tiny, compared to a typical realisitic sized Juwel Rio240. Buy the suitable tank, then get the the fish that can live in it for life, stuff happens that prevents that tank upgrade down...
  40. N0body Of The Goat

    Trouble Feeding Black Ghost Knifefish... Need Suggestions/tips

    Could just be taking time to settle. A worm from your garden could tempt him/her.   The free tank upgrade you have planned will not be suitable for this BGK for more than ~6 months... This fish should reach ~50cm within two years with suitable foods, water changes and tank maintenance. BGKs are...