Need Another External Filter Fast


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 9, 2013
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im taking down my 260L tank and the 305 in it is fitted and old now, so when i set up my new 450L i need something to transfer my media in to
It doesnt have to be a filter rated for 400L as my fluval fx6 is the power in the tank, i just want something for extra filtration for my messy cichlids :)
I was looking at the TetraTec EX1200 for just under £100
Any recommendations? i need to order this filter ASAP as change over is tomorrow, so the media will sit in its filter until monday/tuesday when the new one arrives
Sweet im thinking of getting that, will wait another hour or so to see if anyone provides a counter offer haha and if not i will order that,
im presuming my filter media will be ok to sit in its water for 48hrs...
I also have the TetraTec EX 1200 as well, a very good external filter, does leak a little when completed a maintenance clean which I do every few months, its basically a case of fitting the top very squarely and very small drip may occur, I just leave for 10 mins with a towel at base and usually stops by itself.( I did get mine second hand though so a new one may be much better for no leaks)
Other than that, pretty darn good. Water clean all the time and flow is nigh on perfect with adjustable valve flow control. I use my 1200 for a 90 litre tank! or maybe?
There are a some German stores that will ship to the UK, I think Zooplus is price inclusive, not sure on Aquarist.. But either way I suspect you will find them chearer than UK offers.

Euro to £ is typically ~0.84 btw.
Great filters. I have 2 tetratec ex1200's for my 260l tank. Do a superb job. Maintenance is fairly easy. Pretty much silent once run in. Got mine for £80 each. Think it was warehouse aquatics.
Gone with the TT EX1200, thanks folks :)
My top tip on the leaking when you unplug the hose connector is to get a plastic tray/box to sit the filter in, so that it catches the drips and does not knacker your cabinet................Like my filter did!!! 
DTD gave a good tip there.
I use a plastic sink basin to put my tetratec in when doing maintenance otherwise water all over cabinet floor thus possible damage to cabinet base.
Ch4rlie said:
DTD gave a good tip there.
I use a plastic sink basin to put my tetratec in when doing maintenance otherwise water all over cabinet floor thus possible damage to cabinet base.
Yep! Made me need to buy a new tank!!! ..............Actually, don't bother with the basin! Use it as an excuse to buy a new tank! 
 Leaking filters rock!!!!!!!!!!!

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