Amazon Biotope?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2013
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Hey everyone i have a 40 gal wich i am trying to make into a amazon biotope. So far i have angels, cardinals and bleeding heart tetras that are all doing fine. As for the decor and plants what kinds of plants should i use? i have an amazon sword a crypt, some stem plant witch i have no idea.(might be ludwigea), java fern and duckweed and water lettuce. i was wondering how to make the water turn dark, Not tea colored and not green like with the lettuce but dark. I have heard LED but not sure. Any other amazonian plants i could keep? Thank you in advance!!!!!
Member Axyabad has a nice Amazon Biotope. Not sure what plants he has in it, but give him a shout. I am sure he can help you out.

Blackwater additive will darken the water, and is benifitial to the fish.
In order to have a true biotope you must get fish from exactly the same area of the amazon. Well I think your biotope is a calm backwater, Java fern is from asia. Not biotopically correct, so is ludwigia, You should have an exact area biotope like xingu stream, orinoco backwater etc
Your 40g may not be suitable for any Angelfish long term, a tank ~60cm tall and therefore >45cm of water depth after laying a substrate is needed, to prevent stunting and a loss of the classic triangle shape.
Adding some tannic acid (naturally made by boiling some fish non-toxic leaves like terminalla cattapa) can help create an acidic yellow water reminiscent of the low interior amazon river basin. But seeing that you have cardinals, that require 'black water', plants that require/tolerate partial to subdued lighting should be used and i don't think amazon swords fall in that category.

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