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  1. N0body Of The Goat

    My Friend Bought Me A Fish Can U Help Id It Pls

    As the two Golden Wonders mature, the male will more than likely harrass a single female constantly, they are far better kept as a hareem with 3+ females to a male.   By chance I rescued 3 fry in my Rio240 back in 2010, but they were rather fiesty with each other and so only one beautiful male...
  2. N0body Of The Goat

    Had This For 6 Months And He Hasnt Grown

    Sorry to read the update.     The cloudier water does not sound good, by all means you could test to be sure, but I would be inclined to do a 75-95% water change anyway ASAP. 
  3. N0body Of The Goat

    Injured Upsidedown Cat

    I still have no idea what actually happened, but one of my 11 Synodontis nigriventris group lost all but the stump of both of its pectoral fins over a year ago. The stumps have a grown a little since, but otherwise the catfish is doing fine.
  4. N0body Of The Goat

    Had This For 6 Months And He Hasnt Grown

    This pleco is looking much thinner/unhealthy to me than it did in your original photos. In your position I would isolate it in your 10g (having put the presumably bigger and therefore safer fry back in the main tank) and try to get this fish to put on some weight with some quality food. It would...
  5. N0body Of The Goat

    Grey Fungus Mold On New Sterbai Corydoras

    Does your recent losses not teach you anything?   You returned sick fish back to the main tank and then you lost an Ember Tetra. You have now added more new fish straight to your main tank, within a short space of time of losing other fish to disease.   You have a spare tank, use it to...
  6. N0body Of The Goat

    Corydora Species Tank, Algea/pleco?

      Where have you pulled that gem of misinformation from? These catfish are known to exist in waters that have been recorded as low as 21.5C (~71F).
  7. N0body Of The Goat

    Glass Catfish With Growth On Tail

    This might be lymphocystitis (spelling?). One of my Barilius (now Opsarius) canarensis had a random growth of cells coming out of one the corner of its midline black spots, it was easy to spot once the fish had been with me for ~6 months. The patch got bigger with time, but the fish was still...
  8. N0body Of The Goat

    Halfbeak Help!

    This tank sounds heavily overstocked, which is not a good situation to be in with any fish, but even moreso with Halfbeaks. Adults are very sensitive to water chemistry changes, I lost 3 of my 9 Hageni Halfbeaks and I still do not know to this day if bi-daily 10-15% water changes were too much...
  9. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Aquarium Setup

    I would say Brycinus longipinnis look as good as Phenacogrammus interruptus...   Here is a great "Congo rapids" tank kept by Jippo (check...
  10. N0body Of The Goat

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Do bare in mind you are still "fish in cycling" and now with only one Otocinclus that survived the initial setup of this tank. Even if you get zero ammonia/nitrite results, we cannot say this tank is safe for anything but your single catfish right now. Adding a school of 6+ Rummynose Tetras is a...
  11. N0body Of The Goat

    Injury Or Popeye?

    Is only one eye affected? If so, that is more likely to be an injury rather than bacterial infection.
  12. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Aquarium Setup

    Given that you have rheophilic synos, which do really well in 10-20x real water turnover, I would forget about Phenacogrammus interruptus altogether (which do far better in a low-moderate current setup with "African oddball" fish). Brycinus longipinnis would probably be one of your better bets...
  13. N0body Of The Goat

    Urgent Help Required

    Gasping at the surface is a classic symptom of nitrite poisoning, massive ~95% water change ASAP.
  14. N0body Of The Goat

    Black Ghost Knife For 55G

    Didn't Mattlee or mmmint have  a BGK in >5-foot tank in the last year or so which grew to ~20"? They sold it because it outgrew their >125g tank.
  15. N0body Of The Goat

    6 Round Barrel Barbs

    The google search did not bring up anything useful...   By Snakeskin Barb, do you mean Puntius rhomboocellatus? There are a few similar...
  16. N0body Of The Goat

    6 Round Barrel Barbs

    What are "round barrel barbs" when they are at home? :D
  17. N0body Of The Goat

    Had This For 6 Months And He Hasnt Grown

    My hunch would be Peckoltia sabaji, but I am not that confident.   It would be of benefit to you to post an ID thread at PlanetCatfish with the best side-on photos you have and perhaps one of its underside including the mouth if...
  18. N0body Of The Goat

    African Species?

    I'm a bit of an African riverine nutcase, some might say and the only African fish I can think of that is borderline suitable would be 6-8 Microsynodontis sp. 1. These catfish are a lovely little ~2cm SL species that will be active by day and use midwater too, providing you give them a decent...
  19. N0body Of The Goat

    Not Really A Rainbow But Close

    Nice little fish, remind me of Pseudomugil signifer.
  20. N0body Of The Goat

    Yellow Tail Congo Tetra's? Anyone Had Them Before?

     Blimey, that is paranoid, you have a decent cover by the looks of things and you are losing ~33% of the tank volume.
  21. N0body Of The Goat

    Could I Keep Any Dwarf Cichlids In My Tank

    If this will be a seperate tank from the 100l stocking in your sig, you could do a colony of Tanganyika shell dwellers with some Pseudomugil furcata to act as dithers up the top.
  22. N0body Of The Goat

    Best Way To Move Tank?

    With help I moved my 120x30x37cm tank on its stand with ~20l of water in the bottom to cover the fish from the front to the back room, all went fine. I would normally have removed the fish, but my Bushfish get very stressed by netting these days and their gill plate spines get horribly caught in...
  23. N0body Of The Goat

    Theoretically, What Would You Do With A 50-55 Gal Tank?

    Groups of Dwarf Neon Rainbows; Fortail Blue Eye Rainbows; two pairs of Empire Gudgeon.   OR   Lake Inle biotope including Sawbwa Barbs, Emerald rasbora, Lake Inle Danio; Brevis Loaches.
  24. N0body Of The Goat

    Yellow Tail Congo Tetra's? Anyone Had Them Before?

    Like I said, get the group bigger while you can. If they are only being sold in sexed pairs, I would buy at least another 3 pairs (which should cost ~£25-30 at worst case scenario, at least here in UK).
  25. N0body Of The Goat

    Yellow Tail Congo Tetra's? Anyone Had Them Before?

    Just seen this for first time after the bump, I use to have some Alestopetersius caudalis and still have Pantodon buchholzi...   Your tank is far too bright for Yellow Tail Congo Tetras and African Butterfly Fish to feel confident in. You either need to use much lower wattage bulbs, or buy a...
  26. N0body Of The Goat

    Juwel 800 Water Change

    The quantity and frequency of water changes depends a lot on what fish are in the tank, how much food they receive and how often they are fed.   Weekly ~50% water changes are good practice under normal conditions for adult fish fed once or twice a day, but in an emergency water change after...
  27. N0body Of The Goat

    Harlequin Rasbora's Not Schooling

    Your Harlequins might feel very safe and so their danger schoaling instinct is "turned off."   Just an idea regarding your filter flow, which I remember you started a thread about recently... Have you tried adding a thick layer of white filter floss that you can buy in huge sheets and then...
  28. N0body Of The Goat

    Ma Price Promise

    Yes, I took a webpage printout of the Seapets Rio240/stand/pump upgrade/extras offer to my local MA and they matched it, back in April 2010.
  29. N0body Of The Goat

    Safe To Use Another Medication?

      A quote from my 1l Waterlife Myxazin bottle...   "Do not use simultaneously with other medications. Allow at least 48 hours to elapse when changing treatment. Do not use within 4 days of using Protozin or Cuprazin."
  30. N0body Of The Goat

    2 Kribs Or Not 2 Kribs - That Is The Question.

    Consider me a little envious, Hyalobagrus flavus are lovely little catfish, some came into stock locally but I was advised that our tap water really needed mixing with RO for their long term health. Like my Pareutropius cf. mandevillei, another midwater schoaling diurnal catfish.
  31. N0body Of The Goat

    Help! Possible Sick Catfish

    A couple of years back two of my Corydoras sterbai had these subtle semi-transparent patches on their foreheads, I treated with Myxazin (broad range anti-bacterial, like Esha 2000) and increased water changes, the one in better condition made it.
  32. N0body Of The Goat

    Cory With No Face!

    One of my Beckford Pencilfish had something that looked similar last summer and it was resolved positively with more frequent water changes and a treatment of Myxazin.
  33. N0body Of The Goat

    How Long After Treating Ich Can New Fish Be Added

     Lock man, you do not need 6/7 tanks to keep a 60x30x30cm+ plastic tub to hand to set up a QT in a safe bit of floor when needed. Yes, I'm fortunate that I do not have kids to worry about when I set up my 80l plastic tub flike I did for my Halfbeaks at the weekend, but then I consider myself...
  34. N0body Of The Goat

    2 Kribs Or Not 2 Kribs - That Is The Question.

    Too dangerous IMO, same as I would never combine my Steatocranus with small tankmates (~6cm Lionheads even killed a 4-5cm juvenile Ilyodon last summer). West African dwarf cichlids are best housed in roomy tanks (minimum 3-foot, ideally longer) if part of a community, with tankmates as big as...
  35. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish Update, African Riverine Community.

    A lot of my fish collection is African riverine (see my profile for a full list of current fish), but my larger species are...   1x ~25cm TL Synodontis notata: A diurnal, gentle giant. Loves a strong current (~5000lph in a 240l tank at mo), does not like light that much, still shy around me...
  36. N0body Of The Goat

    Problem With Leopard Corydoras

    "Harlequins" sucessfully bred all sorts of Corydoras on here in recent years in water of pH ~8. I cannot recall the hardness of the tank water, hard water will make the egg membrane much tougher for the fry to emerge from, because the calcium deposits layer the eggs in a miniture version of what...
  37. N0body Of The Goat


    +1   Variety is the spice of life, the more different suitable things we can feed our fish, the more can that we cover all their essential nutrients.
  38. N0body Of The Goat

    Please Help Identify This Sailfin Pleco

      With all due respect, playing the "I've had x years of doing whatever" card means absolutely squat, it does not automatically mean that how you have kept fish is any better than someone else, or you are right and everyone else is wrong. Anyone can write anything on a forum provided it abides...
  39. N0body Of The Goat

    How To Stop A Bullying Platy?

    What are the dmensions of the tank? Platties tend to be far less fiesty in good sized tanks, a 90cm long might just about suffice, but a 120cm+ would be better.   Even "peaceful" fish can become fiesty in cramped conditions, take my 6 Beckford Pencilfish for example. In their quarantine 620T...
  40. N0body Of The Goat

    How Long After Treating Ich Can New Fish Be Added

    If you spot Ich on a fish you should treat all the fish in the tank. The odds of just your Molly having been infected and not spread the disease is very low, treat the main tank ASAP.   It is bad practice to add newly bought fish to your main tank, it could introduce disease but often these new...