Juwel 800 Water Change


New Member
Jan 24, 2013
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I have recently got one of these , the manual a little sparse,can anyone advise on how often and how much water to change, thanks
The quantity and frequency of water changes depends a lot on what fish are in the tank, how much food they receive and how often they are fed.
Weekly ~50% water changes are good practice under normal conditions for adult fish fed once or twice a day, but in an emergency water change after detecting nitrite or ammonia (dependent upon the pH and temp of the tank water) with a liquid test kit can warrant a ~95% water change. Young fish should be fed more often to help them achieve a proper adult size and this often means doing one or two extra water changes each week, to keep nitrates from reaching dangerous levels near 300mg/l.
Did you "fishless cycle" the tank (filter)?
What fish have you got so far?
I would say a minimum water change is 25% per week and could easily be more the more fish you have.

As above any detection of ammonia or nitrite warrants a 95% change. If the filter is not cycled it's likely that you will need to do these changes daily for the next few weeks at least.

If you have no way of testing for ammonia and nitrite then get yourself and API master liquid test kit - the strips really aren't worth bothering with.

If the word cycling means nothing to you then check out the begginers resource centre on the forum and read up on fish-in cycling. Anything you don't understand then just ask and you'll fin lots of people willing to help.

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