Injury Or Popeye?


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Dillon, Montana, USA
Hi all...Yes it's been a while...but again I need help!!
 I have 4 Kennyi juvenile cichlids who were raised in my tank from birth.. Three days ago, I captured 3 of the same age and breed to give to a friend in trade for 3 blue dolphins..Before all of this, I had always had one that had showed signs of popeye since the fry stage, I always assumed it was from an injury.. He's always been fine other than some random irratic movement's at times, but always eaten, never clamped fins, and no skin irritations..But since capturing the 3 to trade, out of the 4 I have left (minus the one i've always had) two more have seemed to contract this as well?? Not sure if maybe they may have scratched their eyes on something in the tank while I was catching the others, or what is going on.. They are not being tormented or chased by the other fish anymore than anyone else..I'm at a loss Help please!! :)
  Thanks guys...your all the best,
                         FishChick :) 
Is only one eye affected? If so, that is more likely to be an injury rather than bacterial infection.
No it's both, if it were bacterial wouldn't my other fish be showing some sort of signs as well? Just seems odd that it's only this species. And figured an injury due to the stress I put on the tank while catching the other fish.

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