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  1. G

    Tetra Weekend feeding block

    None of my fish, mostly cichlids don't even get near it. I thought I'd try it since I was gone for 4 days (I know fish can survive fine even a couple of weeks without food) but wanted to try it anyway just in case I ever need to go away for a long period of time. Anyone had experience with this?
  2. G

    Can I temporarily put angelfish in a 10 gallon?

    Angels have been my favorite all time fish for decades but, keeping a few in a tank is like tossing dice, it might work or not, never mind adding more to the mix. I know your question is regarding a ten gallon, sure you can keep them there for a few days but it could be stressful for them...
  3. G

    What hidden gems have you found

    So what fish did you find?
  4. G

    How do you do a water change?

    Think of walking the buckets as a workout!
  5. G

    How do you do a water change?

    Weekly to 10 days about 50 to 70%. Garden hose to sink and reverse, garden hose from sink to tank adding water conditioner as the tank fills.
  6. G

    A question for Barb connoisseurs

    This might be a dumb question but, how can one tell the difference between a Puntigrus partipentazona and a juvenile Tiger Barb?
  7. G

    African cichlids holding

    Interesting, thank you!
  8. G

    African cichlids holding

    In my African Mbuna cichlid tank, there have been many females holding eggs but never bothered to do anything about it. I now have an empty tank running and a female holding again. Other than stripping which I don't want to do, is it ok to just put her in the empty tank till the eggs hatch?
  9. G

    Got a WC question for ya'll

    I do massive water changes 50%-70% of the tank using a garden hose. When pouring water back into the tank, I dose for the full tank and slowly pour it into the stream of the fresh water going to the tank. I use either Prime or Tetra.
  10. G

    I swear I can't understand Petco!

    I was just being a wise arse. I’ve lived in populated areas all my life where there were plenty of mom and pop fish stores, they have vanished, the interest is not there as there once was in fishkeeping, the few that I have seen lately are simply asking a lot of money for their stock. The petco...
  11. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    This thread derailed so I'm staying away but couldn't help noticing that you have mentioned this in other topics as well. I have not heard of this.
  12. G

    Copper Pipe

    I am so glad to see this posted! I couldn't find better words to make this point! I have come to a point in my fishkeeping hobby where I make things simple, one of them is a 50% to 75% water change weekly (more or less) When it comes to this large of a water change the thing to keep in mind is...
  13. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    This thread has taken a deep dive but anyway, good points and I agree. But how is a 20g with 20 Guppies less ethical or inhumane than compared to July 2022 TOTM?
  14. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    Another possibility, never even thought about Minnows.
  15. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    Every fish is like my mbuna? I don't remember mentioning this. We all have opinions, and they are just that. Let's tell everyone here that has guppies how boring they are or those "nicely dressed" angels that just sit there how boring they are or any other fish for that matter. Perhaps some of...
  16. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    I know overstock is a sensitive word around here but it's nothing new to me since I've kept African Cichlids for years. Lets say the "by the rules" limit is around 15 guppies in a 20 long, I'd like to go over by just a few more say 20 to 25, so that would be considered slightly overstocked. Not...
  17. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    That’s a great suggestion, the forktail blue eye is a beautiful fish. Price is a concern for me, I believe these are somewhat pricey, one of the reasons I was going with guppies. Then again, I have not purchased any fish in the last year or two, so I need to do some research. This is just to...
  18. G

    Overstocking a 20g long

    Just as it says, I want to overstock a 20g long with small fish. Not a beginner and I already have certain fish in mind. I've had just about every fish there is to have but never had guppies and I'm considering a tank full of them. Is it ok to have just an all male tank or males and females...
  19. G

    I swear I can't understand Petco!

    What's a "mom and pop" pet store?
  20. G

    rinsing bio in tap?

    Hmm, this is almost like a political discussion, tap water vs tank water :) Me, I vote for tank water, been doing it for years without issues.
  21. G

    Never cleaned canister filter

    Pretty much preaching to the choir here, I clean my two Fluvals only when I notice the flow starts to slow down and that can be anywhere from 6 months to a year.
  22. G

    Cichlid Aggression

    They are (at least one of them is) African cichlids. I have the Bumble Bee as you do but along with 10 other carefully selected African cichlids and a larger tank. In captivity, these fish do best in a crowded or overstocked tank of their own kind and even then, you might run into some pecking...
  23. G

    Your most amazing aquatic experience?

    Done lots of snorkeling/free dives off the coast of Florida and many coral reefs in the southern part of Fl, many have been damaged by humans, but many still remain just beautiful. Once my niece and I were having a relaxed swim over one of the reefs when a shark about 4-5 feet long got within...
  24. G

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    I don't know... I would say, now you have hundreds of snails pooping on the gravel :(
  25. G

    Opinions on the following fish…

    Arowanas are my favorite fish, too bad they outgrow just about any tank, if they don't jump out of it before that.
  26. G

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    The substrate should be occasionally vacuumed. Your filter media (sponge) should be cleaned lightly not too often since that is where your beneficial bacteria lives.
  27. G

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    Can't agree more on the water change topic.
  28. G

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    I have been fishkeeping for decades and have always rinsed my filter media with tank water, works for me and has worked for me, I'd rather play it safe and it is no more difficult than rinsing with tap water. When to clean, I'm not consistent, I look at the flow coming out of the filter, that...
  29. G

    Oscar fight!

    Perhaps but being enclosed in a glass box is far from nature, in nature one of them would have the opportunity to swim away. These are cichlids and cichlids do what they do. I would just have one in the tank.
  30. G

    Random question

    Flew into the tank and got sucked by the filter.
  31. G

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Wish I knew, I started a tank with a Convict pair, I now have about 20 of them in one tank about one inch long, I know there will be a war soon.
  32. G

    What will cut hardwood driftwood?

    Get or borrow a good saw.
  33. G

    Chemical Filtration

    No charcoal for me. Water changes.
  34. G

    Lid or no lid?

    I have African cichlids, DIY light on top of the tank, no lid. Not that I'm against lids but I'm lazy and cheap to buy or make one. It all depends on your fish as well, in about ten years I have not had an African cichlid take a flying leap out of the tank, but other fish have, like Frontosas...
  35. G

    Who is mauling my angelfish or is it a disease ?

    I'm glad the removal of the BN pleco worked out! Though I was skeptical and still am since bn plecos are predominantly herbivores. Worst case they are known to occasionally suck the slime off the fish but hey, maybe this is a rare case and glad to see the angels looking good. Man, I love black...
  36. G

    my local fish store

    Wow! Where is this place? I'm also from the Garden State.
  37. G

    Starting to get VERY irritated at this site now...

    I still think you should check water parameters.
  38. G

    Starting to get VERY irritated at this site now...

    How are your water parameters?
  39. G

    Undergravel filters?

    I have to respectfully disagree. I'm not sure what your bio load is but poop and uneaten food have only one place to go and eventually the gravel will get pretty full of that stuff. Yes I know the gravel is your filter but, as with any filter, it needs to be cleaned. A light surface vacuum and...
  40. G

    Beneficial bacteria

    I'm taking into assumption that your tank was not properly cycled... if you feel the beneficial bacteria is in the water. You beneficial bacteria (90 percent or more) resides in your filter as water passes through it, this is why you should never change the filter media (sponge or floss) just...