Search results

  1. S

    Albino brown knife?

    I would say go for it. :D Knife fish are probably to fragile to dye. If its eyes are pinkish then it is truley albino. Knife fish often turn pale when they are sick or un-nurished. If it is not albino, it is probably just sick. -_- If you do decide to buy him/her you will want to buy some...
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    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    Very cool info guys. I would like to get some different spiecies of goby. Do different spiecies fight amungst each other? I am looking into the smaller gobies. (Not to small though.)
  3. S

    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    Are there any largger gobys that I could try? -_-
  4. S

    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    I highley doubt a bgk would eat a gobie. They are really docile when it comes to other spiecies. Not to metion there mouth is really small. -_- I do agree that my butterfly fish would eat one of them.
  5. S

    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    That is extremley beutiful! I did a little search on them, and I found very little about them. Can you tell me a little about them? I highley doubt that that my lfs can find one for me.
  6. S

    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    I currerntly have a 6 inch bgk, who will be moved when he gets to big, a pair of emriled cories, one clown pleco, and last but not least an african butterfly fish. Also, what kind gobie is that in your avatar? (if it is a gobie)
  7. S

    Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.

    I'm have been looking for some kind of freshwater gobie to add to my 30 u.s. gallon. Thers is currently very few fish in there at the moment. I was also wondering if there are any kinds of different spiecies of gobies that can live to live together? Could some body list some kinds that could go...
  8. S

    What kind of fish is this?

    lol :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: I thought the head of the first cat was the top jaw, and the tail was the bottom part. :*)
  9. S

    What kind of fish is this?

    Click here to view the fish. (Top Picture) What is the fish in the cave with the spiney? Is it some kind of moray? I thought they were all brackish? (If it is a moray)
  10. S

    Bettas Fins are rotting.

    My bettas fins seem to be rotting off his boddy. On the ends of his fins are dark purpleish spots, that appear to be rooting. Has anybody ever hered of this before? What should I do?
  11. S

    Help!!! I got a Tire Track Eel but he ate my

    Which fish is eating your paradise? -_- The eel might if he is mature. Kribensis are just plain aggresive.
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    A Bichir for a 30 u.s. gallon.

    I know that is why I asked. :D I doubt it, these are emriled cories. They are very large, not to mention thier skin is very rugged.
  13. S

    A Bichir for a 30 u.s. gallon.

    Is there a bichir that can live in a 30 gallon with : A butterfly fish, a baby bgk, 2 cories and a pleco? I really want one. They are so cool. :D
  14. S

    A swarm of snakeheads!!

    Snake Heads are cool. Great Job CFC :D
  15. S

    Senegal Bichir

    What size tank do you guys keep your sengal Bichirs in? Great PICS :cool:
  16. S

    Bad news for Ruffus the rope fish.

    I wish I had Known that earlier. Now I feel like I killed him even more. :-(
  17. S

    Bad news for Ruffus the rope fish.

    I forgot to close the lid on my tank, and being the curious little devil that he is he just had to go exploring. Well I then found him dried up on the floor. After all the trouble I wen through for him. :-( Here are some pasts topics about him. Past Link #1 Past Link #2 My tank seems so...
  18. S

    BGK and butterfly fish?

    Watch out for the African Butterfly fish. Mine bite one of my ballon mollys today. (almost cut him cleanly in half.) Poor Molly :-(
  19. S

    Feeding frenzy

    I wasn't sure what they were called. I have been looking into buying 1 or 2 of them. :P Are they easy to take care of. -_-
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    Silly Rope Fish

    Ok I wiil try! :D
  21. S

    dwarf puffers

    I got my Dwarf Puffers for $7.00
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    Gudgeon's eggs

    You could try sperating the tank with a divider. Or you might try moving a couple of eggs into a net breeder.
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    Feeding frenzy

    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WOW Amazing pictures. :D What kind of fish is dory? -_-
  24. S

    bumble bee goby,are they aggressive

    Actualy there are two different species of bumble bee goby. One is entirely brackish and the other is entirley freshawter. Brachygobius Doriae are brackish. Brachygobius Aggregatus are Freshwater. Both species grow to the same siz and require the same care in almost everything, accept that...
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    Silly Rope Fish

    lol :lol: Bummer!
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    Silly Rope Fish

    Well I have had mine for about 2 months now, and this is the first strange thing he has done. :lol:
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    Awsome oto lil fatty :shifty: !!!!!!!!! What do you feed yours mine are no where near that fat?!
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    My Betta Tanks!

    Looks good :cool: Those are my rocks ................. lol
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    Silly Rope Fish

    My rope fish has found a new hiding place. In my 30 u.s. gallon my rope fish likes to hide in one of my 2 filters. I have a size 20 u.s. gallon water fall filter, in which my rope fish swims up the water fall, climes over the spong, and lies down in the big empty space where the water is filterd...
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    Butterfly problem.

    Im sorry to hear that paul_v_biker. However I put some meds in today and he seems to be acting a little better, he's not on the bottom like he was two days ago.
  31. S

    Something is up with my new Fire Mouths

    Yes very active. Almost to active. They are now picking on my big emriled cory cats. Will they continue to harrass them, or will it die down in a couple of days?
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    Something is up with my new Fire Mouths

    Yes, I have had it up and running for about a year and a half. They are also not the only fish in there.
  33. S

    Something is up with my new Fire Mouths

    I am rather new when it comes to cichilds. I have just bought a pair of Fire Mouths today and they are acting rather strange. They seem to be motionless on the bottom, they are not on thier sides though. ( They are sitting up rite.) I know it might be thier reaction to the new tank, but I'm just...
  34. S

    Butterfly problem.

    My butterfly fish is sitting on the bottom of the tank, which of course is not natural. He is also breathing very rapidly. What is happening to him!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Also he has a small pink lump or bite mark on the side of his body. I don't know if it is causing it I thought I'd just add that in...
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    My butterfly fish is sitting on the bottom of the tank, which of course is not natural. He is also breathing very rapidly. What is happening to him!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Also he has a small pink lump or bite mark on the side of his body. I don't know if it is causing it I thought I'd just add that in.
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    Very interesting, and I appreciate all of your concern. :D
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    The spots are fadding so I think he will be ok, the wierd thing is I hadn't even put in any meds in the tank yet.
  38. S

    A cleaner fish for dp's

    I thought corys would be to active, for the dwarf puffers to stand.
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    They are big round white spots about 2.5 cm in diamiter.