Something is up with my new Fire Mouths


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I am rather new when it comes to cichilds. I have just bought a pair of Fire Mouths today and they are acting rather strange. They seem to be motionless on the bottom, they are not on thier sides though. ( They are sitting up rite.) I know it might be thier reaction to the new tank, but I'm just concernd. Any thoughts as to why they are acting this way?
firemouths tend to be shy when they are introduced to a community tank. keep an eye on them and make sure they are not being picked on by the inhabitants. they will adjust and come around.
Have they started acting normal yet? I agree they can be shy,but motionless on the bottom isn't shy behaviour.
Yes very active. Almost to active. They are now picking on my big emriled cory cats. Will they continue to harrass them, or will it die down in a couple of days?
samsung-401 said:
Yes very active. Almost to active. They are now picking on my big emriled cory cats. Will they continue to harrass them, or will it die down in a couple of days?
You FIre Mouths will probally pick all the fins off all your cories, they are known for that.

Now with FIre Mouths they are usually skitish and melllow

Good Luck! ~Scarlett

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