Looking for some Freshwater Gobies.


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I'm have been looking for some kind of freshwater gobie to add to my 30 u.s. gallon. Thers is currently very few fish in there at the moment. I was also wondering if there are any kinds of different spiecies of gobies that can live to live together? Could some body list some kinds that could go in my 30?
What fish are in the tank? There are 2 inch gobies and all the way up to six inch gobies that can be kept in a 30 gallon :dunno: It would help to know what you have :)
I currerntly have a 6 inch bgk, who will be moved when he gets to big, a pair of emriled cories, one clown pleco, and last but not least an african butterfly fish.

Also, what kind gobie is that in your avatar? (if it is a gobie)
That's a Striated river goby, Awaous flavus. It's so beautiful :wub: It's freshwater and gets about 4 inches long. I'm looking for one :D If you could find one that would go well in your tank, and the only other goby I can think of for your tank would be a purple spotted gudgeon :)
That's a Striated river goby, Awaous flavus. It's so beautiful

That is extremley beutiful! I did a little search on them, and I found very little about them. Can you tell me a little about them? I highley doubt that that my lfs can find one for me.
From my book that I found them in (Aquarium Fish, by Urlich Schliewen)

"4 inches (10cm) Tank: 32 inches (80cm) Stratum: Bottom Water:pH 6.5-8:medium hard to hard; 77-81 degrees Fahrenheit"

I'll sum up the rest :p
They will dig in the substrate, looking for food. Each Goby needs a hiding place, and robust fish should be avoided as tankmates. Food, live or dry food which sinks to the bottom (Frozen BW, shrimp pellets, live worms ETC) Sexual differences: Males have a larger mouth. They spawn in caves, although aquarists have had difficulty raising the broods :/ Males fight with gaping mouths . They live in rivers on the Atlantic side of northern SA. Substrate should be sand (Picture in book shows fine gravel so I think that would be fine ;) ) HTH :)
how about some peacock gobies samsung-101?

Name: Peacock Goby
Scientific Name: Tateurndina ocellicauda
Temperature: 72-82F
Max Size: 1.5 inches

Not a good beginner fish, the Peacock Goby is relatively peaceful, but can be territorial. It is best kept in small, densley planted tanks, where it will show it's beauty. It spawns in corners and caves, and the young are easy to raise. These gobies eat flakes, brineshrimp and whiteworms
dwarfs said:
A six inch BGK or the ABF would eat a peacock goby ;)
faster than you can say :whistle: " auh , look how cute ". :nod:

These guys can go in a 10 gal , and are well worth a thought :nod: , just not with fish that may eat them :no: .
I highley doubt a bgk would eat a gobie. They are really docile when it comes to other spiecies. Not to metion there mouth is really small. -_- I do agree that my butterfly fish would eat one of them.

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