A Bichir for a 30 u.s. gallon.

a Senegal bichir would be ok in a 30 gal by itself, i think that the african butterfly fish and the cories would be ok with it, the pleco would have to be removed and so would the baby black ghost knife. you should have fine gravel or sand as a stubstrate, they can choke on larger gravel. i have my sengal in a 55 gal, but thats because it is going to be with somemore fish. the black ghost knife would be able to be with it temporarly, until it is grown more and if the senegal is also young. the pleco cant go with the senegal because they suck the slime coat off of them, and they can get infections. i have seen a plec doing this to mine, then i removed the plec. the cories may be eaten over time though. so if i were you, i would keep the knife fish, butterfly fish, and the sengal in the tank. the ghost knife would have to be removed when they both grow more. maybe the butterfly fish would have to go but i doubt it. rapheal catfish clean the extra food off the bottom very well, but they also hide ALOT and never come out durring the day. mine wedge themself in someplace and i never see them come out. i love sengal bichirs, they really are nice. go to http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=34889 for more info. research this fish some more and gather all the info you can. good luck! :D

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