Albino brown knife?


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I saw one at a petstore (poor things been there since july :sad: ) and was wondering if it is the same as the regular 8 inch brown knife. It looks the same, just very faintly colored :dunno: Could it be dyed or something? I used to have one that died this summer due to an evil heater (100 degrees f, luckily the severum made it) He was cool and I'd like to try again with one, just don't know if this "albino" is sick or dyed or something like that :unsure: Hopefully I'll be getting another big power filter for my oddball tank soon :p I think that would make it 4 times the regular filtration on a 55g :thumbs:
I would say go for it. :D Knife fish are probably to fragile to dye. If its eyes are pinkish then it is truley albino. Knife fish often turn pale when they are sick or un-nurished. If it is not albino, it is probably just sick. -_- If you do decide to buy him/her you will want to buy some meds to treat him with. (also some hearty foods, like blood worms or maybe some small junks of beaf heart.)
Maybe he's just not nourished enough...He was swimming fine and everything :dunno: Nothing some frozen shrimp and shrimp pellets can't help out :thumbs:
samsung-401 said:
Knife fish often turn pale when they are sick or un-nurished.
I beleive the term is MAL-nourished. ;) (Just kidding)

I've never heard of a Knife being Albino like that. It could just be very stressed and nor properly fed as Samsung said. And you should check the eys of the fish to make sure if it's albino or not.
He was swimming in and out of the plants like mine used to do, so I think he's just MAL-nourished :lol: Geez the one time I try to shorten my words :rolleyes: JK
That store feeds all of their "predator" like fish feeder guppies :no: Not very nutricious at all :sad: I have to save him :p
dwarfs said:
He was swimming in and out of the plants like mine used to do, so I think he's just MAL-nourished :lol: Geez the one time I try to shorten my words :rolleyes: JK
That store feeds all of their "predator" like fish feeder guppies :no: Not very nutricious at all :sad: I have to save him :p
:rofl: But caped crusader , where will we put him ? :rofl:

:( maybe tomorrow :whistle:

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