dwarf puffers


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
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Has anyone ever been able to bred dwarf puffers?

I saw some called 'blue neon' at a local store & thought they were cute.

Have any clue??? How to breed & tend for these little guys?

ps. Want to breed them cause they are $30 a piece [even though fresh]
can't say i've ever heard of dwarf puffers being called "blue neon". could you describe the guys you saw better?
I am not that sure if they were 'blue neon' or simply 'neon' but they were about 1/2 inch long with a greenish-blue hue and black/brown spots.

There were only two, and the people who cared for them, I don't think had a clue what to do with them for they continually hide behind a plant, so I didn't get a really good look.
they most likely were not dwarf puffers then. if you could find a picture similar to what you saw that might help us out to figure out what these may have been
sometimes when the light hits mine right I can see the irridecent blueish colors I think you are referring too. if they are normal dwarf puffers they are tryin to rip you off, i paid around $2-$3 a piece for mine... :whistle:
It was probably still a dwarf puffer, of the blue colour variation. I'm sure your LFS thinks it's a very rare and highly sought-after colour variation, so that's why they've got them marked up so high.

If you look around, you could probably find blue ones such as those in other FSs for much, much less than that. Breeding them is easy in relation to other puffers, I know there was a Japanese guy named Ren who's got a very detailed site about them. If you google it, you should find Ren's site...I don't have the URL off-hand.
i have researched dwarf puffers and have never come across anything regarding a blue coloration or blue color morph............................... thats why i question if they were dps........

any links to info on this blue phenomena torpeteo????
Well, it's taken me a whole month, but I think I've found some places that say so.

Dwarf Puffers Home is one that indicates there is a distinct colour variation;

Ebert's book has all three of the dwarf puffers under Carinotetraodon...Carinotetraodon travancoricus (for the usually seen dwarf and the blue green) and Carinotetraodon imitator.

but I'm sure I've seen it more explicitly on another site, but I just can't seem to find the URL. Sorry, that's the best I've got...

...for now.
Yeah, school has picked up and so I haven't had as much time to browse the TFFs. One of my dwarfs died a while back, but the one I have left is healthier than ever. I can't wait to get her a new tank to swim around in...only one month until Christmas...

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