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  1. elisew


    Welcome to TFF :)
  2. elisew

    Oscar Tankmates

    +1 :nod:
  3. elisew

    Ciclids In New Tank

    As already said, the livingstoni and venustus cichlids grow big, around the 10 inch mark so a pretty big tank would be needed to house them. Have I read right that you`re selling 2 blue lobsters from the cichlid tank? If so, I`m glad you`re selling and not keeping them with your fish :good:
  4. elisew

    Holding Tank / Grow Out Tank

    I use my 20L Arcadia tank as a holding/grow out tank for fry, (I think 20L is approx 5 uk gallon?) . The fry only usually need to get to approx 3" before they`re big enough to either be sold on or put into a main tank. :good:
  5. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    She certainly does :lol: :good: They`re a good addition, as mark says extra circulation is great, it`ll help keep waste moving towards the filter :good:
  6. elisew

    New Tank

    Sand is a better option than gravel for a malawi/mbuna setup as the fish love to sift through it :good: What`s the size of the tank? I personally wouldn`t have thought you would need 4 tubes as the malawi/mbuna setups don`t generally have plants so you wouldn`t need lots of light for that...
  7. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    Ahh, that`s probably my fault because I moved my photos on photobucket :look: :lol: You should be able to see all of my photos here:
  8. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    The petricola are a really nice addition to Malawi tanks, I have the dwarf petricola (lucipinnis) in my Tanganyikan setup as I love them so much. They move quick enough that the Malawi don`t really bother them :lol: They eat whatever the fish don`t get to, I feed mine premium granular and also...
  9. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    I`ll be interested to see how this all goes, it`s nice to see another member who is taken in by the colour and behaviour of the Malawi`s :good: I think kiriyama is in Scotland and I`m sure if he`s got some media he`d be happy to help out, I do know he`s been setting up some new tanks lately...
  10. elisew

    Cynotilapia Afra "jalo Reef"

    Only trouble with the whitetop likoma is that they look too similar to the mpangas and socolofi and I would like something that has different colouring :/
  11. elisew

    Cynotilapia Afra "jalo Reef"

    I really appreciate that Mark thanks, but only if you`d be happy with sending them, if you`re not then don`t worry about it :good: I check AC regularly but the Jalo Reef are very few and far between locally and most people unless they`re very experienced won`t post, which I can understand. I...
  12. elisew

    Cynotilapia Afra "jalo Reef"

    Fingers crossed eh? :hey: ;) :lol:
  13. elisew

    Cynotilapia Afra "jalo Reef"

    Can`t tell you how envious I am of you Mark :sick: :sick: :sick: :lol: :lol: :lol: Lovely colouring and it just confirms to me that as soon as I can get hold of some Jalo`s I`ll definitely be adding some to my tank too :good:
  14. elisew

    How Does Your Cichlid Tank Look

    I recently rescaped my tank, still not 100% happy with it as I`m still not used to seeing plants in there, but it`s better than it was. I`ve placed the slate so that it looks more 'natural' than it did which I think looks better than 'stacking and putting it in place' (if that makes sense?)
  15. elisew

    Id Please?

    Don`t think it`s a Cobalt Blue to be honest. Looks more like an Sp. Hara
  16. elisew

    All Dead Now!

    Oh no!! I`m really sorry :sad:
  17. elisew

    All Dead Now!

    Cool, nice one!! :good: :good: kiriyama will advise better than I with the cyp fry but i know with my malawi fry they need feeding 2-3 times a day with very small food i.e finely crushed flake and I do water changes every day or every other day of 50%. I personally wait until any of my...
  18. elisew

    Id Please?

    Hmm, either a cynotilapia or socolofi (I think)....looks a bit 'chubby' to be a soc though :unsure:
  19. elisew

    New Tank

    How big are your fish at the moment? As Mark says you need to get a bigger tank if you can, malawi/mbuna need a good sized tank to really thrive so a 5' would be great for them :good: IF the fish you have at the moment aren`t very big you should be ok but only on a temporary basis...
  20. elisew

    Is The Arcardia Arc 35L Tank Any Good?

    I had 3 Arc tanks because I love the simple but stylish look of them, 2X 35L tanks and 1X 20L. I had to sell the 35L`s though as we`re moving house soon but I still have the 20L tank for my Malawi/mbuna fry :good:
  21. elisew

    Krib Fry

    If you put a pinch of the finely crushed flake in with one hand and the normal food in with the other hand (at the same time), you`ll find that the other fish will go for the bigger food and will probably ignore the tiny bits :good:
  22. elisew

    New Tank

    You really do need to up the numbers, it`ll cut down on any potential aggression and also make them feel much more secure in their surroundings. The yellow labs would definitely need more adding as they do better when there`s more....6 of them for example. To make sure females don`t get...
  23. elisew

    Krib Fry

    Very, very, finely crushed flake is ok to feed to fry for the time being. Liquifry is meant to be pretty good as it`s miniscule and ideal for fry to feed on :good:
  24. elisew

    What To Put With Mbuna?

    A common would be ok with Mbuna I think but hopefully if I`m wrong someone will correct me. I really like the bn plecs, I personally wouldn`t have one of the commons because of their size, even in a 380L tank I think too much space would be taken up by a common.......valuable space for fish not...
  25. elisew

    What To Put With Mbuna?

    Mbuna need lots of small-med sized cave areas and I think bristlenose are generally suggested more because they don`t grow too big and are able to use the cave areas too :)
  26. elisew

    African Cichlids Suitable For Beginner?

    I should have picked up on that and asked you, when you said test 'kit' I presumed you meant the liquid kit and not strips :/
  27. elisew

    African Cichlids Suitable For Beginner?

    Good for African cichlids :good:
  28. elisew

    My Water Results- What Fish Can I Keep

    slightly softer and lower ph is better for 'normal tropicals' but the harder, higher ph is ideal for African cichlids. You won`t need limestone or crushed coral :good:
  29. elisew

    My Water Results- What Fish Can I Keep

    Suitable for African cichlids i.e malawi/mbuna :good:
  30. elisew

    Apisto Genders

    I think male and female :unsure: My females were only yellow when they were ready to spawn :good:
  31. elisew

    Test Kits

    I`ve used the API kits for a few years and have never had any problems with false readings with them :good:
  32. elisew

    Kribs First Spawning

    With all due respect and I`m sorry if you think I`m too harsh but.......why do you have a pair of Kribs if you don`t want them breeding? 29G isn`t a good size for all the fish you currently have. Maybe you would be better off rehoming the kribs or better still keeping just 2 females instead of...
  33. elisew

    Help! My Ciclid Has Amonia Poisoning.

    Why are you adding salt if you don`t know what`s wrong with him? Are you testing the water, if so please post the results. :unsure:
  34. elisew

    All Dead Now!

    Yep, congrats! :good: :good: She`s a bit dark under her chin which indicates she`s been holding for a while, any idea when they did 'the biz'? She looks like she`s been holding a bit longer than one of my females which is approx 2 weeks now so yours must be a bit longer I`d say. kiriyama...
  35. elisew

    What To Put With Mbuna?

    To put it bluntly.......No, snails will get usually attacked and eaten and loaches will likely be attacked and killed. Shrimp would be a nice snack :no: Synodontis petricola or multipunctatus and bristlenose plecs of a decent size are probably the best that can cope with aggression from mbuna.
  36. elisew

    Coral From Egypt

    We snorkelled at Ras Mohammed too and the instructors/reps told us that people breaking off bits of coral is just one of the reasons why a lot of the corals are dying or dead already, therefore no-one was permitted to take anything whether it be alive or already dead. Dead areas of coral are...
  37. elisew

    Very Shy Demasoni

    No worries :good: Try ebay for tanks, there are usually loads on there and they`ll be cheaper than looking at new tanks from shops. Try and go for the biggest you can afford ;)
  38. elisew

    Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mpulungu

    So 3 males and 1 female? It might be a good idea to try and swap 2 of the males for females if the opportunity ever arises, 1 female with 3 males will become harrassed and very stressed. Once the males become sexually mature they`ll become too much for 1 female to cope with :/
  39. elisew

    Coral From Egypt

    +1 We holidayed in Sharm a couple of years ago and it is illegal to bring coral out of Egypt whether the coral is dead or not. They`re very strict on it too so it`s not even worth taking the risk :no:
  40. elisew

    Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mpulungu

    Poor female :X :X :lol: Are you planning on adding some more females?