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  1. elisew

    Mbuna Id Please

    Thank you
  2. elisew

    Mbuna Id Please

    It's definitely the right link, page 3 onwards has photos of my fish, the pages might take a little while to load as there's a lot of pics but they're definitely on there :good:
  3. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I take it you like my fish then??!! :lol: :lol:
  4. elisew

    Mbuna Id Please

    The hardest part of setting up a Malawi or Mbuna tank is the compatibility of the fish. To be honest without being horrible, you really need to go to the shop, make a list of the fish you see and like and then ask on here. It could save you a lot of money and time in the long run to get it right...
  5. elisew

    Mbuna Id Please

    They do look like melanachromis johanni. One of the most aggressive of the African cichlids so you may possibly have made a bit of a boo boo adding these to your tank :look: It's not a cichlid I would have chosen for my tank as I believe these are more suitable for an experienced keeper...
  6. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Added 4 elongatus Mpanga, another 2 female Jacobfreibergi and another OB male to the tank:
  7. elisew

    Scarlet Badis In A Community Tank?

    I personally would say no to keeping them with a betta, others may think differently though, the neons otos and shrimp would be fine though. There's a long thread on the basis here...
  8. elisew

    Fish Room Project

    Lol@behave yourself!!! And you are how old??? :lol: :lol:
  9. elisew

    Water Testing Kits

    For that small amount extra it's silly not to get the API one. It's easy to use, make sure you read the booklet well if you're not sure but if you get stuck just ask :good:
  10. elisew

    Is Methylene Blue Safe To Use?

    There are reports that it could well have a detrimental affect on filter bacteria but I personally can't say one way or the other i'm afraid, sorry. For a bump, scrape or small flesh wound I personally would advise lots of clean water and keep an eye on the fish and the wound, using meds isn't...
  11. elisew

    Fish Room Project

    All change huh but a change is as good as a rest.....apparently :/. :lol: The FX5 is very easy to set up, won't take you long :good:
  12. elisew

    Scape Pics

    Looks lovely Ian, you've done a good job of that :good: :good:
  13. elisew

    Water Testing Kits

    Test strips won't give you an accurate reading, they'll be a complete waste of money. I'd strongly advise upping your budget by a fraction more and get the API master test kit, it's got a great reputation and I think most of the people who use this forum use this test kit :good: :good...
  14. elisew

    Opinions On Top Dwellers

    I found the Celebes Rainbowfish to be excellent top dwellers when I had my community tank. They`re lovely to look at and pretty busy but always peaceful :good: :good:
  15. elisew

    How To Net An Mbuna

    If you're concerned about him and can see there's a problem then yes I think you should put him into a separate/quarantine tank and see if he starts to eat and put on weight :good:
  16. elisew

    How To Net An Mbuna

    Erm, without seeming too blunt......if you don't want to disturb the rocks then it's unlikely you'll be able to catch him. You either want to catch him or you don't, simple really. Moving rocks or pulling out plants is all part and parcel of catching fish from a busy, decorated tank as many...
  17. elisew

    Do You Give Preventative Meds To New Fish?

    One of the most popular wormers is Kusuri Discus Wormer plus. It is/was used majoritively by Discus breeders but has a great reputation by many other fish keepers now. I had a problem a while ago with some leptosoma and bought some of that wormer. I had no idea that the fish had basically got...
  18. elisew

    Getting My Fish Did Not Go As Planned....

    All that waiting huh? :rolleyes: The first thing I would say is do not add Frontosa or similar Tanganyikans to a Malawi/Mbuna tank :no: Although Fronts etc can get to a size where you think they will cope being with aggressive fish, Fronts etc are actually known to be quite placid compared...
  19. elisew

    Fluval Fx5 Question

    I have just the sponges around the outside sections of the baskets and something called glasfoam (I think) in the centre of the baskets. Ceramics in the centre will do the same job. As the filter is so big I also have some extra bits of foam in the middle of the top basket just in case I need...
  20. elisew

    Noob Needs Help With Test Kit

    I'm really glad to hear that things are improving and congrats on the fry :good: Daily water changes will help massively while you're waiting for the test kit to arrive, please do post the results when you have them. Thanks for letting us know how you're getting on :)
  21. elisew

    Flicking Against Rocks

    I wouldn`t advise using any meds unless you can see definite signs of ich/whitespot :no: How long has your tank been running, is it fully cycled and what are the test results of your water please?
  22. elisew

    Water Testing Results

    Hmm, most of the time there will be a reading for Nitrates whether there are fish in the tank or not :unsure: Am I right in thinking you`re in the process of fishless cycling your tank? Are you going to be adding ammonia as is recommended in the beginners resource area?
  23. elisew

    Water Testing Results

    Well done on getting the kit but I find it a bit strange that your NO3 (Nitrate) is 0 :/ Have you used the High PH Range test bottle to find out how high your ph is? :unsure:
  24. elisew

    Something May Be Rong With My Swordtails

    How long has the tank been running and can you post the results of a water test? :unsure: It may possibly be a case of them just getting used to their new surroundings but it could also be the water quality. Although you say your other fish are ok, they could be used to the water whereas the...
  25. elisew

    Breeding Sword Tails

    I should also have said previously that you are now in what's called a 'fish-in cycle' which isn't great for your fish :/ Please have a read of the information at the following link on cycling your tank, at least then you'll have an idea of how best to do things with a new tank :)...
  26. elisew

    Saulosi's Mouth Brooding?

    From your description it does sound like the female is holding :good: One of my female pseudotropheus neon spot is holding, this is how 'swollen' they look under the chin:
  27. elisew

    I Got Fry

    I`m absolutely chuffed to bits for you! :good: :good: As doresy says....PICTURES!! :lol: :lol:
  28. elisew

    Breeding Sword Tails

    You really need to look at either rehoming the swordtails you have or buying a bigger tank if you intend to keep them :/
  29. elisew

    Breeding Sword Tails

    Hi, Firstly, what size tank do you have and how long has it been running? Secondly, Swordtails are prolific breeders and you should have at least 2 or 3 females for each male otherwise a single female will get very harassed. Do please be aware that you are likely to end up with lots and lots...
  30. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I picked up some slate today for the Malawi tank and have done a rough layout of how I was thinking of arranging it in the tank, I`d really appreciate some opinions on the layout please on whether it looks like it would be ok? Left side -----> right side (along back of tank) Left side...
  31. elisew

    Hello Everyone

    Hi and welcome to TFF. :good: It felt a bit strange when I saw your username as my Husband calls me the Fish Whisperer all the time :unsure: :lol: :lol:
  32. elisew

    Plecs In Tang Tank

    Ahh marine, very nice but an expensive choice :X :lol: The ventralis and cyps may hit the pocket hard but they`ll be worth it, I`m sure you`ll be able to get some bn plecs cheap enough when the time is right ;)
  33. elisew

    Plecs In Tang Tank

    Hmm, that`s expensive for bristlenose imo. You really don`t need to be looking at buying a 'pair' unless you intend to try and breed them, then you get into a completely different scenario trying to get requirements and conditions right :/ Up to you but I think you could find cheaper...
  34. elisew

    Zebra Danio Anti Social?

    Well you had the best intentions ;) Add another 3 danios but if you`re worried about the water quality just test daily or on alternate days to put your mind at rest but you`ll find it`ll be fine. I can`t and won`t argue with Kitty Kat`s advice on the stocking of your tank because I don`t know...
  35. elisew

    Zebra Danio Anti Social?

    What size is your tank? Danios really need to be kept in larger numbers so as to avoid the problems you`re experiencing. If you can I would advise you to add at least another 3 :)
  36. elisew

    Plecs In Tang Tank

    I don`t think the bristlenose plecs have an 'L' number and I think the LDA16 are the longfin plecos :unsure: A good place to have a look at some really good profiles is ;)
  37. elisew

    Orange Algae Help

    Where is your ammonia reading? :unsure:
  38. elisew

    Fluval 305

    It was the main seal where the top fits to the cannister, they`re cheap and easy enough to get hold of ;)
  39. elisew

    Fluval 305

    I`ve used the fluvals and now have the FX5, never had any trouble with any of them except for the seal that had to be replaced on the 305, mind you it was second hand when I bought it. I guess there are going to be opinions for and against but I personally have stuck with Fluvals for quite some...
  40. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Thanks :D The male does look even more gorgeous when he`s displaying. Since him and his missis did the business he`s trying his hardest to flirt with her again but as she`s holding now she`s having none of it :lol: :lol: I`ve just ordered another 2x female Jacobs from Tony, it`ll keep the...