Water Testing Kits


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
peteborough, cambs, uk
i am looking at getting a water test kit !
i have been looking on ebay for one but cant make my mind up what would be the best ?
i have a max of £20.00 to spend

I need a new test kit as i tiped mind over and lose the lot :crazy:

found these ones




do you think any of these would be any good got to be better than none ! :/
Test strips won't give you an accurate reading, they'll be a complete waste of money.

I'd strongly advise upping your budget by a fraction more and get the API master test kit, it's got a great reputation and I think most of the people who use this forum use this test kit :good: :good:

Definitely not the strip kits, they're not accurate and a waste of money.

I use that nutrafin drop kit, very good, reliable results. When it eventually runs out though, I'll get the API one.
many thanks
just order http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260669737422&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT

was only £1.45 more :hyper: was looking at replacing mine that was £40 cant beleave i knocked it over should not try doing water changes so late in the day !

thanks for your help
For that small amount extra it's silly not to get the API one. It's easy to use, make sure you read the booklet well if you're not sure but if you get stuck just ask :good:
Another vote for the API freshwater master test kit. It's worth every penny.

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