Search results

  1. Frollickyfish

    4 Pure White Ct's For Sale On Aquabid

    :hyper: :drool: :hyper: :drool:
  2. Frollickyfish

    For Sale?

    I may have in a few months as my CTs have just spawned. Heres the link to the post:
  3. Frollickyfish

    Looking For A Really Nice Male Betta

    Where abouts in the UK are you?
  4. Frollickyfish

    My Ct Spawn

    Ive counted at least 70 alive and well today. :good:
  5. Frollickyfish

    My Ct Spawn

    Cant get any pics yet as my camera isnt up to it but they are really white, not like the dark ones Im used too. Bet they are going to be gorgeous just wish they would hurry up and grow! :drool:
  6. Frollickyfish

    Meet Oberon's Brother Puck!

    He was a bit shy at first but hes eaten a load of blood worms and done a few poos and now seems pretty confident so its looking good! :good: Going to wait a week or so and then condition them both- really cant wait! :hyper:
  7. Frollickyfish

    New Male

    Hes beautiful! :drool: :hyper:
  8. Frollickyfish

    Meet Oberon's Brother Puck!

    Yes Im going to spawn him with his sister- Cant wait for all the baby coppers!
  9. Frollickyfish

    My Ct Spawn

    Last week I bought a beautiful CT male (Ribbons) from Modaz and decided to spawn him with my CT Cambo female(Frills) who was already very eggy. I put her in the breeding trap and he build his nest straight away. I left the room for a few mins and when I came back she had managed to jump through...
  10. Frollickyfish

    Meet Oberon's Brother Puck!

    Got Puck from Netty this morning and he is sooooo gorgeous! Unfortunately as my camera is quite old and he wont stay still for long enough I havent managed to get a decent photo of him yet but thought Id share the best one so far!:
  11. Frollickyfish

    How Many Can You Count Lol

    Wow there are loads :hyper: Gonna have to have a couple off you lol! :drool:
  12. Frollickyfish

    Boy Or Girl?

    They are gorgeous and it looks like Loki's fins have grown a bit. :drool: Im getting one of his brothers tomorrow to spawn Oberon with- cant wait! :hyper:
  13. Frollickyfish

    Boy Or Girl?

    Cant wait to see the picks of Oberons brother :good:
  14. Frollickyfish

    Help Me Sex These Two New Bettas

    Im not exactly an expert but I would say he is a very gorgeous male PK. :good:
  15. Frollickyfish

    How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

    Have you tried him with bloodworm? I fhe wont eat that then maybe he is ill. As for peas just boil them for a couple of mins, let them cool, remove the outer shell bit or skin and then break it up between your fingers so its in small soft pieces. :good:
  16. Frollickyfish

    Forest Got Better!

    Well done :good: Think we need a photo to celebrate! Good luck with the interview. :)
  17. Frollickyfish

    Where Can I Buy Pygmy Corys?

    Thanks for the suggestions. :good: Gonna ask my LFS tomorrow if he can get me some in and if not I will order them off ####. RachelX
  18. Frollickyfish

    Where Can I Buy Pygmy Corys?

    Is anyone selling any Pygmy Corys or know where I can get some from please as I cant find any locally. :sad: Thanks- RachelX
  19. Frollickyfish

    Male And Female Together?

    I suppose it depends on the individual Bettas although generally I think it probably wouldnt work and having seen what they can do to each other I wouldnt risk my fish's health or lives to try.
  20. Frollickyfish

    So Sorry For Another "male Or Female" Thread!

    Have to say it looks very much like a full flare to me!
  21. Frollickyfish

    Boy Or Girl?

    Thats great and Im sure Netty will be pleased lol! :lol: :lol:
  22. Frollickyfish

    So Sorry For Another "male Or Female" Thread!

    Well if its a her then she may well have been just trying to get back her place in the pack (ok I know fish dont live in packs lol!), however if she does have a full flare all the way round then she is definitely male lol! Id put her in a jar or breeding trap in with your male and fill her full...
  23. Frollickyfish

    Which One Do You Think Is Best?

    Have to agree! Das's are the best Ive tried. :good:
  24. Frollickyfish

    Baby Hm With No Ventricals

    Thanks for the advice. :good: Im off to my LFS in the morning then!
  25. Frollickyfish

    Baby Hm With No Ventricals

    Will the cory eat the fry though?
  26. Frollickyfish

    Help Me Sex These Two New Bettas

    If there are several females in the tank already and as they are new they may not be acting as aggressive males yet. Ive had what I thought were females in with my other females and it was a couple of weeks before they became aggressive so be carefull! They do look like they may be male PKs to...
  27. Frollickyfish

    Baby Hm With No Ventricals

    I have four 8 week old PK/VT crosses and neither of them appear to have ventricals either! :S
  28. Frollickyfish

    Me Thinks Someones Dreaming?

    Yeah I saw them too! I reckon the person knows little about them but has seen how much the other tail types go for not realising they are different and then has thought he can make a bit when hes seen them for a couple of quid in his LFS lol! :rolleyes:
  29. Frollickyfish

    Live Chat On Male/female Betta Sexing

    I would but Im Knackered and besides the sooner I go to sleep the sooner I get my parcel from you in the morning lol! :hyper:
  30. Frollickyfish

    Boy Or Girl?

    Lol well Oberon turned into a girl when I put her in with a female to breed. First she started doing a very manly dance and then blew a bubble nest but then I realised she didnt have a full flare and then she started dropping eggs! Ive put her in with my other girls now but with her long fins...
  31. Frollickyfish

    Forest Sick! Bad Dropsy!

    Eating is hopefully a good sign though :good:
  32. Frollickyfish

    Male Or Female?

    Well at least you have a good excuse to go out and buy another male now lol! :hyper:
  33. Frollickyfish

    Look At This Bowl!

    Quite agree but there will always be people who are new to the forums and to Bettas who will come across such things for the first time so maybe we should be a little more understanding when people post about something which has upset them.
  34. Frollickyfish

    Look At This Bowl!

    Thats just so disgusting. Unfortunately lots of people seem to see Bettas as ornaments rather than animals. :angry:
  35. Frollickyfish

    What Happened To My Female Fighter Fish :(

    I think the trap was good advice as Bettas breathe air from the surface and when they are poorly they prefer shallower waters to make it easier for them to get to the top. I would do a large water change but not sure whether to treat the tank or not.
  36. Frollickyfish

    My Betta

    Ah bless! They are real little characters arnt they! Id pop a thermometer in his tank to check what the temperature is to make sure and if it is too cold then get him a 25w heater. If hes in a hot room them you probably wont need one but best to make sure. :good:
  37. Frollickyfish

    My Betta

    Hes lovely, Ive got one very similar to him. Im 100% sure they recognise their owners. :good:
  38. Frollickyfish

    Male Or Female?

    Id suggest doing what Netty says as its the only way to know for sure!
  39. Frollickyfish

    My New Rescue

    Hes beautiful well done! :good:
  40. Frollickyfish

    Heads Up

    Didnt even know they had one there! My ex husband is living on the outskirts so have never ventured further than there lol! Wont mind taking the kids over now when he cant afford the petrol to come and collect them Lol! :hyper: