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  1. constantine03

    New Girls

    Very nice coloration. IMO- all are VT females.
  2. constantine03

    Crazy Keep-more-fish Scheme #537

    It's really difficult for me to imagine what you're saying. I'd need a picture of said pebbles. Are you planning to glue them to a background of some sort, or just pebble to pebble? I imagine pebbles as little penny sized rocks...hmm... Anyway, I don't think it's a good idea to leave spaces...
  3. constantine03

    What Type Of Betta?

    Yes, if it is that new that it has 12 MP, it has to have a macro mode somewhere. You may need to get your booklet out and search through the menu to find it.
  4. constantine03

    I Think I'm Going To Attempt Breeding Bettas Again This Summer

    DT is recessive...VT is dominant. You likely would not see any DTs until later generations bred back to the DT you started with unless the other mate has some recessive DT genes you are unaware of. As far as the CT goes...I cannot imagine that being a very desirable tail type. You would...
  5. constantine03

    What Type Of Betta?

    Sorry, Paul, but he is 100% VT. Can tell even with the blurry pics.
  6. constantine03

    What Type Of Betta?

    Oh, if that's white after the blue, that's normal. I couldn't really tell b/c the pics were blurry. I use the macro mode (usually looks like a little flower) on my camera to get clear shots.
  7. constantine03

    What Type Of Betta?

    Nice blue VT. Looks like he may have a bit of fin damage. A little salt, melafix, and water changes should help that. :good:
  8. constantine03

    I Think I'm Going To Attempt Breeding Bettas Again This Summer

    You likely wouldn't get combtails until later generations of back breeding. Petsmart has had plenty of female CTs lately. The best advice I have for making sure the male doesn't eat the eggs is to make sure he is very well conditioned. If he's been conditioned properly for at least two weeks...
  9. constantine03

    Update {{pics}}

    Good God people. Stop being such childish little know-it-alls. I think all your fish are lovely. Just be sure you're keeping up with the water changes with aged water that's at the same temperature and you shouldn't have to worry about any stressed fish. I agree that having some form of a...
  10. constantine03


    I don't use stress coat. Just salt and melafix. Stress coat affects the water parameters...don't think it's necessary.
  11. constantine03


    Two of my males have decided to eat their fins. The regrowth on one of the males fins has started growing somewhat oddly. I don't know if anyone else has any experience with this, or if it's normal, but the new growth is splitting into new rays at the points where he bit them down to. Is that...
  12. constantine03

    My New Betta

    Hard to tell the tail type without a pic of him in full flare, but he looks HM and possibly rose tail.
  13. constantine03

    Where Can I Find A Pink Betta?

    Where are you located? My local Petsmart had a few pink dalmation VTs.
  14. constantine03

    Not My Usual Question But......

    IMO, it looks female.
  15. constantine03

    What To Feed My Betta?

    You should only feed a few worms per one cube at a feeding is def. too much for three bettas. They should last an extra day in the refrigerator.
  16. constantine03

    I Got A New Fish!

    Melafix can't hurt. I'd put a bit of aquarium salt in as well. Those two with frequent water changes should help the fin regrowth and won't harm him at all.
  17. constantine03

    What To Feed My Betta?

    It's the main source of nutrition for my bettas and they love it. I buy it in the frozen cubes, thaw it out, and give them a few a couple times a day. They jump for it. It's good for conditioning as it's high in protein.
  18. constantine03

    It's No Use, I Can't Cope

    ^^ I was just about to suggest the same thing. I bought one of the python no drip fill things and it works great for refilling my 55 gallon (which I currently use to age my water...what a waste!) without lifting anything. It suctions and refills- but if you use it to refill you put straight...
  19. constantine03

    Damaged Fins - Remedies

    From that picture, I don't think you have any fin rot. I think that's just his color. Still, melafix and salt won't hurt him. :)
  20. constantine03

    Fighters Breeding

    Uh...what?! You have males and females together in a tank? Multiple ones? What's the set up? Are you trying to make them breed, or (God forbid) fight?!
  21. constantine03

    Bettas, Bettas, Bettas

    BUMP- I tried to get some new pictures... Red Orange Multi Copper- Note his fins from an attempted spawn. The female was not ready. Siblings: Blue DT tourq- Fins healing nicely Metallic Butterfly? Females- small nips on fins HM Female- Fins nipped from...
  22. constantine03

    I'm Gettin' New Fishes!

    They left Thailand last night, so should be in Colorado tomorrow...guess that means they should be here by weeks end!
  23. constantine03

    My Dt Guy Passed. :(

    I had posted about him last week. I had drill with my Guard unit, and had a friend come take care of the fish. She said she only fed a couple BS one of the three days I was gone. Still, when I came back he couldn't swim right and seemed to be having swim bladder issues. I put him in a...
  24. constantine03

    Second Adopted Betta Not Far Off Healed Now Yay

    Hmm...formaldehyde? I can't imagine giving that to my fish. Must be a very very small dose, and defo not the active ingredient.
  25. constantine03

    Ugly Female!

    What's ugly about her? If she has undesirable traits, then I would not spawn her. Obviously when the genes recombine and form the babies, it's part of mom and part of, in a nutshell, yes. If she's ugly, she'll probably have babies that are similar, and ugly. You should always try to...
  26. constantine03

    Okay, I Really Need To Find New Homes For Some Of My Fish

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not stranger to's one of my daily sites...okay, maybe 10x daily sites...but I worry being in a college town with bettas. 40,000 students and the vast majority only wants to see them fight. :(
  27. constantine03

    I'm Gettin' New Fishes!

    That's interesting. I'll ask Kit. I'm curious to see what I'll get too. I may get red and blues from the first spawn, but at least I'll have a nice enough female to cross them back to and try and get the MG with for the F2 if something doesn't work out with the guy.
  28. constantine03

    I'm Gettin' New Fishes!

    He is. I've had him for a couple months. I'm really kind of disappointed in him though. He's gradually eaten all those long beautiful fins away to nothing. :| Nothing I do makes him stop. I moved him into his own tank, and he still did it. I put tons of plants in, and still... I don't...
  29. constantine03

    I'm Gettin' New Fishes!

    (This is why I need to find homes for my other guys!) Weeee! I saw these fish on ebay, and just could NOT resist. I never received the MG female I had for my MG male, so I HAD to get them, and then I grabbed a female to go with my yellow male. My current yellow female hasn't shown any...
  30. constantine03

    Second Adopted Betta Not Far Off Healed Now Yay

    5teady, what's the active ingredient listed in myxazin?
  31. constantine03

    Please Help

    And to add about the freezing water... euthanasia is always a hot topic, but let's not get so heated about it! :) There's a lot of debate about this. Devon_charm, I don't believe she meant to freeze the betta, but rather to put it in freezing water. This kind of method is used to throw the...
  32. constantine03

    Please Help

    Honestly, I think that looks like Ascites. Ascites is caused by (hepatic) portal hypertension-- non-properly functioning liver...causes a back up in the system which makes fluids leak into the peritoneum. Something has to cause the liver to fail to have this...cancer, hep c, and over feeding of...
  33. constantine03

    Okay, I Really Need To Find New Homes For Some Of My Fish

    Okie's the link: I'm afraid of putting them on CL. I live in a college town-- so I think a lot of ornery people would respond and get them just to watch them fight. :|
  34. constantine03

    New Home For My Fish

    I would just take the betta out and put him in a jar with some of the tank water, then clean the tank like normal, with a vacuum...unless you're using sand. If sand and you're using a vacuum, push down on it a bit to get the gunk floating, then suck it out with the vacuum. You don't actually...
  35. constantine03

    Omg My 3rd And 4th Favorite Of Aquabid!

    When you're looking at fish online, you have to understand that they MUST be shipped in a styrofoam box to keep them insulated and prevent over heating/cooling. That plus the price of getting a fish sent quickly enough to make it to you without putting excess stress on the fish, or killing it...
  36. constantine03

    New Home For My Fish

    An uncycled tank will be fine for your betta. A lot of people don't use a filter at all and must do 100% water changes a few times a week, so, obviously the fish can live in an uncycled tank. Bettas can breath under the water, but they're surface breathers so don't really need the airation in...
  37. constantine03

    Omg My 3rd And 4th Favorite Of Aquabid!

    I saw him, and I've gotta say, I was a bit shocked that bidding went so high on that particular fish. He had a bit of a spoon head, and his fins weren't very even. He did have nice coloration though, I'll give him that.
  38. constantine03

    Okay, I Really Need To Find New Homes For Some Of My Fish

    Well, I did it. I posted them all in the buy, sell, and swap section. :| At least if someone on here buys them, I know they'll be going to good homes.
  39. constantine03

    Bettas, Bettas, Bettas

    I apologize for the U.S. only bit, but I don't know how to ship overseas and don't want to risk getting into trouble/dead fish. SO- that being said, I have 6 males that need new homes, and 4 females. All but one female is available for $5 per fish, plus shipping fees. Right now I think it's...
  40. constantine03

    Okay, I Really Need To Find New Homes For Some Of My Fish

    I keep putting off finding new homes for the little guys because I really enjoy looking at them so much, and only want the best homes for them...but really...I want to concentrate on three pairs that I have, and I need room to buy some new I think I'm going to let them go. Why is...